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Spring Rate Limiter

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A Spring rate limiter

The Goal

Flydown provides a rate limiter based on the AOP technology. It mainly relies on in-memory data store to efficiently rate all the potential threats for your system.

With Flydown you'll be able to limit:

  • the principal obtained by the securityContextHolder
  • any parameter contained in the signature of the annotated method
  • any variable you want to insert in the flydown request context

Let's say you have to manage the public APIs of a social network. Of course you want to limit any malicious behaviour. Add these few lines to our spring xml configuration file

<bean id="memoryRateCache" class="org.encos.flydown.limiters.cache.impl.InMemoryRateCache"/>

<bean class="org.encos.flydown.Flydown">
    <property name="rateCache" ref="memoryRateCache"/>

Principal Rating

You don't want a user to insert more than 5 comments in one minute. If this behaviour is detected the user has to be stopped temporarily from inserting comments in the platform. Let's give him a 5 minutes break. Here's what you can do:

@RequestRate(value = FlydownIdentifier.PRINCIPAL,
        max = 5, range = 60000,
        suspendFor = 36000)
public void commentPost(int postId, String comment) {
  // the principal does something

Parameter Rating

You don't want a user to receive be sent more than 1 SMS a minute if he/her forgets his credentials. The same number can't receive more than 1 sms a minute. If a second request comes into the system in this range, all the SMS to this number are blocked for 5 minutes.

@RequestRate(value = FlydownIdentifier.PARAM, paramIndex = 0,
        max = 1, range = 60000,
        suspendFor = 36000))
public void sendSms(String phoneNumber){
  //send an sms to the phone number

Flydown Context Rating

Let's say you don't want to learn how to use nginx and you want to set up a (temporary) IP rating limiting the access to one of you APIs.

IRateCache rateCache;

@RequestRate(value = FlydownIdentifier.CONTEXT_VAR, contextKey = "IP")
public void doSomething(HttpRequest request) {
  String currentIp = MyUtils.getIp(request);
  rateCache.addToContext("IP", currentIp);
  //do something

Rating Exception

Requests might not be the only thing you want to limit. A malicious behaviour can be detected and announced also by a java exception.

@ExceptionRate(value = FlydownIdentifier.PRINCIPAL,
        max = 1, range = 60000,
        suspendFor = 36000, exception=BadLanguageException.class)
public void commentPost(int postId, String comment) {
  // the principal does something

Default values

You might also want to set default values for most of your Request/Exception Rate, this can be done through the flydown properties:

<bean class="org.encos.flydown.Flydown">
    <property name="rateCache" ref="memoryRateCache"/>
    <property name="flydownProperties">
            <prop key="flydown.requests.limit">10</prop>
            <prop key="flydown.interval.time">10000</prop>
            <prop key="flydown.suspension.time">36000</prop>

So that your annotations become more readable:

@RequestRate(value = FlydownIdentifier.PRINCIPAL)
public void commentPost(int postId, String comment) {
  // the principal does something

Available Caches

  • InMemoryRateCache is a dummy implementation of a key/value store
  • RedisRatingCache the cache implementation relying on redis

To be implemented

  • EhCacheRatingCache the cache implementation relying on ehcache

Any others? There's just an interface to implement :)

What's missing?

Mainly time! Any help or suggestions are welcome!


an AOP based spring rate limiter








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