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Getting started

Daniil edited this page Feb 1, 2016 · 1 revision


Simply type:

pip install inquisitor

Or if you want to use pandas converter as well:

pip install inquisitor[pandas]

Usage examples


inquisitor = Inquisitor("your_token")

Where your_token is your [](Inquirim API key). Now you can use inquisitor to access API methods.


You can filter series by ticker, dataset, or by search terms:

inqusitior.series(self, page=1, ticker=None, search="growth", dataset="RAIL_TF_HAUTYPE", expand="both", geography="Austria")

This will return generator object with list of results. If page argument is None generator object will try to load one page after another:

for data in inquisitor.series(geography="France"):
    print data.ticker

This example will load all series for specified query and make as much API queries as needed.

Exception handling

inqusitior will raise inquisitor.ApiException every time server respond with unexpected error.

except ApiException:
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