My friend Max told me that he betted with his friend on his friend being able to find a girlfriend in a semester with 100 dollars at stake. And I feel like friends make bets all the time. So why not just make a wager app where you can make a bet on everything with virtual money?
- Create bets on everything
- Use virtual money to place bets
- See other people's bets and join if you like
- Leaderboard shows everybody's bets history and current virtual money amount ## How we built it SwiftUI
Ran out of time to finish backend and some features we wanted to implement
We used Path and Shape to draw some pesudo 3d objects in Swift and that's so cool!
- Pressure galvanized us to be productive 🚀🚀🚀
Finish backend Finish features we haven't had a chance to implement like allowing friends to create friend-group specific wager and let leaderboard show everybody's bet history.
To run the app, simply clone this project to your local device and run it on Xcode. Alternatively, you could directly download this repo as a zip folder and proceed.