Follow-Up Feature: Icon-Enablement with Rasterization of SVGs #1647
Jenkins - Eclipse Platform Releng / Jenkins
Jan 7, 2025 in 3m 0s
Build: error in 'junit' step
Build / Shell Script
Error in sh
step, with arguments mvn clean verify --batch-mode --threads 1C -V -U -e -DforkCount=0 -Papi-check -Dcompare-version-with-baselines.skip=false -Dorg.eclipse.swt.tests.junit.disable.test_isLocal=true -Dmaven.test.failure.ignore=true -Dmaven.test.error.ignore=true
script returned exit code 1
Build log
[2025-01-07T08:35:49.661Z] + mvn clean verify --batch-mode --threads 1C -V -U -e -DforkCount=0 -Papi-check -Dcompare-version-with-baselines.skip=false -Dorg.eclipse.swt.tests.junit.disable.test_isLocal=true -Dmaven.test.failure.ignore=true -Dmaven.test.error.ignore=true
[2025-01-07T08:35:49.919Z] Apache Maven 3.9.9 (8e8579a9e76f7d015ee5ec7bfcdc97d260186937)
[2025-01-07T08:35:49.919Z] Maven home: /opt/tools/apache-maven/latest
[2025-01-07T08:35:49.919Z] Java version: 21.0.5, vendor: Eclipse Adoptium, runtime: /opt/tools/java/temurin/jdk-21/jdk-21.0.5+11
[2025-01-07T08:35:49.919Z] Default locale: en_US, platform encoding: UTF-8
[2025-01-07T08:35:49.919Z] OS name: "linux", version: "6.6.9-200.fc39.x86_64", arch: "amd64", family: "unix"
[2025-01-07T08:35:54.108Z] [INFO] Error stacktraces are turned on.
[2025-01-07T08:35:54.108Z] [INFO] Scanning for projects...
[2025-01-07T08:35:56.646Z] [INFO] Tycho Version: 4.0.11-SNAPSHOT (6d8165ff40b1dfa5e125277137a5ab664d556339)
[2025-01-07T08:35:56.646Z] [INFO] Tycho Mode: extension
[2025-01-07T08:35:56.646Z] [INFO] Tycho Builder: smart
[2025-01-07T08:35:56.646Z] [INFO] Build Threads: 2
[2025-01-07T08:36:04.738Z] [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[2025-01-07T08:36:04.738Z] [INFO] Reactor Build Order:
[2025-01-07T08:36:04.738Z] [INFO]
[2025-01-07T08:36:04.738Z] [INFO] eclipse.platform.swt [pom]
[2025-01-07T08:36:04.738Z] [INFO] org.eclipse.swt [eclipse-plugin]
[2025-01-07T08:36:04.738Z] [INFO] [aggregator] bundles [pom]
[2025-01-07T08:36:04.738Z] [INFO] [bundle] SvgPlugin [eclipse-plugin]
[2025-01-07T08:36:04.739Z] [INFO] eclipse.platform.swt.binaries [pom]
[2025-01-07T08:36:04.739Z] [INFO] [bundle] Standard Widget Toolkit for GTK on ppc64le [eclipse-plugin]
[2025-01-07T08:36:04.739Z] [INFO] [bundle] Standard Widget Toolkit for GTK on x86_64 [eclipse-plugin]
[2025-01-07T08:36:04.739Z] [INFO] org.eclipse.swt.fragments.localbuild [eclipse-plugin]
[2025-01-07T08:36:04.739Z] [INFO] [bundle] SWT Tools Base [eclipse-plugin]
[2025-01-07T08:36:04.739Z] [INFO] [bundle] SWT Tools Spy [eclipse-plugin]
[2025-01-07T08:36:04.739Z] [INFO] [bundle] SWT Tools [eclipse-plugin]
[2025-01-07T08:36:04.739Z] [INFO] [bundle] Standard Widget Toolkit for Mac OS X (Cocoa) on x86_64 [eclipse-plugin]
[2025-01-07T08:36:04.739Z] [INFO] [bundle] Standard Widget Toolkit for Mac OS X (Cocoa) on aarch64 [eclipse-plugin]
[2025-01-07T08:36:04.739Z] [INFO] [bundle] Standard Widget Toolkit for GTK on aarch64 [eclipse-plugin]
[2025-01-07T08:36:04.739Z] [INFO] [bundle] Standard Widget Toolkit for GTK on riscv64 [eclipse-plugin]
[2025-01-07T08:36:04.739Z] [INFO] [bundle] Standard Widget Toolkit for Windows on aarch64 [eclipse-plugin]
[2025-01-07T08:36:04.739Z] [INFO] [bundle] Standard Widget Toolkit for Windows on x86_64 [eclipse-plugin]
[2025-01-07T08:36:04.739Z] [INFO] [bundle] SWT Standalone Examples Plugin [eclipse-plugin]
[2025-01-07T08:36:04.739Z] [INFO] [bundle] SWT Browser Demos Plugin [eclipse-plugin]
[2025-01-07T08:36:04.739Z] [INFO] [bundle] SWT Launcher Example Plugin [eclipse-plugin]
[2025-01-07T08:36:04.739Z] [INFO] org.eclipse.swt.examples.ole.win32 [eclipse-plugin]
[2025-01-07T08:36:04.739Z] [INFO] [bundle] SWT Views Example Plugin [eclipse-plugin]
[2025-01-07T08:36:04.739Z] [INFO] org.eclipse.swt.tests [eclipse-test-plugin]
[2025-01-07T08:36:04.739Z] [INFO] [feature] SWT Tools [eclipse-feature]
[2025-01-07T08:36:04.739Z] [INFO] [test-bundle] Eclipse SWT Tests Linux/gtk [eclipse-test-plugin]
[2025-01-07T08:36:04.739Z] [INFO]
[2025-01-07T08:36:04.739Z] [INFO] Using the SmartBuilder implementation with a thread count of 2
[2025-01-07T08:36:04.739Z] [INFO]
[2025-01-07T08:36:04.739Z] [INFO] -------------< eclipse.platform.swt:eclipse.platform.swt >--------------
[2025-01-07T08:36:04.739Z] [INFO] Building eclipse.platform.swt 4.35.0-SNAPSHOT [1/25]
[2025-01-07T08:36:04.739Z] [INFO] from pom.xml
[2025-01-07T08:36:04.739Z] [INFO] --------------------------------[ pom ]---------------------------------
[2025-01-07T08:36:04.739Z] [INFO]
[2025-01-07T08:36:04.739Z] [INFO] --- clean:3.4.0:clean (default-clean) @ eclipse.platform.swt ---
[2025-01-07T08:36:04.739Z] [INFO]
[2025-01-07T08:36:04.739Z] [INFO] --- resources:3.3.1:copy-resources (saveproperties) @ eclipse.platform.swt ---
[2025-01-07T08:36:04.739Z] [INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/eclipse.platform.swt_PR-1647/eclipse.platform.swt/saveproperties
[2025-01-07T08:36:04.739Z] [INFO]
[2025-01-07T08:36:04.739Z] [INFO] --- enforcer:3.5.0:enforce (enforce-maven) @ eclipse.platform.swt ---
[2025-01-07T08:36:04.739Z] [INFO] Rule 0: org.apache.maven.enforcer.rules.version.RequireMavenVersion passed
[2025-01-07T08:36:04.739Z] [INFO]
[2025-01-07T08:36:04.739Z] [INFO] --- resources:3.3.1:resources (filter-resources) @ eclipse.platform.swt ---
[2025-01-07T08:36:04.739Z] [INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/eclipse.platform.swt_PR-1647/eclipse.platform.swt/src/main/resources
[2025-01-07T08:36:04.739Z] [INFO]
[2025-01-07T08:36:04.739Z] [INFO] --- tycho-apitools:4.0.11-SNAPSHOT:generate (generate) @ eclipse.platform.swt ---
[2025-01-07T08:36:04.739Z] [INFO]
[2025-01-07T08:36:04.739Z] [INFO] --- tycho-source:4.0.11-SNAPSHOT:plugin-source (plugin-source) @ eclipse.platform.swt ---
[2025-01-07T08:36:04.739Z] [INFO]
[2025-01-07T08:36:04.739Z] [INFO] --- tycho-p2-extras:4.0.11-SNAPSHOT:compare-version-with-baselines (compare-attached-artifacts-with-release) @ eclipse.platform.swt ---
[2025-01-07T08:36:04.739Z] [INFO]
[2025-01-07T08:36:04.739Z] [INFO] --- tycho-apitools:4.0.11-SNAPSHOT:verify (verify) @ eclipse.platform.swt ---
[2025-01-07T08:36:04.739Z] [INFO]
[2025-01-07T08:36:04.739Z] [INFO]
[2025-01-07T08:36:04.739Z] [INFO] -----------< org.eclipse.swt:eclipse.platform.swt.binaries >------------
[2025-01-07T08:36:04.739Z] [INFO] ------------------< org.eclipse.swt:org.eclipse.swt >-------------------
[2025-01-07T08:36:04.739Z] [INFO] Building eclipse.platform.swt.binaries 4.35.0-SNAPSHOT [2/25]
[2025-01-07T08:36:04.739Z] [INFO] Building org.eclipse.swt 3.129.0-SNAPSHOT [3/25]
[2025-01-07T08:36:04.739Z] [INFO] from binaries/pom.xml
[2025-01-07T08:36:04.739Z] [INFO] from bundles/org.eclipse.swt/pom.xml
[2025-01-07T08:36:04.739Z] [INFO] --------------------------------[ pom ]---------------------------------
[2025-01-07T08:36:04.739Z] [INFO] ---------------------------[ eclipse-plugin ]---------------------------
[2025-01-07T08:36:04.739Z] [INFO]
[2025-01-07T08:36:04.739Z] [INFO] --- clean:3.4.0:clean (default-clean) @ eclipse.platform.swt.binaries ---
[2025-01-07T08:36:04.739Z] [INFO]
[2025-01-07T08:36:04.739Z] [INFO] --- resources:3.3.1:copy-resources (saveproperties) @ eclipse.platform.swt.binaries ---
[2025-01-07T08:36:04.739Z] [INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/eclipse.platform.swt_PR-1647/eclipse.platform.swt/binaries/saveproperties
[2025-01-07T08:36:04.739Z] [INFO]
[2025-01-07T08:36:04.739Z] [INFO] --- enforcer:3.5.0:enforce (enforce-maven) @ eclipse.platform.swt.binaries ---
[2025-01-07T08:36:04.739Z] [INFO]
[2025-01-07T08:36:04.739Z] [INFO] --- resources:3.3.1:resources (filter-resources) @ eclipse.platform.swt.binaries ---
[2025-01-07T08:36:04.739Z] [INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/eclipse.platform.swt_PR-1647/eclipse.platform.swt/binaries/src/main/resources
[2025-01-07T08:36:04.739Z] [INFO]
[2025-01-07T08:36:04.739Z] [INFO] --- tycho-apitools:4.0.11-SNAPSHOT:generate (generate) @ eclipse.platform.swt.binaries ---
[2025-01-07T08:36:04.739Z] [INFO]
[2025-01-07T08:36:04.739Z] [INFO] --- surefire:3.5.2:test (execute-tests) @ eclipse.platform.swt.binaries ---
[2025-01-07T08:36:05.301Z] [INFO] No tests to run.
[2025-01-07T08:36:05.301Z] [INFO]
[2025-01-07T08:36:05.301Z] [INFO] --- tycho-source:4.0.11-SNAPSHOT:plugin-source (plugin-source) @ eclipse.platform.swt.binaries ---
[2025-01-07T08:36:05.301Z] [INFO]
[2025-01-07T08:36:05.301Z] [INFO] --- tycho-p2-extras:4.0.11-SNAPSHOT:compare-version-with-baselines (compare-attached-artifacts-with-release) @ eclipse.platform.swt.binaries ---
[2025-01-07T08:36:05.301Z] [INFO]
[2025-01-07T08:36:05.301Z] [INFO] --- tycho-apitools:4.0.11-SNAPSHOT:verify (verify) @ eclipse.platform.swt.binaries ---
[2025-01-07T08:36:05.301Z] [INFO]
[2025-01-07T08:36:05.301Z] [INFO] --------------------< eclipse.platform.swt:bundles >--------------------
[2025-01-07T08:36:05.301Z] [INFO] Building [aggregator] bundles 4.35.0-SNAPSHOT [4/25]
[2025-01-07T08:36:05.301Z] [INFO] from bundles/.polyglot.pom.tycho
[2025-01-07T08:36:05.301Z] [INFO] --------------------------------[ pom ]---------------------------------
[2025-01-07T08:36:05.301Z] [INFO]
[2025-01-07T08:36:05.301Z] [INFO] --- clean:3.4.0:clean (default-clean) @ bundles ---
[2025-01-07T08:36:05.301Z] [INFO]
[2025-01-07T08:36:05.301Z] [INFO] --- resources:3.3.1:copy-resources (saveproperties) @ bundles ---
[2025-01-07T08:36:05.301Z] [INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/eclipse.platform.swt_PR-1647/eclipse.platform.swt/bundles/saveproperties
[2025-01-07T08:36:05.301Z] [INFO]
[2025-01-07T08:36:05.301Z] [INFO] --- enforcer:3.5.0:enforce (enforce-maven) @ bundles ---
[2025-01-07T08:36:05.301Z] [INFO]
[2025-01-07T08:36:05.301Z] [INFO] --- resources:3.3.1:resources (filter-resources) @ bundles ---
[2025-01-07T08:36:05.301Z] [INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/eclipse.platform.swt_PR-1647/eclipse.platform.swt/bundles/src/main/resources
[2025-01-07T08:36:05.301Z] [INFO]
[2025-01-07T08:36:05.301Z] [INFO] --- tycho-apitools:4.0.11-SNAPSHOT:generate (generate) @ bundles ---
[2025-01-07T08:36:05.301Z] [INFO]
[2025-01-07T08:36:05.301Z] [INFO] --- tycho-source:4.0.11-SNAPSHOT:plugin-source (plugin-source) @ bundles ---
[2025-01-07T08:36:05.301Z] [INFO]
[2025-01-07T08:36:05.301Z] [INFO] --- tycho-p2-extras:4.0.11-SNAPSHOT:compare-version-with-baselines (compare-attached-artifacts-with-release) @ bundles ---
[2025-01-07T08:36:05.301Z] [INFO]
[2025-01-07T08:36:05.301Z] [INFO] --- tycho-apitools:4.0.11-SNAPSHOT:verify (verify) @ bundles ---
[2025-01-07T08:36:07.191Z] [INFO] Resolving target definition file:/home/jenkins/.m2/repository/org/eclipse/eclipse-sdk-prereqs/4.35.0-SNAPSHOT/ for environments=[linux/gtk/x86_64, linux/gtk/ppc64le], include source mode=honor, referenced repository mode =ignore, execution environment=StandardEEResolutionHints [executionEnvironment=OSGi profile 'JavaSE-21' { source level: 21, target level: 21}], remote p2 repository options=org.eclipse.tycho.p2maven.DefaultProvisioningAgent@94698f3
[2025-01-07T08:36:07.191Z] [INFO] ### Using TychoRepositoryTransport for remote P2 access ###
[2025-01-07T08:36:07.191Z] [INFO] Cache location: /home/jenkins/.m2/repository/.cache/tycho
[2025-01-07T08:36:07.191Z] [INFO] Transport mode: online
[2025-01-07T08:36:07.191Z] [INFO] Http Transport type: Java11Client
[2025-01-07T08:36:07.191Z] [INFO] Update mode: forced
[2025-01-07T08:36:07.191Z] [INFO] Minimum cache duration: 60 minutes
[2025-01-07T08:36:07.191Z] [INFO] (you can configure this with -Dtycho.p2.transport.min-cache-minutes=<desired minimum cache duration>)
[2025-01-07T08:36:07.753Z] [INFO] Resolving MavenDependencyRoots = [GroupId =, ArtifactId = gson, Version = 2.11.0, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId =, ArtifactId = icu4j, Version = 76.1, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = commons-fileupload, ArtifactId = commons-fileupload, Version = 1.5, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = commons-io, ArtifactId = commons-io, Version = 2.18.0, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = commons-lang, ArtifactId = commons-lang, Version = 2.6, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = commons-logging, ArtifactId = commons-logging, Version = 1.3.4, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId =, ArtifactId = jna-platform, Version = 5.16.0, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.apache.aries.spifly, ArtifactId = org.apache.aries.spifly.dynamic.bundle, Version = 1.3.7, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.apache.sshd, ArtifactId = sshd-osgi, Version = 2.14.0, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.bouncycastle, ArtifactId = bcpg-jdk18on, Version = 1.79, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.bouncycastle, ArtifactId = bcprov-jdk18on, Version = 1.79, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.bouncycastle, ArtifactId = bcutil-jdk18on, Version = 1.79, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.hamcrest, ArtifactId = hamcrest, Version = 2.2, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.jsoup, ArtifactId = jsoup, Version = 1.18.3, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.ow2.sat4j, ArtifactId = org.ow2.sat4j.core, Version = 2.3.6, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.ow2.sat4j, ArtifactId = org.ow2.sat4j.pb, Version = 2.3.6, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.slf4j, ArtifactId = slf4j-api, Version = 2.0.16, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.slf4j, ArtifactId = slf4j-simple, Version = 2.0.16, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.tukaani, ArtifactId = xz, Version = 1.10, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = ], IncludeDependencyScope = [compile], MissingManifestStrategy = ERROR, IncludeSource = true
[2025-01-07T08:36:10.273Z] [INFO] Resolving MavenDependencyRoots = [GroupId = jakarta.el, ArtifactId = jakarta.el-api, Version = 3.0.3, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = jakarta.servlet, ArtifactId = jakarta.servlet-api, Version = 4.0.4, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = javax.servlet.jsp, ArtifactId = javax.servlet.jsp-api, Version = 2.3.3, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.eclipse.jetty.ee8, ArtifactId = jetty-ee8-apache-jsp, Version = 12.0.16, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.eclipse.jetty.ee8, ArtifactId = jetty-ee8-nested, Version = 12.0.16, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.eclipse.jetty.ee8, ArtifactId = jetty-ee8-security, Version = 12.0.16, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.eclipse.jetty.ee8, ArtifactId = jetty-ee8-servlet, Version = 12.0.16, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.eclipse.jetty.toolchain, ArtifactId = jetty-servlet-api, Version = 4.0.6, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.eclipse.jetty, ArtifactId = jetty-http, Version = 12.0.16, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.eclipse.jetty, ArtifactId = jetty-io, Version = 12.0.16, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.eclipse.jetty, ArtifactId = jetty-security, Version = 12.0.16, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.eclipse.jetty, ArtifactId = jetty-server, Version = 12.0.16, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.eclipse.jetty, ArtifactId = jetty-session, Version = 12.0.16, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.eclipse.jetty, ArtifactId = jetty-util-ajax, Version = 12.0.16, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.eclipse.jetty, ArtifactId = jetty-util, Version = 12.0.16, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.glassfish, ArtifactId = jakarta.el, Version = 3.0.4, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.mortbay.jasper, ArtifactId = apache-el, Version = 9.0.96, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.mortbay.jasper, ArtifactId = apache-jsp, Version = 9.0.96, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = ], IncludeDependencyScope = [compile], MissingManifestStrategy = ERROR, IncludeSource = true
[2025-01-07T08:36:11.201Z] [INFO] Resolving MavenDependencyRoots = [GroupId = net.bytebuddy, ArtifactId = byte-buddy-agent, Version = 1.15.11, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = net.bytebuddy, ArtifactId = byte-buddy, Version = 1.15.11, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.assertj, ArtifactId = assertj-core, Version = 3.27.2, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.mockito, ArtifactId = mockito-core, Version = 5.15.2, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.objenesis, ArtifactId = objenesis, Version = 3.4, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = ], IncludeDependencyScope = [compile], MissingManifestStrategy = ERROR, IncludeSource = true
[2025-01-07T08:36:11.763Z] [INFO] Resolving MavenDependencyRoots = [GroupId = org.ow2.asm, ArtifactId = asm-analysis, Version = 9.7.1, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.ow2.asm, ArtifactId = asm-commons, Version = 9.7.1, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.ow2.asm, ArtifactId = asm-tree, Version = 9.7.1, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.ow2.asm, ArtifactId = asm-util, Version = 9.7.1, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.ow2.asm, ArtifactId = asm, Version = 9.7.1, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = ], IncludeDependencyScope = [compile], MissingManifestStrategy = ERROR, IncludeSource = true
[2025-01-07T08:36:12.020Z] [INFO] Resolving MavenDependencyRoots = [GroupId = org.osgi, ArtifactId = org.osgi.annotation.bundle, Version = 2.0.0, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.osgi, ArtifactId = org.osgi.annotation.versioning, Version = 1.1.2, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.osgi, ArtifactId = org.osgi.namespace.contract, Version = 1.0.0, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.osgi, ArtifactId = org.osgi.namespace.extender, Version = 1.0.1, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.osgi, ArtifactId = org.osgi.namespace.service, Version = 1.0.0, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.osgi, ArtifactId =, Version = 1.6.1, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.osgi, ArtifactId = org.osgi.service.component.annotations, Version = 1.5.1, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.osgi, ArtifactId = org.osgi.service.component, Version = 1.5.1, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.osgi, ArtifactId = org.osgi.service.coordinator, Version = 1.0.2, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.osgi, ArtifactId = org.osgi.service.device, Version = 1.1.1, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.osgi, ArtifactId = org.osgi.service.event, Version = 1.4.1, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.osgi, ArtifactId = org.osgi.service.http.whiteboard, Version = 1.1.1, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.osgi, ArtifactId =, Version = 1.0.0, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.osgi, ArtifactId = org.osgi.service.metatype.annotations, Version = 1.4.1, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.osgi, ArtifactId = org.osgi.service.metatype, Version = 1.4.1, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.osgi, ArtifactId = org.osgi.service.prefs, Version = 1.1.2, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.osgi, ArtifactId = org.osgi.service.provisioning, Version = 1.2.0, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.osgi, ArtifactId = org.osgi.service.repository, Version = 1.1.0, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.osgi, ArtifactId = org.osgi.service.upnp, Version = 1.2.1, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.osgi, ArtifactId = org.osgi.service.useradmin, Version = 1.1.1, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.osgi, ArtifactId = org.osgi.service.wireadmin, Version = 1.0.2, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.osgi, ArtifactId = org.osgi.util.function, Version = 1.2.0, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.osgi, ArtifactId = org.osgi.util.measurement, Version = 1.0.2, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.osgi, ArtifactId = org.osgi.util.position, Version = 1.0.1, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.osgi, ArtifactId = org.osgi.util.promise, Version = 1.3.0, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.osgi, ArtifactId = org.osgi.util.pushstream, Version = 1.1.0, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.osgi, ArtifactId = org.osgi.util.xml, Version = 1.0.2, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = ], IncludeDependencyScope = [compile], MissingManifestStrategy = ERROR, IncludeSource = true
[2025-01-07T08:36:12.276Z] [INFO] Resolving MavenDependencyRoots = [GroupId = biz.aQute.bnd, ArtifactId = biz.aQute.bnd.annotation, Version = 7.1.0, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = biz.aQute.bnd, ArtifactId = biz.aQute.bnd.embedded-repo, Version = 7.1.0, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = biz.aQute.bnd, ArtifactId = biz.aQute.bnd.util, Version = 7.1.0, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = biz.aQute.bnd, ArtifactId = biz.aQute.bndlib, Version = 7.1.0, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = biz.aQute.bnd, ArtifactId = biz.aQute.repository, Version = 7.1.0, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = biz.aQute.bnd, ArtifactId = biz.aQute.resolve, Version = 7.1.0, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.bndtools, ArtifactId = bndtools.api, Version = 7.1.0, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.bndtools, ArtifactId = bndtools.jareditor, Version = 7.1.0, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.bndtools, ArtifactId =, Version = 7.1.0, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.bndtools, ArtifactId =, Version = 7.1.0, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.bndtools, ArtifactId = org.bndtools.templates.template, Version = 7.1.0, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.bndtools, ArtifactId = org.bndtools.templating, Version = 7.1.0, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.bndtools, ArtifactId = org.bndtools.versioncontrol.ignores.manager, Version = 7.1.0, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.bndtools, ArtifactId = org.bndtools.versioncontrol.ignores.plugin.git, Version = 7.1.0, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = ], IncludeDependencyScope = [compile], MissingManifestStrategy = ERROR, IncludeSource = true
[2025-01-07T08:36:12.838Z] [INFO] Resolving MavenDependencyRoots = [GroupId = org.apache.felix, ArtifactId = org.apache.felix.gogo.command, Version = 1.1.2, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.apache.felix, ArtifactId = org.apache.felix.gogo.runtime, Version = 1.1.6, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.apache.felix, ArtifactId =, Version = 1.1.4, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.apache.felix, ArtifactId = org.apache.felix.scr, Version = 2.2.12, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = ], IncludeDependencyScope = [compile], MissingManifestStrategy = ERROR, IncludeSource = true
[2025-01-07T08:36:12.838Z] [INFO] Resolving MavenDependencyRoots = [GroupId = org.apiguardian, ArtifactId = apiguardian-api, Version = 1.1.2, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.junit.jupiter, ArtifactId = junit-jupiter-api, Version = 5.11.4, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.junit.jupiter, ArtifactId = junit-jupiter-engine, Version = 5.11.4, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.junit.jupiter, ArtifactId = junit-jupiter-migrationsupport, Version = 5.11.4, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.junit.jupiter, ArtifactId = junit-jupiter-params, Version = 5.11.4, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.junit.platform, ArtifactId = junit-platform-commons, Version = 1.11.4, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.junit.platform, ArtifactId = junit-platform-engine, Version = 1.11.4, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.junit.platform, ArtifactId = junit-platform-launcher, Version = 1.11.4, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.junit.platform, ArtifactId = junit-platform-runner, Version = 1.11.4, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.junit.platform, ArtifactId = junit-platform-suite-api, Version = 1.11.4, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.junit.platform, ArtifactId = junit-platform-suite-commons, Version = 1.11.4, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.junit.platform, ArtifactId = junit-platform-suite-engine, Version = 1.11.4, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.junit.vintage, ArtifactId = junit-vintage-engine, Version = 5.11.4, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.opentest4j, ArtifactId = opentest4j, Version = 1.3.0, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = ], IncludeDependencyScope = [compile], MissingManifestStrategy = ERROR, IncludeSource = true
[2025-01-07T08:36:13.095Z] [INFO] Resolving MavenDependencyRoots = [GroupId = commons-beanutils, ArtifactId = commons-beanutils, Version = 1.9.4, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = commons-collections, ArtifactId = commons-collections, Version = 3.2.2, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = commons-jxpath, ArtifactId = commons-jxpath, Version = 1.3, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = ], IncludeDependencyScope = [compile], MissingManifestStrategy = IGNORE, IncludeSource = true
[2025-01-07T08:36:13.353Z] [INFO] Resolving MavenDependencyRoots = [GroupId = jakarta.activation, ArtifactId = jakarta.activation-api, Version = 2.1.3, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = jakarta.annotation, ArtifactId = jakarta.annotation-api, Version = 1.3.5, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = jakarta.annotation, ArtifactId = jakarta.annotation-api, Version = 2.1.1, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = jakarta.annotation, ArtifactId = jakarta.annotation-api, Version = 3.0.0, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = jakarta.inject, ArtifactId = jakarta.inject-api, Version = 1.0.5, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = jakarta.inject, ArtifactId = jakarta.inject-api, Version = 2.0.1, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = jakarta.xml.bind, ArtifactId = jakarta.xml.bind-api, Version = 4.0.2, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = ], IncludeDependencyScope = [compile], MissingManifestStrategy = ERROR, IncludeSource = true
[2025-01-07T08:36:13.354Z] [INFO] Adding repository
[2025-01-07T08:36:14.721Z] [INFO]
[2025-01-07T08:36:14.721Z] [INFO] --- clean:3.4.0:clean (default-clean) @ org.eclipse.swt ---
[2025-01-07T08:36:14.721Z] [INFO]
[2025-01-07T08:36:14.721Z] [INFO] --- tycho-packaging:4.0.11-SNAPSHOT:build-qualifier (default-build-qualifier) @ org.eclipse.swt ---
[2025-01-07T08:36:17.996Z] [INFO] The project's OSGi version is 3.129.0.v20250107-0833
[2025-01-07T08:36:17.996Z] [INFO]
[2025-01-07T08:36:17.996Z] [INFO] --- tycho-packaging:4.0.11-SNAPSHOT:validate-id (default-validate-id) @ org.eclipse.swt ---
[2025-01-07T08:36:17.996Z] [INFO]
[2025-01-07T08:36:17.996Z] [INFO] --- tycho-packaging:4.0.11-SNAPSHOT:validate-version (default-validate-version) @ org.eclipse.swt ---
[2025-01-07T08:36:17.996Z] [INFO]
[2025-01-07T08:36:17.996Z] [INFO] --- resources:3.3.1:copy-resources (saveproperties) @ org.eclipse.swt ---
[2025-01-07T08:36:17.996Z] [INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/eclipse.platform.swt_PR-1647/eclipse.platform.swt/bundles/org.eclipse.swt/saveproperties
[2025-01-07T08:36:17.996Z] [INFO]
[2025-01-07T08:36:17.996Z] [INFO] --- enforcer:3.5.0:enforce (enforce-maven) @ org.eclipse.swt ---
[2025-01-07T08:36:17.996Z] [INFO]
[2025-01-07T08:36:17.996Z] [INFO] --- target-platform-configuration:4.0.11-SNAPSHOT:target-platform (default-target-platform) @ org.eclipse.swt ---
[2025-01-07T08:36:17.996Z] [INFO]
[2025-01-07T08:36:17.996Z] [INFO] --- tycho-compiler:4.0.11-SNAPSHOT:validate-classpath (default-validate-classpath) @ org.eclipse.swt ---
[2025-01-07T08:36:17.996Z] [INFO] Resolving class path of org.eclipse.swt
[2025-01-07T08:36:18.926Z] [INFO]
[2025-01-07T08:36:18.926Z] [INFO] --- resources:3.3.1:resources (default-resources) @ org.eclipse.swt ---
[2025-01-07T08:36:18.926Z] [INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/eclipse.platform.swt_PR-1647/eclipse.platform.swt/bundles/org.eclipse.swt/src/main/resources
[2025-01-07T08:36:18.926Z] [INFO]
[2025-01-07T08:36:18.926Z] [INFO] --- resources:3.3.1:resources (filter-resources) @ org.eclipse.swt ---
[2025-01-07T08:36:18.926Z] [INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/eclipse.platform.swt_PR-1647/eclipse.platform.swt/bundles/org.eclipse.swt/src/main/resources
[2025-01-07T08:36:18.926Z] [INFO]
[2025-01-07T08:36:18.926Z] [INFO] --- tycho-compiler:4.0.11-SNAPSHOT:compile (default-compile) @ org.eclipse.swt ---
[2025-01-07T08:36:18.926Z] [INFO]
[2025-01-07T08:36:18.926Z] [INFO] --- tycho-bnd:4.0.11-SNAPSHOT:process (default-process) @ org.eclipse.swt ---
[2025-01-07T08:36:18.926Z] [INFO]
[2025-01-07T08:36:18.926Z] [INFO] --- tycho-ds:4.0.11-SNAPSHOT:declarative-services (default-declarative-services) @ org.eclipse.swt ---
[2025-01-07T08:36:18.926Z] [INFO]
[2025-01-07T08:36:18.926Z] [INFO] --- tycho-apitools:4.0.11-SNAPSHOT:generate (generate) @ org.eclipse.swt ---
[2025-01-07T08:36:18.926Z] [INFO]
[2025-01-07T08:36:18.926Z] [INFO] --- resources:3.3.1:testResources (default-testResources) @ org.eclipse.swt ---
[2025-01-07T08:36:18.926Z] [INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/eclipse.platform.swt_PR-1647/eclipse.platform.swt/bundles/org.eclipse.swt/src/test/resources
[2025-01-07T08:36:18.926Z] [INFO]
[2025-01-07T08:36:18.926Z] [INFO] --- tycho-compiler:4.0.11-SNAPSHOT:testCompile (default-testCompile) @ org.eclipse.swt ---
[2025-01-07T08:36:18.926Z] [INFO]
[2025-01-07T08:36:18.926Z] [INFO] --- tycho-packaging:4.0.11-SNAPSHOT:update-consumer-pom (default-update-consumer-pom) @ org.eclipse.swt ---
[2025-01-07T08:36:18.926Z] [INFO]
[2025-01-07T08:36:18.926Z] [INFO] --- tycho-source:4.0.11-SNAPSHOT:plugin-source (plugin-source) @ org.eclipse.swt ---
[2025-01-07T08:36:18.926Z] [INFO]
[2025-01-07T08:36:18.926Z] [INFO] --- tycho-packaging:4.0.11-SNAPSHOT:package-plugin (default-package-plugin) @ org.eclipse.swt ---
[2025-01-07T08:36:18.926Z] [INFO] Building jar: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/eclipse.platform.swt_PR-1647/eclipse.platform.swt/bundles/org.eclipse.swt/target/org.eclipse.swt-3.129.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
[2025-01-07T08:36:18.926Z] [INFO]
[2025-01-07T08:36:18.926Z] [INFO] --- tycho-p2-plugin:4.0.11-SNAPSHOT:p2-metadata-default (default-p2-metadata-default) @ org.eclipse.swt ---
[2025-01-07T08:36:18.926Z] [INFO] No baseline version org.eclipse.swt:org.eclipse.swt:eclipse-plugin:3.129.0-SNAPSHOT
[2025-01-07T08:36:18.926Z] [INFO]
[2025-01-07T08:36:18.926Z] [INFO] --- tycho-p2-extras:4.0.11-SNAPSHOT:compare-version-with-baselines (compare-attached-artifacts-with-release) @ org.eclipse.swt ---
[2025-01-07T08:36:19.182Z] [INFO] Adding repository
[2025-01-07T08:36:19.438Z] [INFO]
[2025-01-07T08:36:19.438Z] [INFO] --- tycho-apitools:4.0.11-SNAPSHOT:verify (verify) @ org.eclipse.swt ---
[2025-01-07T08:36:19.438Z] [INFO]
[2025-01-07T08:36:19.438Z] [INFO]
[2025-01-07T08:36:19.438Z] [INFO] ---------< org.eclipse.swt:org.eclipse.swt.gtk.linux.ppc64le >----------
[2025-01-07T08:36:19.438Z] [INFO] ----------< org.eclipse.swt:org.eclipse.swt.gtk.linux.x86_64 >----------
[2025-01-07T08:36:19.438Z] [INFO] Building [bundle] Standard Widget Toolkit for GTK on ppc64le 3.129.0-SNAPSHOT [5/25]
[2025-01-07T08:36:19.438Z] [INFO] Building [bundle] Standard Widget Toolkit for GTK on x86_64 3.129.0-SNAPSHOT [6/25]
[2025-01-07T08:36:19.438Z] [INFO] from binaries/org.eclipse.swt.gtk.linux.x86_64/.polyglot.META-INF
[2025-01-07T08:36:19.438Z] [INFO] from binaries/org.eclipse.swt.gtk.linux.ppc64le/.polyglot.META-INF
[2025-01-07T08:36:19.438Z] [INFO] ---------------------------[ eclipse-plugin ]---------------------------
[2025-01-07T08:36:19.438Z] [INFO] ---------------------------[ eclipse-plugin ]---------------------------
[2025-01-07T08:36:19.438Z] [INFO] Resolving target definition file:/home/jenkins/.m2/repository/org/eclipse/eclipse-sdk-prereqs/4.35.0-SNAPSHOT/ for environments=[linux/gtk/x86_64], include source mode=honor, referenced repository mode =ignore, execution environment=StandardEEResolutionHints [executionEnvironment=OSGi profile 'JavaSE-17' { source level: 17, target level: 17}], remote p2 repository options=org.eclipse.tycho.p2maven.DefaultProvisioningAgent@94698f3
[2025-01-07T08:36:19.438Z] [INFO] Resolving target definition file:/home/jenkins/.m2/repository/org/eclipse/eclipse-sdk-prereqs/4.35.0-SNAPSHOT/ for environments=[linux/gtk/ppc64le], include source mode=honor, referenced repository mode =ignore, execution environment=StandardEEResolutionHints [executionEnvironment=OSGi profile 'JavaSE-17' { source level: 17, target level: 17}], remote p2 repository options=org.eclipse.tycho.p2maven.DefaultProvisioningAgent@94698f3
[2025-01-07T08:36:19.438Z] [INFO] Resolving MavenDependencyRoots = [GroupId =, ArtifactId = gson, Version = 2.11.0, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId =, ArtifactId = icu4j, Version = 76.1, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = commons-fileupload, ArtifactId = commons-fileupload, Version = 1.5, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = commons-io, ArtifactId = commons-io, Version = 2.18.0, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = commons-lang, ArtifactId = commons-lang, Version = 2.6, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = commons-logging, ArtifactId = commons-logging, Version = 1.3.4, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId =, ArtifactId = jna-platform, Version = 5.16.0, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.apache.aries.spifly, ArtifactId = org.apache.aries.spifly.dynamic.bundle, Version = 1.3.7, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.apache.sshd, ArtifactId = sshd-osgi, Version = 2.14.0, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.bouncycastle, ArtifactId = bcpg-jdk18on, Version = 1.79, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.bouncycastle, ArtifactId = bcprov-jdk18on, Version = 1.79, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.bouncycastle, ArtifactId = bcutil-jdk18on, Version = 1.79, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.hamcrest, ArtifactId = hamcrest, Version = 2.2, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.jsoup, ArtifactId = jsoup, Version = 1.18.3, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.ow2.sat4j, ArtifactId = org.ow2.sat4j.core, Version = 2.3.6, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.ow2.sat4j, ArtifactId = org.ow2.sat4j.pb, Version = 2.3.6, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.slf4j, ArtifactId = slf4j-api, Version = 2.0.16, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.slf4j, ArtifactId = slf4j-simple, Version = 2.0.16, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.tukaani, ArtifactId = xz, Version = 1.10, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = ], IncludeDependencyScope = [compile], MissingManifestStrategy = ERROR, IncludeSource = true
[2025-01-07T08:36:19.439Z] [INFO] Resolving MavenDependencyRoots = [GroupId =, ArtifactId = gson, Version = 2.11.0, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId =, ArtifactId = icu4j, Version = 76.1, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = commons-fileupload, ArtifactId = commons-fileupload, Version = 1.5, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = commons-io, ArtifactId = commons-io, Version = 2.18.0, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = commons-lang, ArtifactId = commons-lang, Version = 2.6, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = commons-logging, ArtifactId = commons-logging, Version = 1.3.4, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId =, ArtifactId = jna-platform, Version = 5.16.0, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.apache.aries.spifly, ArtifactId = org.apache.aries.spifly.dynamic.bundle, Version = 1.3.7, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.apache.sshd, ArtifactId = sshd-osgi, Version = 2.14.0, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.bouncycastle, ArtifactId = bcpg-jdk18on, Version = 1.79, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.bouncycastle, ArtifactId = bcprov-jdk18on, Version = 1.79, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.bouncycastle, ArtifactId = bcutil-jdk18on, Version = 1.79, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.hamcrest, ArtifactId = hamcrest, Version = 2.2, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.jsoup, ArtifactId = jsoup, Version = 1.18.3, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.ow2.sat4j, ArtifactId = org.ow2.sat4j.core, Version = 2.3.6, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.ow2.sat4j, ArtifactId = org.ow2.sat4j.pb, Version = 2.3.6, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.slf4j, ArtifactId = slf4j-api, Version = 2.0.16, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.slf4j, ArtifactId = slf4j-simple, Version = 2.0.16, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.tukaani, ArtifactId = xz, Version = 1.10, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = ], IncludeDependencyScope = [compile], MissingManifestStrategy = ERROR, IncludeSource = true
[2025-01-07T08:36:22.014Z] [INFO] Resolving MavenDependencyRoots = [GroupId = jakarta.el, ArtifactId = jakarta.el-api, Version = 3.0.3, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = jakarta.servlet, ArtifactId = jakarta.servlet-api, Version = 4.0.4, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = javax.servlet.jsp, ArtifactId = javax.servlet.jsp-api, Version = 2.3.3, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.eclipse.jetty.ee8, ArtifactId = jetty-ee8-apache-jsp, Version = 12.0.16, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.eclipse.jetty.ee8, ArtifactId = jetty-ee8-nested, Version = 12.0.16, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.eclipse.jetty.ee8, ArtifactId = jetty-ee8-security, Version = 12.0.16, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.eclipse.jetty.ee8, ArtifactId = jetty-ee8-servlet, Version = 12.0.16, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.eclipse.jetty.toolchain, ArtifactId = jetty-servlet-api, Version = 4.0.6, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.eclipse.jetty, ArtifactId = jetty-http, Version = 12.0.16, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.eclipse.jetty, ArtifactId = jetty-io, Version = 12.0.16, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.eclipse.jetty, ArtifactId = jetty-security, Version = 12.0.16, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.eclipse.jetty, ArtifactId = jetty-server, Version = 12.0.16, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.eclipse.jetty, ArtifactId = jetty-session, Version = 12.0.16, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.eclipse.jetty, ArtifactId = jetty-util-ajax, Version = 12.0.16, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.eclipse.jetty, ArtifactId = jetty-util, Version = 12.0.16, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.glassfish, ArtifactId = jakarta.el, Version = 3.0.4, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.mortbay.jasper, ArtifactId = apache-el, Version = 9.0.96, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.mortbay.jasper, ArtifactId = apache-jsp, Version = 9.0.96, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = ], IncludeDependencyScope = [compile], MissingManifestStrategy = ERROR, IncludeSource = true
[2025-01-07T08:36:22.015Z] [INFO] Resolving MavenDependencyRoots = [GroupId = jakarta.el, ArtifactId = jakarta.el-api, Version = 3.0.3, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = jakarta.servlet, ArtifactId = jakarta.servlet-api, Version = 4.0.4, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = javax.servlet.jsp, ArtifactId = javax.servlet.jsp-api, Version = 2.3.3, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.eclipse.jetty.ee8, ArtifactId = jetty-ee8-apache-jsp, Version = 12.0.16, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.eclipse.jetty.ee8, ArtifactId = jetty-ee8-nested, Version = 12.0.16, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.eclipse.jetty.ee8, ArtifactId = jetty-ee8-security, Version = 12.0.16, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.eclipse.jetty.ee8, ArtifactId = jetty-ee8-servlet, Version = 12.0.16, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.eclipse.jetty.toolchain, ArtifactId = jetty-servlet-api, Version = 4.0.6, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.eclipse.jetty, ArtifactId = jetty-http, Version = 12.0.16, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.eclipse.jetty, ArtifactId = jetty-io, Version = 12.0.16, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.eclipse.jetty, ArtifactId = jetty-security, Version = 12.0.16, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.eclipse.jetty, ArtifactId = jetty-server, Version = 12.0.16, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.eclipse.jetty, ArtifactId = jetty-session, Version = 12.0.16, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.eclipse.jetty, ArtifactId = jetty-util-ajax, Version = 12.0.16, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.eclipse.jetty, ArtifactId = jetty-util, Version = 12.0.16, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.glassfish, ArtifactId = jakarta.el, Version = 3.0.4, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.mortbay.jasper, ArtifactId = apache-el, Version = 9.0.96, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.mortbay.jasper, ArtifactId = apache-jsp, Version = 9.0.96, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = ], IncludeDependencyScope = [compile], MissingManifestStrategy = ERROR, IncludeSource = true
[2025-01-07T08:36:22.296Z] [INFO] Resolving MavenDependencyRoots = [GroupId = net.bytebuddy, ArtifactId = byte-buddy-agent, Version = 1.15.11, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = net.bytebuddy, ArtifactId = byte-buddy, Version = 1.15.11, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.assertj, ArtifactId = assertj-core, Version = 3.27.2, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.mockito, ArtifactId = mockito-core, Version = 5.15.2, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.objenesis, ArtifactId = objenesis, Version = 3.4, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = ], IncludeDependencyScope = [compile], MissingManifestStrategy = ERROR, IncludeSource = true
[2025-01-07T08:36:22.296Z] [INFO] Resolving MavenDependencyRoots = [GroupId = net.bytebuddy, ArtifactId = byte-buddy-agent, Version = 1.15.11, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = net.bytebuddy, ArtifactId = byte-buddy, Version = 1.15.11, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.assertj, ArtifactId = assertj-core, Version = 3.27.2, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.mockito, ArtifactId = mockito-core, Version = 5.15.2, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.objenesis, ArtifactId = objenesis, Version = 3.4, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = ], IncludeDependencyScope = [compile], MissingManifestStrategy = ERROR, IncludeSource = true
[2025-01-07T08:36:23.295Z] [INFO] Resolving MavenDependencyRoots = [GroupId = org.ow2.asm, ArtifactId = asm-analysis, Version = 9.7.1, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.ow2.asm, ArtifactId = asm-commons, Version = 9.7.1, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.ow2.asm, ArtifactId = asm-tree, Version = 9.7.1, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.ow2.asm, ArtifactId = asm-util, Version = 9.7.1, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.ow2.asm, ArtifactId = asm, Version = 9.7.1, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = ], IncludeDependencyScope = [compile], MissingManifestStrategy = ERROR, IncludeSource = true
[2025-01-07T08:36:23.295Z] [INFO] Resolving MavenDependencyRoots = [GroupId = org.ow2.asm, ArtifactId = asm-analysis, Version = 9.7.1, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.ow2.asm, ArtifactId = asm-commons, Version = 9.7.1, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.ow2.asm, ArtifactId = asm-tree, Version = 9.7.1, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.ow2.asm, ArtifactId = asm-util, Version = 9.7.1, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.ow2.asm, ArtifactId = asm, Version = 9.7.1, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = ], IncludeDependencyScope = [compile], MissingManifestStrategy = ERROR, IncludeSource = true
[2025-01-07T08:36:23.295Z] [INFO] Resolving MavenDependencyRoots = [GroupId = org.osgi, ArtifactId = org.osgi.annotation.bundle, Version = 2.0.0, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.osgi, ArtifactId = org.osgi.annotation.versioning, Version = 1.1.2, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.osgi, ArtifactId = org.osgi.namespace.contract, Version = 1.0.0, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.osgi, ArtifactId = org.osgi.namespace.extender, Version = 1.0.1, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.osgi, ArtifactId = org.osgi.namespace.service, Version = 1.0.0, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.osgi, ArtifactId =, Version = 1.6.1, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.osgi, ArtifactId = org.osgi.service.component.annotations, Version = 1.5.1, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.osgi, ArtifactId = org.osgi.service.component, Version = 1.5.1, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.osgi, ArtifactId = org.osgi.service.coordinator, Version = 1.0.2, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.osgi, ArtifactId = org.osgi.service.device, Version = 1.1.1, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.osgi, ArtifactId = org.osgi.service.event, Version = 1.4.1, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.osgi, ArtifactId = org.osgi.service.http.whiteboard, Version = 1.1.1, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.osgi, ArtifactId =, Version = 1.0.0, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.osgi, ArtifactId = org.osgi.service.metatype.annotations, Version = 1.4.1, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.osgi, ArtifactId = org.osgi.service.metatype, Version = 1.4.1, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.osgi, ArtifactId = org.osgi.service.prefs, Version = 1.1.2, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.osgi, ArtifactId = org.osgi.service.provisioning, Version = 1.2.0, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.osgi, ArtifactId = org.osgi.service.repository, Version = 1.1.0, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.osgi, ArtifactId = org.osgi.service.upnp, Version = 1.2.1, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.osgi, ArtifactId = org.osgi.service.useradmin, Version = 1.1.1, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.osgi, ArtifactId = org.osgi.service.wireadmin, Version = 1.0.2, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.osgi, ArtifactId = org.osgi.util.function, Version = 1.2.0, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.osgi, ArtifactId = org.osgi.util.measurement, Version = 1.0.2, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.osgi, ArtifactId = org.osgi.util.position, Version = 1.0.1, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.osgi, ArtifactId = org.osgi.util.promise, Version = 1.3.0, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.osgi, ArtifactId = org.osgi.util.pushstream, Version = 1.1.0, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.osgi, ArtifactId = org.osgi.util.xml, Version = 1.0.2, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = ], IncludeDependencyScope = [compile], MissingManifestStrategy = ERROR, IncludeSource = true
[2025-01-07T08:36:23.296Z] [INFO] Resolving MavenDependencyRoots = [GroupId = org.osgi, ArtifactId = org.osgi.annotation.bundle, Version = 2.0.0, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.osgi, ArtifactId = org.osgi.annotation.versioning, Version = 1.1.2, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.osgi, ArtifactId = org.osgi.namespace.contract, Version = 1.0.0, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.osgi, ArtifactId = org.osgi.namespace.extender, Version = 1.0.1, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.osgi, ArtifactId = org.osgi.namespace.service, Version = 1.0.0, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.osgi, ArtifactId =, Version = 1.6.1, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.osgi, ArtifactId = org.osgi.service.component.annotations, Version = 1.5.1, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.osgi, ArtifactId = org.osgi.service.component, Version = 1.5.1, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.osgi, ArtifactId = org.osgi.service.coordinator, Version = 1.0.2, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.osgi, ArtifactId = org.osgi.service.device, Version = 1.1.1, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.osgi, ArtifactId = org.osgi.service.event, Version = 1.4.1, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.osgi, ArtifactId = org.osgi.service.http.whiteboard, Version = 1.1.1, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.osgi, ArtifactId =, Version = 1.0.0, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.osgi, ArtifactId = org.osgi.service.metatype.annotations, Version = 1.4.1, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.osgi, ArtifactId = org.osgi.service.metatype, Version = 1.4.1, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.osgi, ArtifactId = org.osgi.service.prefs, Version = 1.1.2, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.osgi, ArtifactId = org.osgi.service.provisioning, Version = 1.2.0, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.osgi, ArtifactId = org.osgi.service.repository, Version = 1.1.0, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.osgi, ArtifactId = org.osgi.service.upnp, Version = 1.2.1, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.osgi, ArtifactId = org.osgi.service.useradmin, Version = 1.1.1, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.osgi, ArtifactId = org.osgi.service.wireadmin, Version = 1.0.2, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.osgi, ArtifactId = org.osgi.util.function, Version = 1.2.0, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.osgi, ArtifactId = org.osgi.util.measurement, Version = 1.0.2, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.osgi, ArtifactId = org.osgi.util.position, Version = 1.0.1, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.osgi, ArtifactId = org.osgi.util.promise, Version = 1.3.0, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.osgi, ArtifactId = org.osgi.util.pushstream, Version = 1.1.0, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.osgi, ArtifactId = org.osgi.util.xml, Version = 1.0.2, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = ], IncludeDependencyScope = [compile], MissingManifestStrategy = ERROR, IncludeSource = true
[2025-01-07T08:36:23.296Z] [INFO] Resolving MavenDependencyRoots = [GroupId = biz.aQute.bnd, ArtifactId = biz.aQute.bnd.annotation, Version = 7.1.0, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = biz.aQute.bnd, ArtifactId = biz.aQute.bnd.embedded-repo, Version = 7.1.0, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = biz.aQute.bnd, ArtifactId = biz.aQute.bnd.util, Version = 7.1.0, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = biz.aQute.bnd, ArtifactId = biz.aQute.bndlib, Version = 7.1.0, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = biz.aQute.bnd, ArtifactId = biz.aQute.repository, Version = 7.1.0, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = biz.aQute.bnd, ArtifactId = biz.aQute.resolve, Version = 7.1.0, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.bndtools, ArtifactId = bndtools.api, Version = 7.1.0, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.bndtools, ArtifactId = bndtools.jareditor, Version = 7.1.0, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.bndtools, ArtifactId =, Version = 7.1.0, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.bndtools, ArtifactId =, Version = 7.1.0, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.bndtools, ArtifactId = org.bndtools.templates.template, Version = 7.1.0, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.bndtools, ArtifactId = org.bndtools.templating, Version = 7.1.0, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.bndtools, ArtifactId = org.bndtools.versioncontrol.ignores.manager, Version = 7.1.0, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.bndtools, ArtifactId = org.bndtools.versioncontrol.ignores.plugin.git, Version = 7.1.0, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = ], IncludeDependencyScope = [compile], MissingManifestStrategy = ERROR, IncludeSource = true
[2025-01-07T08:36:23.297Z] [INFO] Resolving MavenDependencyRoots = [GroupId = biz.aQute.bnd, ArtifactId = biz.aQute.bnd.annotation, Version = 7.1.0, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = biz.aQute.bnd, ArtifactId = biz.aQute.bnd.embedded-repo, Version = 7.1.0, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = biz.aQute.bnd, ArtifactId = biz.aQute.bnd.util, Version = 7.1.0, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = biz.aQute.bnd, ArtifactId = biz.aQute.bndlib, Version = 7.1.0, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = biz.aQute.bnd, ArtifactId = biz.aQute.repository, Version = 7.1.0, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = biz.aQute.bnd, ArtifactId = biz.aQute.resolve, Version = 7.1.0, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.bndtools, ArtifactId = bndtools.api, Version = 7.1.0, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.bndtools, ArtifactId = bndtools.jareditor, Version = 7.1.0, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.bndtools, ArtifactId =, Version = 7.1.0, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.bndtools, ArtifactId =, Version = 7.1.0, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.bndtools, ArtifactId = org.bndtools.templates.template, Version = 7.1.0, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.bndtools, ArtifactId = org.bndtools.templating, Version = 7.1.0, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.bndtools, ArtifactId = org.bndtools.versioncontrol.ignores.manager, Version = 7.1.0, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.bndtools, ArtifactId = org.bndtools.versioncontrol.ignores.plugin.git, Version = 7.1.0, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = ], IncludeDependencyScope = [compile], MissingManifestStrategy = ERROR, IncludeSource = true
[2025-01-07T08:36:23.888Z] [INFO] Resolving MavenDependencyRoots = [GroupId = org.apache.felix, ArtifactId = org.apache.felix.gogo.command, Version = 1.1.2, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.apache.felix, ArtifactId = org.apache.felix.gogo.runtime, Version = 1.1.6, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.apache.felix, ArtifactId =, Version = 1.1.4, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.apache.felix, ArtifactId = org.apache.felix.scr, Version = 2.2.12, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = ], IncludeDependencyScope = [compile], MissingManifestStrategy = ERROR, IncludeSource = true
[2025-01-07T08:36:23.888Z] [INFO] Resolving MavenDependencyRoots = [GroupId = org.apache.felix, ArtifactId = org.apache.felix.gogo.command, Version = 1.1.2, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.apache.felix, ArtifactId = org.apache.felix.gogo.runtime, Version = 1.1.6, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.apache.felix, ArtifactId =, Version = 1.1.4, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.apache.felix, ArtifactId = org.apache.felix.scr, Version = 2.2.12, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = ], IncludeDependencyScope = [compile], MissingManifestStrategy = ERROR, IncludeSource = true
[2025-01-07T08:36:23.888Z] [INFO] Resolving MavenDependencyRoots = [GroupId = org.apiguardian, ArtifactId = apiguardian-api, Version = 1.1.2, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.junit.jupiter, ArtifactId = junit-jupiter-api, Version = 5.11.4, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.junit.jupiter, ArtifactId = junit-jupiter-engine, Version = 5.11.4, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.junit.jupiter, ArtifactId = junit-jupiter-migrationsupport, Version = 5.11.4, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.junit.jupiter, ArtifactId = junit-jupiter-params, Version = 5.11.4, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.junit.platform, ArtifactId = junit-platform-commons, Version = 1.11.4, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.junit.platform, ArtifactId = junit-platform-engine, Version = 1.11.4, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.junit.platform, ArtifactId = junit-platform-launcher, Version = 1.11.4, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.junit.platform, ArtifactId = junit-platform-runner, Version = 1.11.4, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.junit.platform, ArtifactId = junit-platform-suite-api, Version = 1.11.4, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.junit.platform, ArtifactId = junit-platform-suite-commons, Version = 1.11.4, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.junit.platform, ArtifactId = junit-platform-suite-engine, Version = 1.11.4, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.junit.vintage, ArtifactId = junit-vintage-engine, Version = 5.11.4, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.opentest4j, ArtifactId = opentest4j, Version = 1.3.0, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = ], IncludeDependencyScope = [compile], MissingManifestStrategy = ERROR, IncludeSource = true
[2025-01-07T08:36:23.888Z] [INFO] Resolving MavenDependencyRoots = [GroupId = org.apiguardian, ArtifactId = apiguardian-api, Version = 1.1.2, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.junit.jupiter, ArtifactId = junit-jupiter-api, Version = 5.11.4, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.junit.jupiter, ArtifactId = junit-jupiter-engine, Version = 5.11.4, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.junit.jupiter, ArtifactId = junit-jupiter-migrationsupport, Version = 5.11.4, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.junit.jupiter, ArtifactId = junit-jupiter-params, Version = 5.11.4, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.junit.platform, ArtifactId = junit-platform-commons, Version = 1.11.4, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.junit.platform, ArtifactId = junit-platform-engine, Version = 1.11.4, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.junit.platform, ArtifactId = junit-platform-launcher, Version = 1.11.4, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.junit.platform, ArtifactId = junit-platform-runner, Version = 1.11.4, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.junit.platform, ArtifactId = junit-platform-suite-api, Version = 1.11.4, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.junit.platform, ArtifactId = junit-platform-suite-commons, Version = 1.11.4, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.junit.platform, ArtifactId = junit-platform-suite-engine, Version = 1.11.4, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.junit.vintage, ArtifactId = junit-vintage-engine, Version = 5.11.4, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = org.opentest4j, ArtifactId = opentest4j, Version = 1.3.0, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = ], IncludeDependencyScope = [compile], MissingManifestStrategy = ERROR, IncludeSource = true
[2025-01-07T08:36:23.889Z] [INFO] Resolving MavenDependencyRoots = [GroupId = commons-beanutils, ArtifactId = commons-beanutils, Version = 1.9.4, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = commons-collections, ArtifactId = commons-collections, Version = 3.2.2, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = commons-jxpath, ArtifactId = commons-jxpath, Version = 1.3, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = ], IncludeDependencyScope = [compile], MissingManifestStrategy = IGNORE, IncludeSource = true
[2025-01-07T08:36:24.145Z] [INFO] Resolving MavenDependencyRoots = [GroupId = commons-beanutils, ArtifactId = commons-beanutils, Version = 1.9.4, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = commons-collections, ArtifactId = commons-collections, Version = 3.2.2, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = , GroupId = commons-jxpath, ArtifactId = commons-jxpath, Version = 1.3, ArtifactType = jar, IncludeDependencyScope = ], IncludeDependencyScope = [compile], MissingManifestStrategy = IGNORE, IncludeSource = true
Output truncated.
- Declarative: Tool Install (1 sec)
- Checkout SCM (45 sec)
- Check if SWT-binaries build is needed (2.2 sec)
- Build SWT-binaries, if needed (31 sec)
- Matrix - PLATFORM = 'cocoa.macosx.aarch64' (7.6 sec)
- Matrix - PLATFORM = 'cocoa.macosx.aarch64' (22 sec)
- Build SWT-natives (7.3 sec)
- Collect and sign binaries (7.6 sec)
- Matrix - PLATFORM = 'cocoa.macosx.aarch64' (22 sec)
- Matrix - PLATFORM = 'cocoa.macosx.x86_64' (7.6 sec)
- Matrix - PLATFORM = 'cocoa.macosx.x86_64' (22 sec)
- Build SWT-natives (7.3 sec)
- Collect and sign binaries (7.6 sec)
- Matrix - PLATFORM = 'cocoa.macosx.x86_64' (22 sec)
- Matrix - PLATFORM = 'gtk.linux.aarch64' (1 ms)
- Matrix - PLATFORM = 'gtk.linux.aarch64' (22 sec)
- Build SWT-natives (7.3 sec)
- Collect and sign binaries (7.6 sec)
- Matrix - PLATFORM = 'gtk.linux.aarch64' (22 sec)
- Matrix - PLATFORM = 'gtk.linux.ppc64le' (7.6 sec)
- Matrix - PLATFORM = 'gtk.linux.ppc64le' (22 sec)
- Build SWT-natives (7.3 sec)
- Collect and sign binaries (7.6 sec)
- Matrix - PLATFORM = 'gtk.linux.ppc64le' (22 sec)
- Matrix - PLATFORM = 'gtk.linux.riscv64' (7.6 sec)
- Matrix - PLATFORM = 'gtk.linux.riscv64' (22 sec)
- Build SWT-natives (7.3 sec)
- Collect and sign binaries (7.6 sec)
- Matrix - PLATFORM = 'gtk.linux.riscv64' (22 sec)
- Matrix - PLATFORM = 'gtk.linux.x86_64' (7.6 sec)
- Matrix - PLATFORM = 'gtk.linux.x86_64' (22 sec)
- Build SWT-natives (7.3 sec)
- Collect and sign binaries (7.6 sec)
- Matrix - PLATFORM = 'gtk.linux.x86_64' (22 sec)
- Matrix - PLATFORM = 'win32.win32.aarch64' (7.6 sec)
- Matrix - PLATFORM = 'win32.win32.aarch64' (22 sec)
- Build SWT-natives (7.3 sec)
- Collect and sign binaries (7.6 sec)
- Matrix - PLATFORM = 'win32.win32.aarch64' (22 sec)
- Matrix - PLATFORM = 'win32.win32.x86_64' (30 sec)
- Matrix - PLATFORM = 'win32.win32.x86_64' (22 sec)
- Build SWT-natives (7.3 sec)
- Collect and sign binaries (7.6 sec)
- Matrix - PLATFORM = 'win32.win32.x86_64' (22 sec)
- Matrix - PLATFORM = 'cocoa.macosx.aarch64' (7.6 sec)
- Commit SWT-native binaries, if build (0.94 sec)
- Build (1 min 37 sec)
Error: script returned exit code 1
Error: No test report files were found. Configuration error? - Push SWT-native binaries, if build (1.1 sec)