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Eclipse OpenJ9 v0.47.0

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@pshipton pshipton released this 17 Sep 20:03
· 1815 commits to master since this release

Eclipse release plan:
Release notes:
Project release notes, known issues:
Works with: 23.0.0

Release details:

Branch name: v0.47.0-release
Tag: openj9-0.47.0

Repo SHAs:

OpenJ9: fd4e753
OMR: eclipse-openj9/openj9-omr@5e425eb

Security Vulnerabilities Resolved

JITServer Helm Chart - Easier deployment of JITServer technology in a Kubernetes or OpenShift cluster

For details about the release and release candidates, please see:

For the list of OMR changes see

OpenJ9 Changes from 0.46.0

fd4e753 (0.47.0) Latest NLS translations, with updates to older translations Peter Shipton #20113
4b55192 (0.47.0) Update to openssl 3.0.15 Keith W. Campbell #20104
7a8d05e (0.47.0) Ensure that J9JITGPRSpillArea is available Keith W. Campbell #20100
d9103b2 [0.47.0] Adjust bound for out-of-line call to StringUTF16.toBytes Henry Zongaro #20077
bfaa3d6 (0.47) JIT: Detect in-place redefinition based on J9JITRedefinedClass Devin Papineau #20065
94a324c (0.47.0) Disable TLH prefetching for portable AOT code Marius Pirvu #20051
9bd7a57 (0.47.0) Fall back to out-of-line call to StringUTF16.toBytes Henry Zongaro #20019
75dc655 (0.47) Backport docker build support for x and p linux for jdk23 Mahdi Ardekanian #19996
24752b0 (0.47) Extract Thread Test to JDK 22 and under LongyuZhang #19964
1af362e (0.47) Fix build errors on Windows Keith W. Campbell #19963
bba92bf 0.47: Verification check for invokeinterface receiver Theresa Mammarella #19946
d24c9fc 0.47: Error if invokeinterface receiver is reference array Theresa Mammarella #19931
464125c (0.47.0) JDK17+ JVM_LoadLibrary() opens shared library via J9PORT_SLOPEN_DECORATE Jason Feng #19921
8d8f4f7 (0.47) String.replaceAll() fast path must check regex is compressed Peter Shipton #19909
2e60903 0.47: Enforce maximum name size during class loading Theresa Mammarella #19905
b4f2424 (0.47) Update VThread alive check to check continuation state Jack Lu #19901
05ef087 (0.47) Add virtual thread support for JVMTI GetObjectMonitorUsage Babneet Singh #19894
1af39f5 (0.47) Destroy virtual thread data after VirtualThreadEnd callback Gengchen Tuo #19874
ddb1ba5 (0.47) Clear jni ids on anonClass unload Tobi Ajila #19865
cc3d0b3 (0.47) Update Thread.interrupted in JVMTI RawMonitorWait Babneet Singh #19864
cbc9332 Add missing check for extensionClassLoader Hang Shao #19846
abc6fa4 Restore MemberName on stack for linkTo* methods after PopFrame Babneet Singh #19744
2b5b3b7 Remove trailing whitespace Keith W. Campbell #19843
d400c62 Fix romclass comparison and J9Class lookup given a romclass Hang Shao #19833
d606a65 Class verification and ddr support for value types ACC_STRICT Theresa Mammarella #19830
1be5b98 Re-enable and fix ValueTypeTests Theresa Mammarella #19818
4e8d679 Fix LocalJ9UTF8Buffer initialization Nathan Henderson #19773
92b291d Add fence after volatile field stores Filip Jeremic #11262
4aa1e64 JFR Writer part 2 tajila #19741
69c0709 Remove J9ROMCLASS_IS_PRIMITIVE_VALUE_TYPE and J9AccPrimitiveValueType Theresa Mammarella #19817
57207af Clarify which branches should be compared Henry Zongaro #19832
91e2fdd Extend arraycmp length child Spencer Comin #19332
99e1f3b Implement JVM_IsContainerized and fix JVM_IsUseContainerSupport Babneet Singh #19827
69e0074 Do not update JVM CPU utilization too often Marius Pirvu #19800
677181c Remove remaining aconst_init, withfield, vnew refs Henry Zongaro #19812
9f340d0 Add debug type flag if compiling with clang Christian Despres #19807
3fe691e Fixes to code cache disclaiming Marius #19789
dd108db Remove remaining q uses Theresa Mammarella #19799
3e0d338 Call getCpeTypeForProtocol only if URL is not cached Theresa Mammarella #19769
5e609cd Revert "Reduce unnecessary TLS usage in JITServer code" Marius Pirvu #19823
526aad5 Use C++-style initialization for zeroed array type Christian Despres #19804
f3dc638 Use custom allocator for JITServer client MessageBuffers Christian Despres #19808
d946965 Throw IdentityException in monitorenter Theresa Mammarella #19774
0fbede2 -XX:+EnableExtendedHCR TestRefreshGCSpecialClassesCache JIT_ON modes Peter Shipton #19822
ae6bcdf Add -XX:+EnableExtendedHCR to jvmtitests_hcr rc018, rtc001 Peter Shipton #19819
dd01de1 Add a NULL check for walkState->userData4 Babneet Singh #19780
2bbdc8b withfield/aconst_init/vnew vm removal Theresa Mammarella #19771
983ef95 Report live continuation Objects in verbosegc hulin #19733
739e57a Fix warnings in shared_common, libffi, tests/shared Dylan Tuttle #19674
289a133 Skip zero init when copied array is the result of StringBuilder.toString Ehsan Kiani Far #19370
9cbb1d5 Modify static assert to be C++11 conformant Christian Despres #19796
678a089 Add override specifier to virtual declarations Christian Despres #19797
d473e74 Fix various cast errors Christian Despres #19802
9544e92 Remove redundant comment line in header Christian Despres #19798
bbc685e Add a stub for JVM_IsContainerized Babneet Singh #19803
c795e21 Remove withfield/aconst_init from ValueTypeTests Theresa Mammarella #19770
2f8672c Remove JITHelpers.canEncodeAsLatin1() from Java 17+ KONNO Kazuhiro #19790
e5b1460 Add required options to failing HCR tests tajila #19792
d1bd341 Eliminate redundant vlog lock Marius #19788
c05e25e Add new property for z/OS file tagging support Joran Siu #19772
a8db7bb Class verification and cleanup for ACC_VALUE removal Theresa Mammarella #19704
780c4c2 Update OpenSSL 3.0.14 to include the fix for CVE-2024-5535 Peter Shipton #19776
9d874fc Update Unsafe.copyMemory transformation to support offheap Abdulrahman Alattas #19634
22eaa4d Make static final field folding more aggressive Devin Papineau #19699
293f2b7 Remove internal qtype methods Theresa Mammarella #19752
760356c Reduce unnecessary TLS usage in JITServer code Alexey Khrabrov #14931
979ce92 Avoid dynamic string allocation when resolving MemberNames Nathan Henderson #19648
bd47476 Clear breakpts in class redef and fix HCR warning tajila #19710
2a2df9f Remove more q type cases and comments Theresa Mammarella #19747
debd66a Disable x86 TLH prefetch by default after Broadwell Daryl Maier #19760
ecfdb51 Fix for tree verification error and block verification error Shubham Verma #19724
cdbfd11 Assembly fixes for Open XL compliance Gaurav Chaudhari #19524
69cba86 Mounts .ssh folder in docker and avoids git key error Mahdi Ardekanian #19753
7905c54 Remove Class.isPrimitiveClass and outdated methods Theresa Mammarella #19736
2f3ea37 Clean up value type vm code Theresa Mammarella #19732
a50fb4c Fix broken named anchor for Docker in build instructions Nathan Henderson #19738
41c8697 CRIU adds NotCheckpointSafe at java/lang/ref/ReferenceQueue.poll Jason Feng #19739
8239cf1 Fix disclaiming logic to include code cache segments Irwin D'Souza #19730
387aa4c Z: Zero multi array size when batch clear is disabled. Ehsan Kiani Far #19557
fda11be Fix and enable heavy/light value type tests Theresa Mammarella #19716
332a5d3 Support lambdas and other generated classes in JITServer AOT cache Alexey Khrabrov #19549
6036c03 Off heap changes Abdulrahman Alattas #19671
97e776a Implement JFR ThreadSleep event Graham Chapman #19721
581a248 Adds compatibility to get docker image from non-default registry Mahdi Ardekanian #19737
9c173ce Ignore ByteBufferHandle operations in unsafe fast path Devin Papineau #19731
bd3efa2 Use sighandler_t instead of sig_handler_t Keith W. Campbell #19726
45bf250 Remove some value type q cases Theresa Mammarella #19727
701fa85 Avoid NPE in testThreadMXBeanProxy debug output Peter Shipton #19725
b679b57 Remove extra newline chars from j9mprotect/j9munprotect.s Gaurav Chaudhari #19720
03b85a1 Split IllegalAccessProtectedMethodTest to openj9 and hotspot variant LongyuZhang #19717
1a139ba Avoid NPE and AIOOBE exceptions in TestJavaCoreAndSnap Keith W. Campbell #19712
4b7136f [FFI/Test_JDK21+] Convert the native string for downcall on z/OS ChengJin01 #19689
92c330c Valhalla test updates and disable failing tests Theresa Mammarella #19690
75e9cca Delete the unused build flag build_openj9JDK8 Peter Shipton #19709
0b7ebbb JDK24 bring up Jason Feng #19706
73b7a28 Removed unused configuration flag 'build_openj9' Keith W. Campbell #19698
4ee7797 [FFI/JDK22+] Remove the heap argument identifier in downcall ChengJin01 #19649
4705da1 Skip bounds checks in BigInteger bit{Count,Length} Younes Manton #19688
acc119d Fix Valhalla test compilation Theresa Mammarella #19646
9bb74b5 Continue using jdk21 as the boot jdk for jdk23+ Peter Shipton #19695
e4f8c0a Remove unnecessory Assert in clearArgInfo function Rahil Shah #19683
ffc56c8 DDR: Improve handling of processes with no JRE Keith W. Campbell #19686
543550a Fix compilation failure in IBM SDK Tobi Ajila #19687
1aa9f7a Reduce number of VM_getClassFromSignature messages for JITServer Marius #19675
82439ba Add stronger deprecation warning Tobi Ajila #19685
2233a60 Reapply "Optimize OpenJDK VarHandle operation methods" Devin Papineau #19566
58b586d Add JFR writer support part1 tajila #19656
d2868be Make option -Xshareclasses enable -XX:+ShareOrphans Hang Shao #19679
3a4d3f5 Mark unlikely blocks as cold for Unsafe.{get|put}* Henry Zongaro #19676
775a2c2 Add cmdline opts to toggle extendedHCR Tobi Ajila #19554
3b1a313 Fix order of parameters in assertion message Dmitri Pivkine #19672
32a0214 Generate a NULLCHK when transforming checkExactType() into ZEROCHK Devin Papineau #19572
0fa41f8 JEP471 sets system property according to the command line option value Jason Feng #19647
7aa4929 TGC alloc stats for dual TLH Aleksandar Micic #19669
bc7affe Add z/TPF specific configuration diagnostic information to Javacore Jim Johnston #19219
b7501dd Fix copyright notices to avoid Java compilation warnings Keith W. Campbell #19670
cf5ff36 Fix vectorAPI address node helper after offheap changes Abdulrahman Alattas #19667
bdcfec2 Add support for building OpenJDK 23 Peter Shipton #19663
70f7eec Remove redundant vlog newlines Christian Despres #19641
c886262 Add optimization to ROM class search for Anonymous classes unloading Dmitri Pivkine #19630
6fae882 Change order of tests for inline Unsafe.{get|put}* calls Henry Zongaro #19640
30e0d8c Off heap Changes Shubham Verma #19389
cc375ba Update sync logic between vthreadInspectorCount & internalSuspendState Jack Lu #19564
4f48693 Remove CFR_ACC_VALUE_TYPE and CFR_ACC_PRIMITIVE_VALUE_TYPE Theresa Mammarella #19631
54fcde5 Move anchored instanceof to the correct position Annabelle Huo #19604
8d1641e Enable -XX:+JITServerAOTCacheIgnoreLocalSCC by default Christian Despres #19585
c9f90d0 Define a fail_pattern for alinux, amac, xmac builds Peter Shipton #19639
4cf1da9 Reduce modifications to zlib source code Keith W. Campbell #19632
3340140 Skip jitCodeCache reclamation for scavenge backout case hulin #19587
eaff43b Delete JVM datasets only if present for z/OS Aswathy S Kumar #19623
00a05cd Remove redundant else in defineClassCommon Nathan Henderson #19626
ae3e20a VM updates for NullRestricted value types Theresa Mammarella #19625
d7e7d5d UMA: fix references to flags opt_criuSupport, opt_jitserver (v2) Keith W. Campbell #19627
59473d4 Update to openssl 3.0.14 Keith W. Campbell #19620
228602c Prefer to disable TLH allocation prefetching by default post-Skylake Daryl Maier #19601
eb2c7cf Update the information in contributing to the project Amarpreet Singh #19617
de765da UMA: fix references to flags j9vm_opt_criuSupport, j9vm_opt_jitserver Keith W. Campbell #19621
44b6b05 Update zlib to 1.3.1 Peter Shipton #19612
c3cefeb Walk segments in Anonymous classloader if there is something to unload Dmitri Pivkine #19608
8c50486 Enabled AOT cache at server by default Christian Despres #19584
bc0fe2e Skip BigInteger zero-init & checks for OpenJ9 only Younes Manton #19613
d348fcb Z: Correct sign for vectorizedHashCode Spencer Comin #19594
dea130d VM support for value type annotations Theresa Mammarella #19586
bafd042 Fix issues with "Value class is indicated by missing ACC_IDENTITY" Keith W. Campbell #19593
dfa76b4 Fixup continuation lists for concurrent scavenge backout case hulin #19562
0c23bc9 Improve JITServer stream incompatibility error Christian Despres #19578
099aaee jdk11 always create compact Strings when possible Peter Shipton #19565
c194230 Skip zero-init, checks for some BigInteger methods Younes Manton #19556
3f3fa1c Added fast implementation of StringLatin1.inflate jimmyk #19454
d081b69 Value class is indicated by missing ACC_IDENTITY Theresa Mammarella #19580
6aa11f7 Heuristics to minimize performance impact of -XX:+DebugOnRestore Irwin D'Souza #19342
ff7726e Inline Class.getComponentType and refactor IL generation to access classDepthAndFlags field of j9Class Henry Zongaro #19558
b656fc6 Disclaim Cold Code Cache Gita Koblents #19397
fce37e9 Z: Accelerate ArraysSupport.vectorizedHashCode Spencer Comin #19455
43bc29c Improve x86 inline object allocations Daryl Maier #19514
b9fd76d [FFI_test] Enable the excluded tests on z/OS in JDK21 ChengJin01 #19570
819ff8b Fix the references in continunation java stacks for scavenger backout hulin #19559
7c62322 Update OpenSSL 3.0.13 to include CVE-2024-4741 Peter Shipton #19571
69d32e1 MADV_HUGEPAGE is not defined on linux kernels older than 2.6.38 Marius Pirvu #19569
c313803 Add support for JFR ThreadStart/End events Graham Chapman #19555
a10e5ca cacheDirPerm should be set if -Xshareclasses is not specified Hang Shao #19539
8142f57 Changes to the code cache repository allocation code Marius Pirvu #19516
4ff10c9 Update 0.44 release notes split String limitation Peter Shipton #19560
671e762 Re-enable IProfiler for JITServer Marius Pirvu #19545
e61548b Update struct support in embedded libffi Austin Wells #19468
f9bd8c0 Added a new Known limitation in 0.44.0 and 0.45.0 release note Sreekala Gopakumar #19551
ce04759 Don't throw an exception unnecessarily Keith W. Campbell #19553
ef12769 Add comment on non-cmake build on AArch64 macOS KONNO Kazuhiro #19538
5b8a8b2 Ongoing JFR work Graham Chapman #19536
9ae1db0 Export only when CRaC is enabled Jason Feng #19542
ec6dc8e Check file type for shared class cache jar files Theresa Mammarella #19380
808ba6d Split warm and cold blocks Gita Koblents #19272
0e57b7a Stop predicting VH.asDirect()/directVarHandleTarget() during inlining Devin Papineau #19523
0fcba08 Revert "Optimize OpenJDK VarHandle operation methods" Peter Shipton #19535
ab210af Remove extraneous parentheses in j9sockTest.c KONNO Kazuhiro #19521
b164228 CRIU supports Java debugger during checkpoint and restore Jason Feng #19405
d08f3e1 Optimize OpenJDK VarHandle operation methods Nazim Bhuiyan #19234