This repository contain the code for assembling the GEMOC Studio hosted in the Eclipse foundation (see GEMOC project @ Eclipse).
It can be downloaded from Older builds are availables on
In case of trouble with the studio, you can use one the issue trackers of the Studio. Since the Studio is an assembly of various tools and components, the precise tracker will depend on the involved component. A dashboard of all issues is available as a waffle:
- : Main/Global tracker, use this tracker if this is an assembly problem or if you don't know which precise component is affected.
- : Tracker for issues related to the main framework, to the definition of Sequential languages and to the sequential engine.
(Please note that some older issues are still in the old repositories in the GEMOC github organization
Some additional trackers may be used on the repositories of the GEMOC github organization : typically those related to a given example ( ActitivityDiagram,ArduinoModeling, ardurobotmodeling)
If you wish to contribute to the project, you'll find some guidance and tip and tricks on the project github wiki pages.
Instructions about how to build locally the studio are available in this readme page .