I am Ebrar, from Istanbul 🇹🇷
I graduated from Computer Engineering at Bogazici University.
- 📱 I’m currently developing a mobile application.
- 💬 I’m actively learning natural language processing.
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on ML and NLP projects.
- SWE Intern at Google UK, in 2023.
- Undergrad research student at Keio University, in the NLP Research group, in 2023.
- STEP Intern at Google Switzerland, in 2022.
- Student TA for the Discrete Mathematics and Introduction to Computing courses at Bogazici University, in 2021 and 2022.
- 𝑓 Algorithms and mathematics enthusiast
- 📚 Fan of good quality fiction
- 💬 Language learning geek
- 🧳 Traveling lover