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Concurrent Sorted Set Specification

In many systems there is a need to keep track of a sorted structure. This data structure comes out-of-the-box in the popular open-source system Redis. However, Redis is explicitly designed to be single-threaded in order to keep the code and system simple. Given the amount of data and access patterns for retrieving it later, it's needed faster version that is able to support the same sorted set abstraction.

The goal of this task is to implemented a networked sorted set that handles positive integers. The program should listen on a Unix domain socket at "./socket", accept new connections from multiple clients, and process commands that are sent over these connections via the binary protocol described below. The program should be running, even after all connections have been disconnected, until it is terminated. Each <...> represents a four byte unsigned integer in network byte order* sent or received on the socket. All client -> server and server -> client commands are prefixed with the number of fields in the command (detailed below). All set ids, keys, and scores will be positive.

The server should implement the following commands:

Add Score: Adds member to , with score . If doesn't exist, it's created. If is already in , its score is updated. Should run in time O(log(size())).

Client: <4> <1> <set> <key> <score>
Server: <0>

Remove Key: Removes from if exists and is in . Should run in time O(log(size())).

Client: <3> <2> <set> <key>
Server: <0>

Get Size: Returns the size of set , or 0 if doesn't exist. Should run in time O(1).

Client: <2> <3> <set>
Server: <1> <size>

Get key-value: Returns the score of key in , and 0 if either the set does not exist or does not contain . Should run in time O(1).

Client: <3> <4> <set> <key>
Server: <1> <score>

Get Range: Returns all elements in sets ... with scores in the range [, ]. Elements should be returned sorted by non-decreasing order of key. If two keys match, the elements with matching keys should be sorted by non-decreasing order of value. This is the most important operation, you should achieve the best asymptotic complexity you can.

Client: <N> <5> <set1> ... <setM> <0> <lower> <upper>
Server: <K> [<key> <score>] (repeat for each element of the set returned, where K is the total number of integers returned)


Client: <1> <6>
Server: No response, then disconnect the client


Data Structure Design

Data structure design was driven by the requested asymptotic complexities. Given the need to achieve O(log n) for add and remove operations, O(1) for size and get, and as fast as possible in the range queries, it was determined to use a combination of two complementing data structures. To achieve O(1) in get, we need a direct (or semi-direct) addressing structure and after considering the cardinality (in the range of 0 to 2^31) it requires the use of a hash function to transform the keys to a discrete range. For this reason as first data structure was selected a hash map.

With the goal to provide the best possible version for GETRANGE, it was decided to use a search tree, where the key of each node will be the score value, and contains a list for the keys containing that value. The implementation details of the structure has to guarantee that insert and remove operations in O(log n), and execution time logarithmic for the worst case scenarios. The structures capable to guarantee those properties are balanced trees, where it's enforced that the height (h) is logarithmic with respect to the number of nodes. Some examples of those structures are red-black trees (h=2log(n+1)), AVL, 2-3 trees, B-tries, k-neighbors trees and others.

In this context is important to mention, it was also studied the use of van Emde Boas trees. This data structure is capable to perform all the basic operations in O(log log u), given the keys are in the range from 0 to u. In the problem at hand where the range of the keys is big, this approach produce an use of memory close to 8 GB to store. Considering the lack of specific information about the statistics related with the distribution of the elements, we assume the number of elements to store is going to be in practice considerably smaller than the potential universe of keys.

After studying the state of the art in research regarding dynamic range search, several studies were found. Between them we need to highlight the work "On Dynamic Range Reporting in One Dimension" giving a perspective on the status of the field. In this work the authors propose a data structure to guarantee O(log log n) for searches, at the same time they keep logarithmic times for updates and their space requirements are O(n), being n the number of elements to store. However, some of the implementation details are not clear in the work. For these reasons to provide the solution at this problem it was chosen to use as base for the implementation the theory behind red-black trees.

Considering the selected data structure has approximately a height of h=log n, it's possible to develop an algorithm that finds the elements in a given range in O(log n) time. It's important to highlight in any case the resulting algorithm is going to be output dependent. For this reason it will depend on the number of elements in the requested range. With those characteristics two variants were identified, both with the target asymptotic complexity. In the first version the tree structure is traversed without additional information (only using the score as key and the list of positions). In this version we start from the root and in each step we include the current element if it's score is in range, doing the recursive search in both children. If the value is out of range, the search is only performed in the child with chances of containing elements.

For the second version an optimization is applied to improve the performance by avoiding unnecessary comparisons and there reducing some of the constant coefficients in the polynomial execution time. In this case the node content is extended, it's included additional information about the minimum and maximum elements found as children of that node. The traverse is started similar to the first version, the root analysis is performed and if is in range, the children are only analyzed if the search range is found in the node or it's descendants, using the aforementioned information. To include the additional information in the nodes, the insert and delete operations are going to adjust the tree with children range. In both cases this can be achieved in O(log n), hence the asymptotic complexity of these operations remain the same.

Class design

To represent a set, the classes SortedSetState and SortedSetHandler were created. They have the responsibility the store the state and perform the basic operations on the set, in that order. When performing the operations, the data structure keep the state of the hash map and the search tree in parallel. In this way the update operations are persisted in both. The get and size operations are executed in the hash map and the range search on the search tree.

To serve as container of the collection of sets it was created the class SortedSetManager. The responsabilities of this class are transform the data, select the appropiate target set and set creation when they don't exists. In the case of the range search this class aggregates the results and format them to return to the client.

Data structure network access

For network communication basic Java socket support was used. For the server it was created launcher, with the responsibility to create a thread to listen to connections and handle client operations.

The class ConnectionListener has the logic to create the handshake with clients. For each new new connection a new thread is started and it's reference is stored to be able to kill the connection of any other action. The list of thread is monitored after an interval to remove idle connections. After the thread is created the main thread returns to listen for new connections, opening the possibility to handle a big number of concurrent connections.

The class ConnectionHandler represents the threads that handle individual requests. It's lifecicle begans when receiving a command and the parameters. Using the underlying data structure handler the request is routed and after resolved the response is passed to the client and the connection is closed.

A singleton is created for the SortedSetManager, to hold the state of all the sets in the program. General configurations, like connection port to listed and command codes are held by CommonParam.

Concurrent operations in the Sorted Set

For the concurrency design two guiding principles were considered: allow the maximum safe concurrency levels to data structures and guarantee the consistency by avoiding race conditions on share state.

In particular the second principle drives one of the main design decisions taken regarding concurrency. Considering some operations do not return a result to the client, it could happen a particular client sends an insert command and next a try to retrieve the inserted value before the insert operation it's completed, leaving to a possible data inconsistency. For this reason, in the SortedSetManager the access to the data structure storing the collection of sets it's sinchronized, to avoid concurrent read operations in a particular set while it's being created. Therefore we achieve that any read operations happening after a create operation, wait until it becomes available. The synchronized section it's limited to the minimun to allow concurrent access to the individual set data structure once it was retrieved. Additionally, for individual sets reads operations must wait for preceding write operations to complete. Reads operations are executed concurrently with each other without any mutual exclusion sections.

The proposed design assumes the clients once connected with the server are going to send multiple commands without acknowledging a result from the server, in a fire and forget fashion. Following this strategy we acchieve a design to avoid inconsistencies coming from different speeds in the operations in the Java selected data structures and other factors affecting the time to complete an specific command. However, we can simplify the design and improve performance if the clients wait for an acceptance response from the server, letting the clients know when the command execution completed, creating a synchronous communication pattern.

Background updates for the Search Tree

Three operations interact with the search tree, but only one of them uses it as information source, and using the assumption that the GETRANGE operation has less frequency than the other two, the process to update the tree was designed as a background process. With this approach it's reduced the processing time for ADD and REM operations. The operation accepted as completed after the change is recorded in the hash table. The part of the operation to updte the tree is scheduled using a queue. For this queue there is an independent thread with the responsibility to process them in the background. At the moment a GETRANGE operation is received, it's inserted also in the queue and only gets executed when all the preceding modifications are applied. This approach do not affect the execution time for GETRANGE operations and allow fasted non range query operations as the processing time of the tree is executed as an asynchronous process.

Classes implementing this behavior are in the com.sortedset.sortedset.tree.background package. Class BackgroundProcess implements the thread to process the queue and manage the coordination between threads to achieve the separation of concern to allow the rest of the program to work agnostic to this particular style of processing.

Test Client

In the package com.sortedset.client a client simulator it's provided to test the expected behavior. Additionally functional test are provided in the package com.sortedset.test.


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