ISLE 8 - Dockerized Islandora 8 Deployment orchestrated with docker-compose
A bibliography of Islandora presentations and publications
Ansible playbook for building Islandora
A set of scripts to spin up an Islandora instance; used for ISLE-apache.
Sample set of objects and corresponding metadata (examples organized by solution pack, including zips for quicker bulk ingestion).
Sitespinner creates a new Drupal multisite based on an existing template site. It uses drush site alias files to describe both the source and destination sites. The source site's database and files…
The Islandora Collaboration Group (ICG) is a responsive, supportive and engaged community of peers representing a broad range of roles and skills. Please read our Mission Statement, Code of Conduct…
LASIR: Liberal Arts Sprint for Institutional Repository (IR) development
Islandora Enterprise (ISLE) is a community project that addresses two of the most significant pain-points in Islandora: installation and maintenance.
Documentation for the ISLE community project
The ISLE Interest Group consists of ISLE Maintainers, beta testers, and interested members of the community. Find the Google Agenda following:
This is a collection of LTI applications that we built, maintain and use within our Instructure Canvas learning management system (LMS).