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Implement an MVP RecSys


  • uv >= 0.6.2
  • Docker
  • PostgreSQL
    • For Mac, run: brew install postgresql
    • For Ubuntu, run: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y gcc libpq-dev


Increase Docker memory to 16GB On MacOS, By default after installing Docker Desktop it might get only 8 GB of RAM from the host machine. Due to this project's poor optimization at the moment, it's required to increase the Docker allocatable memory to at least 14 GB.

Set up

  • Create a new .env file based on .env.example and populate the variables there
  • Set up env var $ROOT_DIR: export ROOT_DIR=$(pwd) && sed "s|^ROOT_DIR=.*|ROOT_DIR=$ROOT_DIR|" .env > .tmp && mv .tmp .env
  • Run cd $ROOT_DIR && export $(grep -v '^#' .env | xargs) to load the variables
  • Run uv sync --all-groups to install the dependencies


VSCode auto load .env For convenience, you should enable your IDE to automatically load the .env as environment vars. If using VSCode then this is done automatically as long as you have VSCode Python Extension installed.

Start services

Common services

  • Run cd $ROOT_DIR && mkdir -p data && make ml-platform-up && make ml-platform-logs to start the supporting services
  • Wait until you see "Booting worker with pid..." then you can Ctrl + C to exit the logs following process


make airflow-up && make airflow-logs
# To check airflow logs: `make airflow-logs`

# Below 4 lines are there just in case Airflow does not start correctly due to permission issue
# export AIRFLOW_UID=$(id -u)
# sed "s/^AIRFLOW_UID=.*/AIRFLOW_UID=$AIRFLOW_UID/" .env > .tmp && mv .tmp .env
# export $(cat .env | grep -v "^#")
# docker compose -f compose.airflow.yml up -d
  • Wait until you see "airflow-webserver: Booting worker with pid..." then you can Ctrl + C to exit the logs following process


Local Docker Airflow requires some serious resources You might need to monitor the Airflow service logs at startup to check if they complain anything about your available resources

Prepare data

Sample data

echo "To start, we need to sample our main dataset from the bigger upstream dataset"
cd $ROOT_DIR/notebooks && uv run

Simulate transaction data

echo "Execute the notebook to populate the raw data into PostgreSQL"
mkdir -p $ROOT_DIR/feature_pipeline/notebooks/papermill-output
cd $ROOT_DIR/feature_pipeline/notebooks && uv run papermill 001-simulate-oltp.ipynb papermill-output/001-simulate-oltp.ipynb

Feature pipeline

The goal of feature pipeline is to keep the feature in feature store updated via daily batch jobs.


This section assumes you have make ml-platform-up and make airflow-up running

Build feature table with dbt

cd $ROOT_DIR/feature_pipeline/dbt/feature_store
echo "Specify credential for dbt to connect to PostgreSQL"
cat <<EOF > profiles.yml
      dbname: $POSTGRES_DB
      host: $POSTGRES_HOST
      port: $POSTGRES_PORT
      threads: 1
      type: postgres
      user: $POSTGRES_USER
  target: dev

echo "Specify the source data for dbt transformation"
cat <<EOF > models/marts/amz_review_rating/sources.yml
version: 2

  - name: amz_review_rating
    database: $POSTGRES_DB
      - name: amz_review_rating_raw

echo "Run dbt tranformation"
uv run dbt deps
uv run dbt build --models marts.amz_review_rating

Feature Store

Initial materialization

# CURRENT_TIME=$(date -u +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")
# We can not use CURRENT_TIME here since it would mark the latest ingestion at CURRENT_TIME which is way pass the last timestamp for our data
# So later we can not demo the flow to update feature store
cd $ROOT_DIR && MATERIALIZE_CHECKPOINT_TIME=$(uv run scripts/ 2>&1 | awk -F'<ts>|</ts>' '{print $2}')
cd $ROOT_DIR/feature_pipeline/feature_store/feature_repo
uv run feast apply
uv run feast materialize-incremental $MATERIALIZE_CHECKPOINT_TIME -v parent_asin_rating_stats -v parent_asin_rating_stats_fresh -v user_rating_stats -v user_rating_stats_fresh

Feature Server

Set up Feature Server to serve both online and offline features

make feature-server-up
sleep 5 && echo "Visit Feature Store Web UI at: http://localhost:${FEAST_UI_PORT:-8887}."

Make feature request to Feature Server:

# Create a new shell
USER_ID=$(uv run scripts/ 2>&1 | awk -F'<user_id>|</user_id>' '{print $2}') && echo $USER_ID
# Use double quotes in curl -d to enable env var $USER_ID substitution
curl -X POST \
  "http://localhost:6566/get-online-features" \
  -d "{
    \"features\": [
    \"entities\": {
      \"user_id\": [
  }" | jq
  • Note down the request value, later we would compare that after update our online feature store via Airflow batch jobs

Run the feature pipeline using Airflow

Append holdout data to OLTP

Here we manually update our source OLTP data with new data, simulating new data generated by users.

make build-pipeline
echo "Check the OLTP table to see the latest timestamp"
uv run scripts/
echo "Expect to see something like 2022-06-15. Later after we run the Airflow pipeline to trigger 002-append-hold-to-oltp notebook we should see new max timestamp denoting new data added"
  • Now go to Airflow UI http://localhost:8081, username=airflow password=airflow
  • Trigger the DAG named append_oltp. Check the DAG run logs to see if there are any errors.
    • In case the error log says: "Failed to establish connection to Docker host unix://var/run/docker.sock: Error while fetching server API version: ('Connection aborted.', PermissionError(13, 'Permission denied'))", it's likely you need to grant 'rw' permission to all users for the docker.sock file. Do so by running sudo chmod 666 /var/run/docker.sock. Read this SO for more details.
  • If no error, running uv run scripts/ again should yield a later date like 2022-07-16, which means just now we have a new round of OLTP data in our system.


Undo the append In case you want to undo the append, run: cd $ROOT_DIR/feature_pipeline/notebooks && uv run papermill 003-undo-append.ipynb papermill-output/003-undo-append.ipynb

Update features

  • Now after we have new data in our OLTP source, we should be able to update our Feature Store
  • Let's try to use the scheduling functionality from Airflow this time
  • Go to feature_pipeline/dags/, update schedule_interval to some minutes later in the future
  • On Airflow Web UI, turn on the update_features DAG, then wait and see Airflow trigger run for DAG update_features

Now we run the request to online feature store again to see if the $USER_ID has updated features:

curl -X POST \
  "http://localhost:6566/get-online-features" \
  -d "{
    \"features\": [
    \"entities\": {
      \"user_id\": [
  }" | jq
echo "We should expect to see new feature values corresponding to new timestamp"


You can choose to run either Non-docker version or Docker version below. The non-docker runs faster while the docker version is used to test packaged version of the run, which can be deployed on remote containerized computing infras.

Non-docker version

cd $ROOT_DIR/notebooks && uv run
cd $ROOT_DIR/notebooks && uv run

Docker version

# Train the Item2Vec and Sequence Rating Prediction models
docker compose -f compose.pipeline.yml run --rm --build training_pipeline
# Run batch pre-recommendations for Item2Vec models and persist to Redis
docker compose -f compose.pipeline.yml run --rm --build batch_reco_pipeline


make requirements-txt
make api-up
echo "Visit http://localhost:8000/docs to interact with the APIs"

Demo interaction and streaming feature update

This section assumes we have run make ml-platform-up, make feature-server-up and make api-up

cd $ROOT_DIR/ui
uv run gradio

Then you can try to rate some items and then see if the recommendations are updated accordingly.

Improve model accuracy

Prerequisite: make ml-platform-up is running.

Add new features

  • Double check RunCfg to have both use_sbert_features and use_item_tags_from_llm set to False
  • Run notebook 022-ranker to refit the ranker with more features where we aim to reach ROC-AUC ~ 0.87
  • In between check out the notebook 030-error-analysis to dive into the model resutls
    • You should run the notebook with args.run_llm_judge = False

Use LLM features

  • You need to add OPENAI_API_KEY value to .env. Note that the below steps would call OpenAI API endpoints and hence can cause about 0.5 - 1.0 USD.
  • Open RunCfg and set use_sbert_features = True but keep use_item_tags_from_llm to False

Use SBERT to get embeddings of long textual features

  • Make sure you have run make ml-platform-up and make feature-server-up
  • Run notebook 016-sbert to build SBERT features for text item descriptions
  • Re-run notebook 022 to check the results

Extract item tags from LLM

  • Open RunCfg and set both use_sbert_features = True and use_item_tags_from_llm to True
  • Run notebook 040 to extract the item tags using LLM
  • Run notebook 002 to create new item metadata transformation pipeline
  • Re-run notebook 020 to update datasets
  • Re-run notebook 022 to re-fit model
  • Make sure the newly trained model is aliased as champion. If not you can manually set that using MLflow UI
  • Run notebook 030-error-analysis with argument run_llm_judge=True

Run test

Unit tests and Functional tests

poetry install  # Run this when declaring `packages = [{ include = "src" }]` in pyproject.toml would register the ROOT_DIR in poetry PYTHONPATH.
uv run pytest -vs tests --disable-warnings

Data Validation tests

The data validation tests normally aim to test two things:

  1. Data integrity: Whether the input data satisfies some of our assumptions about the data itself, for example column ID must be unique
  2. Data drift: Whether the new input data drifts away from a reference data, which is normally the original development dataset we build models upon

For these types of tests, since it's closely related to the data itself, one option is to place various tests where they need to take place.

In this repo, pay attention to where the assert clause is used in the non-model data, like the features notebook.

Also there is a demo in terms of new data validation in the 050 notebook.

API logging

Apart from the observability requirements for any types of API like latency, number of requests, etc., we normally log these following information:

  • Input Features to model
  • Model version
  • A unique identifier for each model request, like rec_id
    • This rec_id is attached to every logger call and the response output for online debugging purpose
    • It is also used as the key to map with user's interaction events like click and conversion. These events are implemented by different engineer teams and we would ask them to forward this rec_id to downstream instrumentation flow.

Logging in action

Start the API services

make requirements-txt
make api-up
echo "Visit http://localhost:8000/docs to interact with the APIs"

Try making a call to /rerank endpoint

curl -X 'GET' \
  'http://localhost:8000/recs/u2i/rerank?user_id=AHO4TO4HFYJI3CSSQZR4APROVOBQ&top_k_retrieval=10&count=5&debug=false' \
  -H 'accept: application/json'

Return should be like this:

    "features": {
        "item_sequence": [
    "recommendations": {
        "rec_item_ids": [
        "rec_scores": [
    "metadata": {
        "rerank": {
            "model_version": "1",
            "model_name": "sequence_rating_prediction"
        "rec_id": "c6807a76-7400-41bd-bf17-e9660b49d405"

Notice that .metadata.rec_id should contain the same unique request id as in the API logs by running make api-logs.


User Tag Preference Recall

The idea of explainability here is to leverage tag systems to score which tag a specific user may be interested in. For example if we found a user buying a lot of items with the tag "ARPG" then we would retrieve the ARPG items and rank them with our ranker, then showing the recommendations as "Based on Your Interest in ARPG". The implementation is as follows:

  1. Update the feature flag USE_USER_TAG_PREF from false to true
  2. Add new source of tag-item mapper based on LLM extracted to our OLTP and Redis by running notebook 041.
  3. Build a rule-based scoring model named user_tag_pref to assign score between (user, tag) pairs: Look at this SQL model.
  4. Comment out the line with user/ in $ROOT_DIR/feature_pipeline/feature_store/feature_repo/.feastignore so that Feast will now see the file.
  5. Run the above SQL transformation with cd $ROOT_DIR/feature_pipeline/dbt/feature_store && uv run dbt build --models marts.user_tag_pref.
  6. Materialize the output user_tag_pref: cd $ROOT_DIR/feature_pipeline/feature_store/feature_repo && uv run feast apply && uv run feast materialize "1970-01-01" "2022-07-16" -v user_tag_pref.
  7. Make API call to /recs/u2i/rerank_v2: 6.1. Here we check the user_tag_pref model output precomputed for that user, sample one tag from the top scored tags. Please refer to the endpoint /recs/retrieve/user_tag_pref in API implementation. 6.2. Retrieve the items belonging to that tag as our retrieve outputs. 6.3. Use our Ranker model to re-rank the candidates.

Clean up

make clean


  • If you run into Kernel Died error while runninng build training_pipeline, it might possibly due to Docker is not granted enough memory. You can try increasing the Docker memory allocation.
  • If your Redis (kv_store) can not start due to "# Can't handle RDB format version 12", just remove the data and try again: make clean


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