- Kolkata, India
leetcode-1 Public
Forked from qiyuangong/leetcodePython & JAVA Solutions for Leetcode
LeetCode-Solutions Public
Forked from jp9573/LeetCode-SolutionsCollection of all the LeetCode problem solutions using different programming languages. Happy Hacktoberfest-2021! #hacktoberfest #firstpullrequest
leetcode Public
Forked from doocs/leetcode😏 LeetCode solutions in any programming language | 多种编程语言实现 LeetCode、《剑指 Offer(第 2 版)》、《程序员面试金典(第 6 版)》题解
LeetCode_Practice Public
Links to problems solved and codes used for their solutions.
remote-desktop-application Public
A TeamViewer-like application built using Java Swing implementing Remote Desktop Protocol
SaveURL Public
The One Stop Solution to save URLs of all opened tabs across all Browser windows from the comfort of your Command Line :D
Twitter-AutoPoster-Bot Public
A Twitter bot that spans within the comfort of your command-line/terminal :P
List of resources of concepts used in Competitive Programming.
1 UpdatedJun 5, 2020 -
vid_downloader Public
Python Scripts that helps download videos or the audio of a specific video
Datasets Public
Datasets used for the Machine learning course from Udemy
README-template.md Public
Forked from scottydocs/README-template.mdA README template for anyone to copy and use.
1 UpdatedNov 4, 2019 -
job-board Public
Forked from dscnsec/job-boardA job board for small scale workers
Hacktoberfest_19 Public
Forked from infiniteoverflow/contribute_ur_codeA repository where you can upload any code in any language of your choice. Feel Free to add your code here :)
HacktoberfestAlgo2019 Public
Forked from LuanDevecchi/HacktoberfestAlgo2019Hey First Timer, send a pull request with any algorithm written in any language to get started!
HacktoberFest_2K19 Public
Forked from hvijaycse/HacktoberFest_2K20Repo for HacktoberFest 2019, either its you first time using Github, first PR or a professional, aim is to help everyone to contibute and get the perk of contibution [Free Tshirt and Stickers].
first-contributions Public
Forked from firstcontributions/first-contributions🚀✨ Help beginners to contribute to open source projects
first-boot Public
Forked from tonghuix/first-bootA tasks list for FOSS new comers.
first-django-app Public
Forked from cdubz/first-django-appResults of the "Writing your first Django app" series on djangoproject.com.