Duke Tracker is a desktop app for managing tasks, optimized for use via a Command Line Interface (CLI) while still having the advantages of a Graphical User Interface (GUI). If you can type fast, Duke Tracker can help your task management done faster than traditional GUI applications.
- Words in
are the user input. - Items that have
before them are keywords for that command
Shows a list of tasks in the current task list.
Format: list
Adds a new todo task.
- Tasks with duplicated <TASK_DESCRIPTION> are not allowed.
todo CS2103T Quiz 5
Creates a todo task with description "CS2103T Quiz 5"
Adds a new task with a deadline.
- <DEADLINE_DESCRIPTION> can either be a string or a date in YYYY-MM-DD format.
- Tasks with duplicated <TASK_DESCRIPTION> are not allowed.
deadline return book /by this Sunday
deadline CS2100 Assignment 1 /by 2020-09-18
Adds a new task with a specified date.
- <DATE_DESCRIPTION> can either be a string or a date in YYYY-MM-DD format.
- Tasks with duplicated <TASK_DESCRIPTION> are not allowed.
event return book /at this Sunday
event CS2100 Assignment 1 /at 2020-09-18
Deletes a task at the specific index from the task list.
Format: delete <TASK_INDEX>
- <TASK_INDEX> is the index that appears on the left of a task when the task list is shown.
delete 3
Deletes task at index 3delete 6
Deletes task at index 6
Marks a task at the specific index from the task list as finished/done.
Format: done <TASK_INDEX>
- <TASK_INDEX> is the index that appears on the left of a task when the task list is shown.
done 2
Marks task at index 2 as done/finisheddone 5
Marks task at index 5 as done/finished
Finds all the tasks in the task list that match the given querystring.
Format: find <QUERY_STRING>
- Returns tasks of which <TASK_DESCRIPTION> contains <QUERY_STRING> as a substring.
- <QUERY_STRING> is case-insensitive.
find CS2100 Assignment
Shows a list of tasks of which <TASK_DESCRIPTION> contains "CS2100 Assignment" as substring
Exits and closes the application.
Duke Tracker automatically saves data into hard disk (.txt file) everytime any changes are made.
Action | Format |
List | list |
Add | todo <TASK_DESCRIPTION> (e.g., todo CS2103T Quiz 5) |
Add (with deadline) | deadline <TASK_DESCRIPTION> /by <DEADLINE_DESCRIPTION> (e.g., deadline return book /by this Sunday) |
Add (with date) | event <TASK_DESCRIPTION> /at <DATE_DESCRIPTION> (e.g., event CS2100 Assignment 1 /at 2020-09-18) |
Delete | delete <TASK_INDEX> (e.g., delete 3) |
Done | done <TASK_INDEX> (e.g., done 2) |
Find | find <QUERY_STRING> (e.g., find CS2100 Assignment) |
Exit | bye |
Save |