ALX students 21 days of C challenges based on Sams teach yourself C in 21 days book, a PDF version can be found in this repo.
These challenges are 100% voluntary and for those who wish to improve on their C programming skills. You may come up with the solutions alone or with the help of external persons and tools.
Fork the main repo from ALX-21-days-coding-challenge
clone your forked copy of the repo.
create your own development branch after your own name
# An example could be that my name is Betty Kimba
# git branch <your-name>
$ git branch betty-kimba
- Switch to your created branch.
$ git switch betty-kimba
- Create a folder for the challenge of your choice.
$ mkdir -p Day2_challenge
$ cd Day2_challenge
- create a
file(optional) and your solution files
At times as we code, alot of research is done before-hand and during the actual coding process.
is the right place to include those findings.
- Remember to use Betty.
- Push your working branch to GitHub.
# -u flag to set upstream branch
# git push -u origin <your-name>
$ git push -u origin betty-kimba
- Contribute your work to the main repo by creating a pull request.
Give your pull request a title and comment.
Title: `Solution for Day2_challenge`
comment: "
- Dynamically allocated memory using malloc
- used strcpy to copy the a string into the allocated memory
- used free to free up the allocated heap memory.
- Give this challenge repo a ★ and continue your
The zen of ALX, by Dut Kulang
As you do hard things
Remember that aunty Betty is final
because she is the BOSS
you must make her HAPPY
Your code MUST be to her taste
or suffer in her hands
her pet Kimba will smell and bite
if you dare try to cheat.
80 hours a week is real not a joke,
datelines willl police and enforce it.
To defer does not make you failure
even the smartest minds must rest too
semi-colons are the root cause of all evil
don't forget them at end of your lines.
C will make see
ask Cpython what it saw
while true, we
Do hard things