A simple and mobile air quality sensor.
The Dustmap Mobile Companion App accomplishes our Mobile Dustmap Air Quality Sensor Node based on the Sensirion SPS30. It is used both as a GPS provider for the current position and a screen to present results.
A more detailed intoduction can be found on this Netidee blog post (German).
Available soon for both iOS and Android.
This open source project has been generously supported by
The application connects to a Dustmap Mobile Node via Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE). It can run as a background task and combines the users current position with the air quality measured by the mobile sensor. The user can also see past measurements and locations.
Plans for the future development of the app are to fully support the Dustmap API. This includes an in-app map and the registration of new stationary sensors.
Copyright 2018 Dustmap.org. All rights reserved.
This work is licensed under the terms of the MIT license. For a copy, see https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT.