Explored a simple form management problem with the following technology stack
- Blazor WebAssembly Frontend framework
- Entity Framework Core ORM for datastore
- ASP.NET core identity for authentication management
- MS-SQL database
Update the FormsWeb.Server project with the following settings included
{ "SuperAdminPassword": <YourSuperAdminPassword>, "EmailSenderId": <YourEmailSenderAddressForSendingAuthenticationEmails>, "EmailSenderPassword": <YourEmailSenderAddressPassword> }
The SuperAdmin Account Email is fixed as "[email protected]".
Update the FormsWeb.Server project appSettings.json for the connectionstring properties "AuthConnection", "QuestionnaireConnection"
Run the following commonds in the powershell/cmd :
dotnet ef database update --context "AuthDbContext" dotnet ef database update --context "QuestionnaireDbContext"
Run the "FormsWeb.Server" project