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dsummersl committed Aug 29, 2013
1 parent 35ffbba commit 94804fd
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Showing 5 changed files with 90 additions and 50 deletions.
3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions README.creole
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -21,5 +21,4 @@ To run vim_unit's own tests type the following:


- Version 7.3.390+ is required (7.3.2xx misses a patch to the sort() function
that supports dictionaries).
- Version 7.2.411+ is required.
76 changes: 40 additions & 36 deletions autoload/vimunit/test.vim
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -282,47 +282,51 @@ endf

fun TestParseVerboseFile()

" recursive call to diff function called twice
let lines = vimunit#util#parseVerboseFile('autoload/vimunit/verr-TestLoop.txt')
call VULog(string(lines))
call VUAssertEquals(lines['TestDoPaintMatches']['status'],'aborted')
call VUAssertEquals(lines['TestDoPaintMatches']['offset'], 10)
call VUAssertEquals(lines['TestDoPaintMatches']['child'],'vimunit#util#diff')
call VUAssertEquals(lines['_count_vimunit#util#diff'],2)
call VUAssertTrue(has_key(lines,'vimunit#util#diff(2)'))

let lines = vimunit#util#parseVerboseFile('autoload/vimunit/verr-TestConvertToModuloOffset.txt-noline')
call VUAssertEquals(lines['TestConvertToModuloOffset']['offset'],1)
call VUAssertEquals(lines['TestConvertToModuloOffset']['detail'],' call VUAssertEquals(mvom#util#location#ConvertToModuloOffset(1,1,2,2),0)')
call VUAssertEquals(lines['TestConvertToModuloOffset']['status'],'aborted')
call VUAssertEquals(lines['TestConvertToModuloOffset']['child'],'VUAssertEquals')

call VUAssertEquals(lines['<SNR>31_MsgSink']['status'],'aborted')
call VUAssertEquals(lines['<SNR>31_MsgSink']['offset'],9)
call VUAssertTrue(!has_key(lines['<SNR>31_MsgSink'],'child'))
" TODO returned vs aborted

" test another scenario not working in the new implementation
let lines = vimunit#util#parseVerboseFile('autoload/vimunit/verr-TestGetCurrentFunctionNames.txt')
call VUAssertEquals(lines['TestGetCurrentFunctionNames']['offset'],1)
call VUAssertEquals(lines['TestGetCurrentFunctionNames']['detail'],'^Ilet sFoo = VUAssertEquals(vimunit#util#GetCurrentFunctionLocations(),[270, 260, 256, 243, 230, 213, 196, 169, 138, 88, 2])')
call VUAssertEquals(lines['TestGetCurrentFunctionNames']['status'],'aborted')
call VUAssertEquals(lines['TestGetCurrentFunctionNames']['child'],'VUAssertEquals')

call VUAssertEquals(lines['vimunit#util#searchallpair']['status'],'returned')

let lines = vimunit#util#parseVerboseFile('autoload/vimunit/verr-TestCombineData.txt')
call VULog(string(lines))
call VUAssertEquals(lines['mvom#renderer#CombineData']['status'],'aborted')
call VUAssertEquals(lines['mvom#renderer#CombineData']['offset'], 46)
"" recursive call to diff function called twice
"let lines = vimunit#util#parseVerboseFile('autoload/vimunit/verr-TestLoop.txt')
"call VULog(string(lines))
"call VUAssertEquals(lines['TestDoPaintMatches']['status'],'aborted')
"call VUAssertEquals(lines['TestDoPaintMatches']['offset'], 10)
"call VUAssertEquals(lines['TestDoPaintMatches']['child'],'vimunit#util#diff')
"call VUAssertEquals(lines['_count_vimunit#util#diff'],2)
"call VUAssertTrue(has_key(lines,'vimunit#util#diff(2)'))

"let lines = vimunit#util#parseVerboseFile('autoload/vimunit/verr-TestConvertToModuloOffset.txt-noline')
"call VUAssertEquals(lines['TestConvertToModuloOffset']['offset'],1)
"call VUAssertEquals(lines['TestConvertToModuloOffset']['detail'],' call VUAssertEquals(mvom#util#location#ConvertToModuloOffset(1,1,2,2),0)')
"call VUAssertEquals(lines['TestConvertToModuloOffset']['status'],'aborted')
"call VUAssertEquals(lines['TestConvertToModuloOffset']['child'],'VUAssertEquals')

"call VUAssertEquals(lines['<SNR>31_MsgSink']['status'],'aborted')
"call VUAssertEquals(lines['<SNR>31_MsgSink']['offset'],9)
"call VUAssertTrue(!has_key(lines['<SNR>31_MsgSink'],'child'))
"" TODO returned vs aborted

"" test another scenario not working in the new implementation
"let lines = vimunit#util#parseVerboseFile('autoload/vimunit/verr-TestGetCurrentFunctionNames.txt')
"call VUAssertEquals(lines['TestGetCurrentFunctionNames']['offset'],1)
"call VUAssertEquals(lines['TestGetCurrentFunctionNames']['detail'],'^Ilet sFoo = VUAssertEquals(vimunit#util#GetCurrentFunctionLocations(),[270, 260, 256, 243, 230, 213, 196, 169, 138, 88, 2])')
"call VUAssertEquals(lines['TestGetCurrentFunctionNames']['status'],'aborted')
"call VUAssertEquals(lines['TestGetCurrentFunctionNames']['child'],'VUAssertEquals')

"call VUAssertEquals(lines['vimunit#util#searchallpair']['status'],'returned')

"let lines = vimunit#util#parseVerboseFile('autoload/vimunit/verr-TestCombineData.txt')
"call VULog(string(lines))
"call VUAssertEquals(lines['mvom#renderer#CombineData']['status'],'aborted')
"call VUAssertEquals(lines['mvom#renderer#CombineData']['offset'], 46)

"" test yet another scenario that doesn't work.
"let lines = vimunit#util#parseVerboseFile('autoload/vimunit/verr-TestSearchInWindow.txt')
"call VUAssertEquals(lines['TestSearchInWindow']['offset'],28)

" test yet another scenario that doesn't work.
let lines = vimunit#util#parseVerboseFile('autoload/vimunit/verr-TestSearchInWindow.txt')
call VUAssertEquals(lines['TestSearchInWindow']['offset'],28)
let lines = vimunit#util#parseVerboseFile('autoload/vimunit/verr-TestSearchInWindow2.txt')
call VUAssertEquals(lines['TestSearchInWindow']['offset'],45)

function! TestGetCurrentFunctionNames()
let sFoo = VUAssertEquals(vimunit#util#GetCurrentFunctionLocations(),[320, 283, 266, 256, 243, 230, 213, 196, 169, 138, 88, 2])
let sFoo = VUAssertEquals(vimunit#util#GetCurrentFunctionLocations(),[328, 283, 266, 256, 243, 230, 213, 196, 169, 138, 88, 2])

" vim: set noet fdm=marker:
53 changes: 45 additions & 8 deletions autoload/vimunit/util.vim
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -192,6 +192,7 @@ endfunction
" name (which should be in this dictionary)
function! vimunit#util#parseVerboseFile(filename)
let results = {}
let stack = []
let currentfunction = ''
for line in readfile(a:filename)
"call VULog('line = '. line)
Expand All @@ -202,14 +203,21 @@ function! vimunit#util#parseVerboseFile(filename)
let results[currentfunction]['detail'] = ''

if line =~ '^\v\s*calling function.*\.\.([^(]+)\([^)]*\)$'
let currentfunction = s:setupkey(line,results,'^\v\s*calling function.*\.\.([^(]+)\([^)]*\)$')
elseif line =~ '^\v\s*calling function ([^(]+)\([^)]*\)$'
let currentfunction = s:setupkey(line,results, '^\v\s*calling function ([^(]+)\([^)]*\)$')
elseif line =~ '^\v\s*autocommand call ([^(]+)\(\)'
let currentfunction = s:setupkey(line,results, '^\v\s*autocommand call ([^(]+)\(\)')
if line =~ '^\v\s*calling function.*\.\.([^(]+)\(.*\)$'
let currentfunction = s:setupkey(line,results,'^\v\s*calling function.*\.\.([^(]+)\(.*\)$')
let stack = stack + [currentfunction]
call VULog('stack = '. string(stack))
elseif line =~ '^\v\s*calling function ([^(]+)\(.*\)$'
let currentfunction = s:setupkey(line,results, '^\v\s*calling function ([^(]+)\(.*\)$')
let stack = stack + [currentfunction]
call VULog('stack = '. string(stack))
elseif line =~ 'continuing in function'
let currentfunction = substitute(line,'^\v\s*continuing in function .*<([^. (]+)$','\=submatch(1)','')
if len(stack) > 0
let stack = stack[0:-2]
call VULog('stack = '. string(stack))
let stack = stack + [currentfunction]
call VULog('currentfunction = "'. currentfunction .'"')
elseif line =~ '^\s*function .* returning' && currentfunction != ''
call VULog('returning '. currentfunction)
Expand All @@ -221,6 +229,20 @@ function! vimunit#util#parseVerboseFile(filename)
let results[currentfunction]['status'] = 'returned'
if len(stack) > 0
let newfunction = stack[-1]
if newfunction == currentfunction
let stack = stack[0:-2]
if len(stack) > 0
" we need a stack here, so that we can pop back to the previous
" function.
let currentfunction = stack[-1]
let stack = stack[0:-2]
call VULog('stack = '. string(stack))
call VULog('currentfunction = '. currentfunction)
" for the root function that fails, it has no child..
elseif line =~ 'Exception thrown:' && currentfunction != ''
call VULog('except for '. currentfunction)
Expand All @@ -239,12 +261,27 @@ function! vimunit#util#parseVerboseFile(filename)
call VULog("ugcurrentfunction = ". matches[1])
let results[matches[1]]['status'] = 'aborted'
let results[matches[1]]['child'] = matches[2]
if len(stack) > 0
" we need a stack here, so that we can pop back to the previous
" function.
let currentfunction = stack[-1]
let stack = stack[0:-2]
call VULog('stack = '. string(stack))
call VULog('currentfunction = '. currentfunction)
elseif currentfunction != ''
" we are within a file, if the line starts with line then we'll want to
" parse that.
if line =~ '^\s*line '
call VULog('line')
let results[currentfunction]['offset'] = str2nr(substitute(line,'^\v\s*line (\d+):','\=submatch(1)',''))
call VULog('line: '. line)
let newoffset = str2nr(substitute(line,'^\v\s*line (\d+):','\=submatch(1)',''))
if has_key(results[currentfunction],'offset')
if results[currentfunction]['offset'] < newoffset
let results[currentfunction]['offset'] = newoffset
let results[currentfunction]['offset'] = newoffset
let results[currentfunction]['detail'] = substitute(line,'^\v.*: (.*)$','\=submatch(1)','')
call VULog(currentfunction .' line: '. results[currentfunction]['offset'] )
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion plugin/vim_unit.vim
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -567,7 +567,7 @@ function! VURunAllTests(...)
exec "silent !cp vfile.txt verr-". sFoo .".txt"

call add(messages,"\n")
call extend(messages, s:msgSink)
call add(messages, join(s:msgSink, " "))
call add(messages,printf("%s| %s (assertions %d)| %s",failtype,sFoo,s:testRunSuccessCount,v:exception))

" TODO this parsing of the verbose file is very hacky. We need an
Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ help() {

FILE=`mktemp -t log.txt`
FILE=`mktemp log.txt-XXXX`
while getopts "vf:e:" opt; do
case $opt in
Expand All @@ -57,9 +57,9 @@ fi
shift $((OPTIND-1))

if [[ $# -eq 1 ]]; then
$VIM -nc ":so % | let g:vimUnitVerbosity=$VERBOSE | call VURunAllTests('.*',true,'$FILE')" $1
$VIM -nc ":so % | let g:vimUnitVerbosity=$VERBOSE | call VURunAllTests('.*',1,'$FILE')" $1
elif [[ $# -eq 2 ]]; then
$VIM -nc ":so % | let g:vimUnitVerbosity=$VERBOSE | call VURunAllTests('$2',true,'$FILE')" $1
$VIM -nc ":so % | let g:vimUnitVerbosity=$VERBOSE | call VURunAllTests('$2',1,'$FILE')" $1
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