This is the DXR device only source code of the chapter Real-time Rendering of Complex Fractals, from Ray Tracing Gems 2. For a fully functional example, including host code, please visit Proceduray. The images bellow were generated using that engine.
If you use the chapter in your project, please cite it:
author ={da Silva, Vin{\'\i}cius and Novello, Tiago and Lopes, H{\'e}lio and Velho, Luiz},
title ={Real-Time Rendering of Complex Fractals},
editor ={Marrs, Adam and Shirley, Peter and Wald, Ingo},
booktitle ={Ray Tracing Gems II},
publisher ={Apress},
address ={Berkeley, CA},
year ={2021},
pages ={529-544},
chapter ={33},
Vinícius da Silva, Tiago Novello, Hélio Lopes and Luiz Velho.
Adam Marrs, Pete Shirley and Ingo Wald for editing the book. Angelo Pesce for editing the chapter and associated section. Inigo Quilez for the very useful reference material.