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Johan Ljunggren edited this page Dec 6, 2023 · 3 revisions



This resource has been renamed in the latest release, see IisFeatureDelegation. Bug fixes and new functionality will only be added to the renamed resource.


Parameter Attribute DataType Description Allowed Values
Path Key String Specifies the configuration path. This can be either an IIS configuration path in the format computer machine/webroot/apphost, or the IIS module path in this format IIS:\sites\Default Web Site.
Filter Key String Specifies the IIS configuration section to lock or unlock.
OverrideMode Required String Determines whether to lock or unlock the specified section. Allow, Deny


The xIisFeatureDelegation DSC resource is used to manage the IIS configuration section locking (overrideMode) to control what configuration can be set in web.config.


  • Target machine must be running Windows Server 2012 R2 or later.

Known issues

All issues are not listed here, see here for all open issues.


Example 1

This example will install the IIS Windows Feature and unlocks the IIS configuration sections specified by the Filter setting. This example uses the IIS Configuration Path format for the 'Path' setting.

configuration Example
        $NodeName = 'localhost'

    Import-DscResource -Module xWebAdministration
    Import-DscResource -Module PSDesiredStateConfiguration

    Node $NodeName
        # Install the IIS role
        WindowsFeature IIS
            Ensure = 'Present'
            Name   = 'Web-Server'

        # Allow Write access to some section that normally don't have it.
        xIisFeatureDelegation serverRuntime
            Filter       = '/system.webserver/serverRuntime'
            OverrideMode = 'Allow'
            Path         = 'MACHINE/WEBROOT/APPHOST'

        xIisFeatureDelegation anonymousAuthentication
            Filter       = '/system.webserver/security/authentication/anonymousAuthentication'
            OverrideMode = 'Allow'
            Path         = 'MACHINE/WEBROOT/APPHOST'

        xIisFeatureDelegation sessionState
            Filter       = '/system.web/sessionState'
            OverrideMode = 'Allow'
            Path         = 'MACHINE/WEBROOT/APPHOST'

Example 2

This example will install the IIS Windows Feature and unlocks the IIS configuration sections specified by the Filter setting. This example uses the IIS Module Path format for the 'Path' setting.

configuration Example
        $NodeName = 'localhost'

    Import-DscResource -Module xWebAdministration
    Import-DscResource -Module PSDesiredStateConfiguration

    Node $NodeName
        # Install the IIS role
        WindowsFeature IIS
            Ensure = 'Present'
            Name   = 'Web-Server'

        # Allow Write access to some section that normally don't have it.
        xIisFeatureDelegation serverRuntime
            Filter       = '/system.webserver/serverRuntime'
            OverrideMode = 'Allow'
            Path         = 'IIS:\Sites\Default Web Site'

        xIisFeatureDelegation anonymousAuthentication
            Filter       = '/system.webserver/security/authentication/anonymousAuthentication'
            OverrideMode = 'Allow'
            Path         = 'IIS:\Sites\Default Web Site'

        xIisFeatureDelegation sessionState
            Filter       = '/system.web/sessionState'
            OverrideMode = 'Allow'
            Path         = 'IIS:\Sites\Default Web Site'