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Imports a (preferred) module in a standardized way.
Import-SqlDscPreferredModule [[-Name] <String>] [-Force]
Imports a (preferred) module in a standardized way.
If the parameter Name
is not specified the command will imports the default module SqlServer
if it exist, otherwise SQLPS.
If the environment variable SMODefaultModuleName
is set to a module name
that name will be used as the preferred module name instead of the default
module 'SqlServer'.
The module is always imported globally.
Imports the default preferred module (SqlServer) if it exist, otherwise it will try to import the module SQLPS.
Import-SqlDscPreferredModule -Force
Will forcibly import the default preferred module if it exist, otherwise it will try to import the module SQLPS. Prior to importing it will remove an already loaded module.
Import-SqlDscPreferredModule -Name 'OtherSqlModule'
Imports the specified preferred module OtherSqlModule if it exist, otherwise it will try to import the module SQLPS.
Forces the removal of the previous module, to load the same or newer version fresh. This is meant to make sure the newest version is used, with the latest assemblies.
Type: SwitchParameter
Parameter Sets: (All)
Required: False
Position: Named
Default value: False
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False
Specifies the name of a preferred module.
Type: String
Parameter Sets: (All)
Aliases: PreferredModule
Required: False
Position: 1
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False
This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -InformationAction, -InformationVariable, -OutVariable, -OutBuffer, -PipelineVariable, -Verbose, -WarningAction, and -WarningVariable. For more information, see about_CommonParameters.
- Add-SqlDscNode
- Add-SqlDscTraceFlag
- Complete-SqlDscFailoverCluster
- Complete-SqlDscImage
- Connect-SqlDscDatabaseEngine
- ConvertFrom-SqlDscDatabasePermission
- ConvertFrom-SqlDscServerPermission
- ConvertTo-SqlDscDatabasePermission
- ConvertTo-SqlDscServerPermission
- Disable-SqlDscAudit
- Disconnect-SqlDscDatabaseEngine
- Enable-SqlDscAudit
- Get-SqlDscAudit
- Get-SqlDscConfigurationOption
- Get-SqlDscDatabasePermission
- Get-SqlDscManagedComputer
- Get-SqlDscManagedComputerService
- Get-SqlDscPreferredModule
- Get-SqlDscServerPermission
- Get-SqlDscStartupParameter
- Get-SqlDscTraceFlag
- Import-SqlDscPreferredModule
- Initialize-SqlDscRebuildDatabase
- Install-SqlDscServer
- Invoke-SqlDscQuery
- New-SqlDscAudit
- Remove-SqlDscAudit
- Remove-SqlDscNode
- Remove-SqlDscTraceFlag
- Repair-SqlDscServer
- Save-SqlDscSqlServerMediaFile
- Set-SqlDscAudit
- Set-SqlDscDatabasePermission
- Set-SqlDscServerPermission
- Set-SqlDscStartupParameter
- Set-SqlDscTraceFlag
- Test-SqlDscIsDatabasePrincipal
- Test-SqlDscIsLogin
- Test-SqlDscIsSupportedFeature
- Uninstall-SqlDscServer
- SqlAG
- SqlAGDatabase
- SqlAgentAlert
- SqlAgentFailsafe
- SqlAgentOperator
- SqlAGListener
- SqlAGReplica
- SqlAlias
- SqlAlwaysOnService
- SqlAudit
- SqlConfiguration
- SqlDatabase
- SqlDatabaseDefaultLocation
- SqlDatabaseMail
- SqlDatabaseObjectPermission
- SqlDatabasePermission
- SqlDatabaseRole
- SqlDatabaseUser
- SqlEndpoint
- SqlEndpointPermission
- SqlLogin
- SqlMaxDop
- SqlMemory
- SqlPermission
- SqlProtocol
- SqlProtocolTcpIp
- SqlReplication
- SqlRole
- SqlRS
- SqlRSSetup
- SqlScript
- SqlScriptQuery
- SqlSecureConnection
- SqlServiceAccount
- SqlSetup
- SqlTraceFlag
- SqlWaitForAG
- SqlWindowsFirewall