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Marcio T edited this page Aug 8, 2020 · 2 revisions

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Will Drunken Octopus binaries and pre-build configuration files be provided?

To get you started with Drunken Octopus, pre-built binaries and configs will be provided for the stock toolhead for each standard LulzBot printer (as indicated by 🏭 in this page). Check the releases page on GitHub.

Patreon supporters will receive firmware or configuration files for modified printers and accessory toolheads (and possibly other variations, as time goes on!). These will also be in the releases page, in the form of a password protected file, sometime after the basic firmware is released. Patreon supporters will be notified of the password once these releases are made.

Source code for building everything will always be available to anyone!

Will using Drunken Octopus void my printer warranty?

Probably, if you let LulzBot know about it.

Will Drunken Octopus damage my printer?

He doesn't mean to, but it depends on how much he has had to drink the night before! Use Drunken Octopus at your own risk.

What if I want my printer to remain sober?

Reach out to LulzBot and use their firmware. Rumor has it they are still answering the phone.

Additional Questions

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