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Drunken Octopus vs Factory Firmware

Marcio T edited this page Aug 17, 2020 · 1 revision

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How does Drunken Octopus differ from Factory Marlin?

To simplify the code, a few things have changed:

  • I have removed or replaced logos to prevent possible trademark complications.
  • After changing the Z offset you must now save it using the save settings menu item, for consistency with other settings.
  • I have simplified firmware file names for ease of understanding.
  • You need to tell Cura to connect to unknown printers, as Cura LE does not know about Drunken Octopus.
  • The M115 output is now unmodified from the standard Marlin response.
  • I have removed EMI mitigation code to simplify endstop and probe troubleshooting.
  • All Mini firmware now outputs LCD data, regardless of whether one is hooked up.
  • You can build it on a Windows 10 PC using Windows Subsystem for Linux (in addition to the Arduino IDE or standalone Linux)