Before starting the code, in order to access the GUI version: (if you have Python installed) Open the console (terminal).
For windows: Win+R. Then type 'cmd'. In the console write 'pip install customtkinter' and wait for the installation to complete.
For MacOS: Command+Space. Then type 'terminal'. In the console write 'pip3 install customtkinter' and 'pip3 install packaging'
Now, the guide for the code: Input: In the upper entry field, input grades (no matter percentage or decimal form, both 90 and 0.9 give same result) with space as a separator Input 2: In the lower entry field, input desirable overall grade (in the same format as in the upper entry field, if in upper the percentage/decimal form is given, same should be here)
Button: click for the overall to be calculated
Label: The result (required grade on the Final Exam) will be provided here after pressing the Button
Note: If you use wrong separator, or input a letter/unnecessary symbol, nothing will work. If different formats of grades are given, result will be inaccurate.