🍏I created a book for students to enhance their quality of life and work, TBD. Under construction...
This project aims to provide high quality resource sharing to HITwh students
- Slides & Memos
- Lecture notes
contact:[email protected]
- bilibili homepage:HITwh软18语你讲师团
- https://space.bilibili.com/478354813?from=search&seid=5980619953709063940
members(names are not listed in order)
- wsb, zwj: 离散数学(近世代数),
- wys, lkw: 数字逻辑设计,
- lyf: Java,
- wec, zycf: 数据结构,
- lkh: 计算机组成原理,
- hlx: 软件工程概论,
- xrs: Python Django tutorial
plz contact me if you want to upload your resources to support this project!