1. Java 8
2. Apache Tomcat 9 and above
3. PostgresSql Database 10.x
4. Maven 3.3.x
5. GIT
6. MSSQL Server
7. NodeJS
Clone the Repository Clone the respository using the below command in command prompt
git clone https://github.com/drajer-health/reference-fhir-server.git
Create Build: Build Reference FHIR Server: Change the database configurations in the file application.properties located under src/main/resources
Create the tables in the database by executing the SQL script 'Reference_FHIR_Server.sql' file present in the base directory.
Then navigate to reference-fhir-server directory and run Maven build to build application war file.
$ mvn clean install
Note: Skip the tests if the build is getting failed.
This will generate a war file under target/fhir.war. Copy this to your tomcat webapp directory for deployment.
Navigate to the directory /reference-fhir-server/auth-server/
and follow the below instructions
Create Build: Build Reference Authorization Service: Change the database configurations in the file application.properties located under src/main/resources
Navigate to the directory /reference-fhir-server/auth-server/frontend
and execute the below command
npm install -g @angular/cli
npm install --force
Then run Maven build to build application war file.
$ mvn clean install
This will generate a war file under target/auth-server.war. Copy this to your tomcat webapp directory for deployment.
Start Tomcat Service If the tomcat is started successfully then you should be able to access below endpoints ENDPOINTS:
Request Method: GET
Request Headers:
1. Content-Type: application/json