You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 1
Gerrit Installation
Main flow is described here - https://gerrit-review.googlesource.com/Documentation/install.html
example of configuration - http://mageconfig.blogspot.co.uk/2014/06/configure-gitgerrit-with-open-ldap-for.html
login with with root Install mysql-server if missing Using this guide - https://devops.profitbricks.com/tutorials/install-mysql-on-centos-7/ Execute this commands (change password to whatever you want...)
CREATE USER 'gerrit2'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';
GRANT ALL ON reviewdb.* TO 'gerrit2'@'localhost';
Test that you can login with the following command (type the password that you defined before)
mysql -u gerrit2 -p
login with root
mkdir -p /opt/gerrit2
adduser gerrit2
su gerrit2
cd /home/gerrit2
su -
chown gerrit2 /opt/gerrit2/
login with gerrit2 and execute:
java -jar gerrit.war init -d /opt/gerrit2
Example of such installation:
*** Git Repositories
Location of Git repositories [git]:
*** SQL Database
Database server type [mysql]:
Server hostname [localhost]:
Server port [default]:
Database name [reviewdb]:
Database username [gerrit2]:
Change gerrit2's password [y/N]? y
gerrit2's password :
confirm password :
*** Index
Type [LUCENE/?]:
*** User Authentication
Authentication method [LDAP/?]:
LDAP server [ldap://111.222.333.444]:
LDAP username [CN=User Name,OU=Group,DC=company,DC=local]:
Account BaseDN [dc=company,dc=local]:
Group BaseDN [ou=Groups,dc=company,dc=local]:
*** Review Labels
Install Verified label [y/N]? y
*** Email Delivery
SMTP server hostname [smtp.company.local]:
SMTP server port [(default)]:
SMTP encryption [NONE/?]:
SMTP username [?]:
Change ?'s password [y/N]?
*** Container Process
Run as [gerrit2]:
Java runtime [/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.7.0-openjdk-]:
Upgrade /opt/gerrit2/bin/gerrit.war [Y/n]?
Copying gerrit.war to /opt/gerrit2/bin/gerrit.war
*** SSH Daemon
Listen on address [*]:
Listen on port [29418]:
*** HTTP Daemon
Behind reverse proxy [y/N]?
Use SSL (https://) [y/N]?
Listen on address [*]:
Listen on port [8080]:
Canonical URL [http://dev-gerrit.company.local:8080/]:
*** Plugins
Installing plugins.
Install plugin reviewnotes version v2.11.2 [y/N]?
Install plugin replication version v2.11.2 [y/N]?
Install plugin download-commands version v2.11.2 [y/N]?
Install plugin singleusergroup version v2.11.2 [y/N]?
Install plugin commit-message-length-validator version v2.11.2 [y/N]?
Initializing plugins.
No plugins found with init steps.
Initialized /opt/gerrit2
After initialization is done do:
cd /opt/gerrit2/etc
chmod 600 *config
Add the required fields of LDAP to the gerrit.config: (the password is stored under secure.config and is set also in the initialization script that you just did
server = ldap://111.222.333.444
username = CN=User Name,OU=Group,DC=company,DC=local
accountBase = dc=company,dc=local
groupBase = ou=Groups,dc=company,dc=local
referral = follow
groupMemberPattern = (&(objectClass=group)(member=${dn}))
accountFullName = cn
accountMemberField = memberOf
accountEmailAddress = mail
sslVerify = false
accountScope = subtree
accountPattern = (&(objectClass=person)(sAMAccountName=${username}))
time /opt/gerrit2/bin/gerrit.sh restart
tail -f /opt/gerrit2/logs/error_log
open gerrit.config and add these lines
command = checkout
command = cherry_pick
command = pull
command = format_patch
command = repo_download
scheme = ssh
scheme = http
scheme = anon_http
scheme = anon_git
scheme = repo_download
download the binary jar package download-commands plugin from here (Binaries of more plugins are listed [here] (http://gerritcodereview-plugins.storage.googleapis.com/index.html)
put this jar file under the plugin folder
If you still do not see these commands in the UI - Clean the cache and it will solve it
Gerrit with Jenkins: installation and configuration
Migrate a remote Git repository to a new Gerrit project
Migrating a Gerrit project into a different instance of Gerrit
gerrit with jenkins : installation and configuration
Gerrit Admin Console
Example of how to Query gerrrit reviewdb