TYPO3 CMS extension for personnel list with vCard support. List of people from pages or individual records. Demo
v3.0.0 see the ChangeLog
- List of persons from pages
- List of selected persons
- Sort by
- Pagination with items per page and unique to the content element with paginatedprocessors
- Disable from back end: images, vCard link, extra information
- Social links with icons (LinkedIn, Xing, Twitter, GitHub, YouTube, Instagram)
- Base templates for cards, list and table
- Easy to add custom templates
- fluid_styled_content
- paginatedprocessors
composer req t3brightside/personnel
or from TYPO3 extension repository personnel- Add static template
- Include static template for Paginatedprocessors
- Enable page types etc. in "Extension Configuration"
- Create personnel records in a Page/Sysfolder
- Add desired content element and point to the Page/Sysfolder or individual records
Quite basic but extendable...
- Enable in Personnel extension configuration
- Add 'Personnel - News author' TypoScript template
- See Configuration/TypoScript/NewsAuthor/setup.typoscript for guidance
TypoScript Check the constant editor.
TCEFORM.tt_content.tx_personnel_template.addItems {
minilist = Mini List
Fluid Add new section wheres IF condition determines template name 'minilist' to: Resources/Private/Templates/Personnel.html
<f:if condition="{data.tx_personnel_template} == minilist">
<f:for each="{personnel}" as="person" iteration="iterator">
<f:render partial="Minilist" arguments="{_all}"/>
Create new partial: Resources/Private/Partials/Minilist.html
For the pagination routing check t3brightside/paginatedprocessors
type: Simple
routePath: '/{person}'
tag: ''
person: '[1-999]'
person: 'person'
type: StaticRangeMapper
start: '1'
end: '999'
type: PageType
vcard.vcf: 888
Brightside OÜ – TYPO3 development and hosting specialised web agency