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dofy committed Nov 15, 2023
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42 changes: 21 additions & 21 deletions en/plugins/
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@@ -1,50 +1,50 @@
# Airline & Themes

Airline 可以在 Vim 中显示更友好的状态栏,再配以漂亮的配色,工作更开心。
Airline displays a more user-friendly status bar in Vim, and with a nice color scheme, it's a lot more fun to work with.

## 项目地址
## Project address

- Airline
- Airline Themes

## 安装
## Installation

> 添加 `.vimrc` 配置
> Add `.vimrc` configuration.
" 同时安装两个插件
" Install both plugins at the same time
Plug 'vim-airline/vim-airline' | Plug 'vim-airline/vim-airline-themes'

> Vim 中执行 `:source ~/.vimrc` 重载配置文件
> Execute `:source ~/.vimrc` in Vim to reload the config file.
> 执行 `:PlugInstall` 安装 Airline Aairline Themes 插件
> Execute `:PlugInstall` to install the Airline and Aairline Themes plugins.
> `.vimrc` 中添加如下设置使 Airline 生效
> Add the following setting to `.vimrc` to make Airline effective.
set laststatus=2 " 始终显示状态栏
set laststatus=2 " Always show status bar

" Airline
let g:airline#extensions#tabline#enabled=1 " 开启 tab
let g:airline#extensions#tabline#enabled=1 " enable tab bar
> 重载配置文件使之生效,如果没有效果可以尝试重启 Vim
> Reload the config file to make it work, if that doesn't work try restarting Vim
现在你应该会看到 Vim 下方显示出了一条状态栏,显示信息一般会包含 **当前模式**
You should now see a status bar displayed underneath Vim, displaying information that will typically contain **Current Mode**, **Current File**, **Current File**, **Current File**, **Current File**, and **Current File**.
**Current File**, **File Type**, **File Encoding**, and **Current Column Information**.
因为我们同时安装了 Airline Themes 插件,所以可以通过如下方式设置 Airline 的样式。
Since we also have the Airline Themes plugin installed, we can set the Airline style as follows.
> 执行 `:AirlineTheme simple` 应用 `simple` 样式,或者修改 `.vimrc` 文件,添加如
> 下配置:
> Execute `:AirlineTheme simple` to apply the `simple` style, or modify the `.vimrc` file to add a file like
> The following configuration:
let g:airline_theme='simple'

Airline Themes 包含了非常多的样式,具体可以参考该项目的
Airline Themes contains a large number of styles, which can be found in the project's
[Styles folder](
The styles listed there can be applied.

For more details and renderings, please refer to the [project address](
169 changes: 95 additions & 74 deletions en/plugins/
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@@ -1,23 +1,27 @@
# EasyAlign

EasyAlign 是一款用来做字符对齐的插件,简直是强迫症患者的福音。
EasyAlign is a plugin for doing character alignment that is nothing short of

## 项目地址
## Project address

## 安装
## Installation

> 修改 `.vimrc` 配置,在 `call plug#begin()` 后面添加如下配置
> Modify `.vimrc` configuration, add the following configuration after
> `call plug#begin()`
Plug 'junegunn/vim-easy-align'

_注意:Vim 插件管理器的使用请参考[](../插件管理)_
_Note: For use of the Vim plugin manager, see [](../

> Run Vim and execute the command `:PlugInstall`, you may get the following
> prompt:
> 运行 Vim 并执行命令 `:PlugInstall`, 可能会得到如下提示:
1 Updated. Elapsed time: 6.008607 sec.
2 [===]
Expand All @@ -28,18 +32,18 @@ _注意:Vim 插件管理器的使用请参考[](../插件
7 - vim-easy-align: Resolving deltas: 100% (136/136), done.

## 使用
## Usage

### 配置
### Configuration

> 添加 `.vimrc` 配置如下:
> Add `.vimrc` configuration as follows:
" EasyAlign
xmap ga <Plug>(EasyAlign) " Visual 模式下快捷键
nmap ga <Plug>(EasyAlign) " Normal 模式下快捷键
xmap ga <Plug>(EasyAlign) " The shortcut key in visual mode
nmap ga <Plug>(EasyAlign) " The shortcut key in normal mode
" 配置一些自定义符号
" Configure some custom symbols
let g:easy_align_delimiters = {
\ '>': { 'pattern': '>>\|=>\|>' },
\ '/': {
Expand All @@ -66,99 +70,114 @@ let g:easy_align_delimiters = {
\ }

### 实验
### Experiment

> 在下面的代码中尝试如下操作:
> Try the following operations in the code below:
let a=1;// one
let bcd=test=2; // two
let longword=others= 'some content';// string
let a = 1; // one
let bcd = (test = 2); // two
let longword = (others = "some content"); // string

> 首先定位光标到上面代码中的任意一句,按 `gaip<Space>`,应该会得到
> 如下结果
> First locate the cursor to any sentence in the above code, press
> `gaip<Space>`, you should get the following results
let a=1;// one
let bcd=test=2; // two
let longword=others= 'some content';// string
let a = 1; // one
let bcd = (test = 2); // two
let longword = (others = "some content"); // string

> 保持光标不动,按 `gaip=`,应该会得到如下结果
> Keep the cursor still, press `gaip=`, you should get the following results
let a = 1;// one
let bcd = test=2; // two
let longword = others= 'some content';// string
let a = 1; // one
let bcd = (test = 2); // two
let longword = (others = "some content"); // string

> 保持光标不动,按 `u`,再按 `gaip*=`,应该会得到如下结果
> Keep the cursor still, press `u`, then press `gaip*=`, you should get the
> following results
let a = 1;// one
let bcd = test = 2; // two
let longword = others = 'some content';// string
let a = 1; // one
let bcd = (test = 2); // two
let longword = (others = "some content"); // string


- `gaip `
- `ga` 是开启 EasyAlign 的快捷键,我们在 `.vimrc` 配置文件中定义的
- `ip` 是定义操作区域,可以用任意选择操作命令完成,`ip` 是选择当前段落,如果光
标在代码第一行,则可以用 `2j` 代替 `ip`
- 此时命令区域会出现 `:EasyAlign (_)` 字样,表示等待匹配输入
- 按下 `<Space>` 是要将第一个空格前后对齐
The meaning of the keys is explained below:

- `gaip`
- `ga` is the shortcut to enable EasyAlign, which we defined in the `.vimrc`
configuration file.
- `ip` defines the action area, which can be done with any select action
command, `ip` selects the current paragraph, and if the cursor is on the
first line of code, `2j` can be used instead of `.vimrc`. If the cursor is
on the first line of code, you can use `2j` instead of `ip`.
- At this point, the word `:EasyAlign (_)` will appear in the command area,
indicating that it is waiting for matching input.
- Press `<Space>` to align the first space.
- `gaip=`
- 意义同上,`=` 即将`<等号>`前后对齐
- Same as above, `=` is to align the `<equals sign>`.
- `gaip*=`
- 为了看到更明显的效果,先用 `u` 撤销了前面的操作
- `=` 前面的 `*` 是一个描述符,可以是数字,代表第几个等号,也可以是负数,代表
- To see the effect, undo the previous operation with `u`.
- The `=` preceded by `*` is a descriptor that can be a number, representing
the first equals sign, or a negative number, representing the the
penultimate number, or an asterisk for all.

> 如果确定修改好了上面提到的配置,你还可以尝试 `gaip/` 来对齐注释部分,执行后看
> 上去会像下面这样
> If you're sure you've changed the configuration as mentioned above, you can
> also try `gaip/` to align the comment section, and when executed, look at It
> will look like this
let a = 1; // one
let bcd = test = 2; // two
let longword = others = 'some content'; // string
let a = 1; // one
let bcd = (test = 2); // two
let longword = (others = "some content"); // string

### 匹配符说明
### Explanation of Match Characters

上面提到的 `<Space>` `=` 都是 EasyAlign 中定义好的特殊符号,用来表示某一类特征符
The above mentioned `<Space>` `=` are special symbols defined in EasyAlign to
indicate a certain type of character. These symbols are defined in EasyAlign to
represent a certain type of character:

| 按键 | 使用场景说明 |
| Keystrokes | Scenario Description |
| --- | --- |
| `<Space>` | 匹配空白符 |
| `=` | 包含等号的操作符(`=`, `==`, `!=`, `+=`, ... |
| `:` | 应用于 JSON YAML 格式 |
| `.` | 应用于多行点语法调用 |
| `,` | 应用于多行参数列表 |
| `&` | [LaTeX table]( 进行格式化,匹配 `&` `\\` |
| `#` | 应用于对 Ruby/Python 的注释的对齐 |
| `<Bar>` | Markdown 表格 |
| `<Space>` | Match whitespace |
| `=` | Operators containing the equals sign (`=`, `==`, `! =`, `+=`, ...) |
| `:` | Applies to JSON or YAML formats |
| `.` | Apply to multi-line dot syntax calls |
| `,` | Apply to multi-line parameter lists |
| `&` | Format [LaTeX table]( to match `&` and `\\\` |
| `#` | Apply alignment to Ruby/Python comments |
| `<Bar>` | Markdown tables |

_注意:上表中提到的 `<Bar>` 键即 `|` _
_Note: The `<Bar>` key mentioned in the table above is the `|` key_.

> 尝试在上表中按 `gaip*|` 对 markdown 表格进行对齐
> Try to align a markdown table by `gaip*|` in the above table.
## Tips

### 对齐方式
### Alignment method

在等待输入匹配符,命令区出现 `:EasyAlign (_)` 字样时,可以按 `<Enter>` 键选择对
齐方向,按一次切换为右对齐,显示 `:EasyAlign[R] (_)`,再按一次切换为居中对齐,显
示为 `:EasyAlign[C] (_)`,再按切换回默认的左对齐,显示也恢复原样。
When you are waiting for a match to be entered and `:EasyAlign (_)` appears in
the command area, you can press the `<Enter>` key to select the alignment
direction. Press once to switch to right alignment and display
`:EasyAlign[R] (_)`, press again to switch to center alignment and display
`:EasyAlign[R] (_)`, and press `<Enter>` to switch to center alignment and
display `:EasyAlign[R] (_)`. toggle to center alignment and display
`:EasyAlign[C] (_)`, then press again to switch back to the default left
alignment, and the display returns to its original state.

> 在上面的 markdown 表格中尝试一下 `gaip<Enter><Enter>*|`
> Try `gaip<Enter><Enter>*|` in the markdown table above.
### 正则匹配
### Regular Matching

在等待输入匹配符时,按快捷键 `<Ctrl-x>` 进入匹配模式,此时输入你需要的匹配特征正
While waiting for a match to be typed, press the shortcut key `<Ctrl-x>` to
enter match mode, and then type in the matching feature you want. The special
combination can be matched by typing in the matching feature you need. See the
following text:

Expand All @@ -169,8 +188,9 @@ eiusmod<-= tempor<=- incididunt
ut <== labore

> 尝试输入 `gaip*<Ctrl-x>`,此时进入正则匹配模式,继续输入 `<[-=~]*<Enter>` 会得
> 到如下所示结果。
> Try typing `gaip*<Ctrl-x>`, then it enters the regular matching mode, continue
> typing `<[-=~]*<Enter>` and you will get the following result. The result is
> shown below.
Lorem <- ipsum
Expand All @@ -181,6 +201,7 @@ eiusmod <-= tempor <=- incididunt
ut <== labore

### 更多参考
### More references

For more references, please refer to the introduction of
[project page](
10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions en/plugins/
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# 插件推荐
# Plugin Recommendations

- [NERDTree](

NERDTree Vim 中的文件浏览插件,可以通过命令打开/关闭目录树并浏览/打开文件。
NERDTree is a file browsing plugin in Vim that allows you to open/close directory trees and browse/open files with commands.

- [EasyAlign](

EasyAlign 是一款用来做字符对齐的插件,简直是强迫症患者的福音。
EasyAlign is a plugin to do character alignment, it's a boon for OCD people.

- [Airline & Themes](

Airline 可以在 Vim 中显示更友好的状态栏,再配以漂亮的配色,工作更开心。
Airline displays a more friendly status bar in Vim, and with a nice color scheme, it's a lot more fun to work with.

- [surround.vim](

成对 添加、替换、删除 `引号``括号` 以及`XML 标签`
Pairwise add, replace, delete `quotes`, `braces` and `XML tags`.

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