- PHP 7.3
- Laravel 6
- Docker
- Docker-compose
- Beanstalkd - message queue (очередь сообщений для обработки тяжелых задач асинхронно)
- JWT tokens
- Websockets and Pusher service
- MySQL 5.7
Installation is described inside backend and frontend folders independently.
- Frontend: SPA - Single Page Application
- Backend: REST API service
- Create/Edit/Delete/Add Image Tweet/Comment
- Share Tweet
- Like Tweet/Comment
- Paginated Tweets/Comments Loading
- Sorting tweets by Date(ASC/DESC), Likes amount(ASC/DESC)
- Changing view of feed container
- Show tweets created/liked by authorized user
- Change avatar
- Edit profile settings
- Ability to receive email notifications when your tweet/comment is liked
- Ability to open modal with users who liked tweet/comment
- Ability to see new tweets/comments in real time
- Forgot and Reset password via email