Dlin Zendesk Bundle is Symfony2 wrapper bundle for the 'Dlin-Zendesk' PHP library:
This Zendesk Bundle provides a configurable service to work with Zendesk API
Installation using Composer
Add to your composer.json
"require" : {
"dlin/zendesk-bundle": "dev-master"
Enable the bundle in you AppKernel.php
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
new Dlin\Bundle\ZendeskBundle\DlinZendeskBundle(),
For example:
email: [email protected]
token: xxxxxxxxxxx
url: https://subdomain.zendesk.com/api/v2/
Geting the service in a controller
$api = $this->get('dlin.zendesk')->getApi();
Getting the service in a ContainerAwareService
$api = $this->container->get('dlin.zendesk')->getApi();
Using the service
//Get recent tickets
$response = $api->get('tickets/recent.json')->send()->json();
Using ticket Resource Mapping Classes
//Instantiate the Ticket Client
$ticketClient = new TicketClient($api);
//Query a ticket by ID
$ticket = $ticketClient->getOneById(123);
For more details, please refer to the dlin-zendesk library.
Free Software, Yeah!