with two scripts and a json file, automatically create a new HAX site with populated page content
# this allows you to then use hax command
./newAISite.sh siteName
# then run in a separate (new) tab
./newSitePopulate.sh siteName
- this is run using node within the script newSitePopulate.shnewaicourse.json
- json file created from your favorite AI chat program; sample included here
Chat Prompt.docx
- sample AI prompt to be used with sample JSONchatPrompt.txt
- sample AI prompt to be used with sample JSON; .txt format
npm install @haxtheweb/create --global
- https://www.npmjs.com/package/@haxtheweb/create
npm install @haxtheweb/haxcms-nodejs --global
- https://www.npmjs.com/package/@haxtheweb/haxcms-nodejsnpm install @haxtheweb/open-apis --global
- https://www.npmjs.com/package/@haxtheweb/open-apis