- Virtual Box
- Install Vagrant
- Vagrant Up
- Vagrant ssh
Install Virtual Box onto your machine, as it supports your enviroment.
You will need to install Vagrant to get started. Click on Vagrant and check your operating System installation. Once downloaded and installed, pull this repository and move to the next part of the set up.
Once this repository is pulled on to your device, run the command:
git clone [email protected]:divesh987/Devops.git
cd Devops
vagrant up
This will load up a virtual machine on your device, this command creates and configures guest machine. It will set up and download all the files it needs to run this virtual enviroment on your device.
After vagrant up has complete you will need to start the virtual guest machine session, the command:
vagrant ssh
So you can interact and play in the development enviroment. Vagrant ssh allows you access a subtitue Operating system, in this case ubuntu/xenial64. Once it has loaded up your are good and ready to start coding on your own enviroment.