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Quick overview

HammerPost assists in running the HammerDB workload against a PostgreSQL/MySQL instance using different parameter sets. While running these tests, HammerPostAgent collects instance metrics such as CPU, Memory.

Quick Demo

This demo runs a total of four test cases. HammerPost cool down (sleep) until the load average on the target PostgreSQL instance reaches 1.




Quick Setup

    This tool requires a minimum version of Go 1.18 or higher to function.
    Please build the binaries using the supported Go version.

Docker setup

  1. Download hammerpost and build from your local machine

     $ git clone
     $ cd hammerpost
     $ go get
     $ make
  2. Pull docker image

     ➜  ~ docker pull tpcorg/hammerdb (Official TPC-Council HammerDB)
     ➜  ~ docker pull webysther/hammerdb
  3. Connect to docker image

     ➜  ~ docker run -it webysther/hammerdb bash
  4. Do librarycheck

     root@ffb6fc939a02:/hammerdb# ./hammerdbcli
     HammerDB CLI v3.3
     Copyright (C) 2003-2019 Steve Shaw
     Ensure that Db2 client libraries are installed and the location in the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable
     Checking database library for MySQL
     Success ... loaded library mysqltcl for MySQL
     Checking database library for PostgreSQL
     Success ... loaded library Pgtcl for PostgreSQL
     Checking database library for Redis
     Success ... loaded library redis for Redis
  5. Copy hammerpost into container

     ➜ ✗ docker ps
     CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                COMMAND   CREATED          STATUS          PORTS     NAMES
     64309ab0cec9   webysther/hammerdb   "bash"    36 seconds ago   Up 36 seconds             cool_jang
     ➜ ✗ docker cp ./hammerpost 64309ab0cec9:/hammerdb/
  6. Copy hammer-templates folder into container

      ➜ ✗ docker cp ./hammer-templates 64309ab0cec9:/hammerdb/

Manual setup

To install HammerDB and hammerpost on a Rocky Linux machine, follow these steps:

. Set up the machine as the client machine from which to run `HammerDB` workloads.
. Ensure that the machine has enough resources to put sufficient load on the DB server.
  1. Dowload HammerDB

Please note that if you are using a different Linux flavor, you must download a specific version of HammerDB from the URL below.
  1. Unzip HammerDB-4.7-RHEL8.tar.gz file
$ tar -zxvf HammerDB-4.7-RHEL8.tar.gz 
  1. Change directory to HammerDB-4.7
$ cd HammerDB-4.7
  1. Check the required libraries installed or not
[HammerDB-4.7]$ ./hammerdbcli
HammerDB CLI v4.7
Copyright (C) 2003-2023 Steve Shaw
Type "help" for a list of commands
Initialized new SQLite on-disk database /tmp/hammer.DB

Error: failed to load Pgtcl - couldn't load file "/home/hammer/HammerDB-4.7/lib/pgtcl2.1.1/": cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Ensure that PostgreSQL client libraries are installed and the location in the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable
Checking database library for MariaDB
  1. Seems, this machine is missing required postgresql libraries. Install below libraries
# yum update -y
# yum install -y libpq.x86_64 postgresql-pltcl.x86_64
  1. do librarycheck again, and it should print below Success message
Checking database library for PostgreSQL
Success ... loaded library Pgtcl for PostgreSQL
This tool supports mysql database as well, if you are planning to run mysql benchmarks, then install mysql related libraries.
  1. Install golang version 1.18
# yum install -y golang
  1. Download hammerpost and build
$ git clone
$ cd hammerpost
$ go get
$ make
  1. Copy hammerpost binary to HammerDB-4.7
$ cp hammerpost ~/HammerDB-4.7
  1. Copy hammer-templates folder to HammerDB-4.7
$ cp -R hammer-templates/ ~/HammerDB-4.7/

Initialize hammerdb data from hammerpost

Please make sure, you started the hammerpost-agent serivce on PostgreSQL node, before performing below steps. Please see hammerpost-agent setup details here

  1. Initialize hammerdb schema by using below command.
./hammerpost --init --name test-bench-1 --pgdsn "postgres://postgres:[email protected]:5432/postgres" --users 4 --warehouses 10 --hammerpost-agent

╔ hammerpost - v0.1.0 ════════════════════════════╗
║                                                 ║
║                            OS linux             ║
║           Platform rocky-9.1                    ║
║             Kernel 5.14.0-70.22.1.el9_0.x86_64  ║
║             Uptime 1943577                      ║
║    Total Processes 124                          ║
║           Load Avg 0                            ║
║                CPU DO-Premium-Intel             ║
║          CPU Count 1                            ║
║          CPU Cores 1                            ║
║            CPU Mhz 2494.14                      ║
║   Total Memory(GB) 0                            ║
║    Free Memory(GB) 0                            ║
║    Used Memory(GB) 0                            ║
║                                                 ║
║                                                 ║

DB type  postgres
Initializing hammerdb schema... /

Here, we are initializing only 10 warehouses with 4 users for this demo. You can try with more warehouses and users as per your needs, but I suggest not going beyond 1000 virtual users.

  1. Prepare the test parameters as described below, which you want to try with PostgreSQL.
$ cat ~/hammerpost/params.json 
        "shared_buffers": ["126MB", "256MB"],
        "work_mem": ["1MB", "2MB"],
        "wal_buffers": ["4MB", "8MB", "24MB"]

Here, we want to run the HammerDB workload with all possible parameters from the above set. This means that there are a total of 12 HammerDB tests, with each test using one set of parameter profiles.

Set 1 => shared_buffers: 126MB, work_mem: 1MB, wal_buffers: 4MB
Set 2 => shared_buffers: 126MB, work_mem: 1MB, wal_buffers: 8MB
Set 3 => shared_buffers: 126MB, work_mem: 1MB, wal_buffers: 24MB
Set 12 => shared_buffers: 256MB, work_mem: 2MB, wal_buffers: 24MB

If you add more possible values and parameters, HammerPost will run more test cases.

  1. Now, let's run the HammerPost using the above settings and see what TPM and NOPM we get.
$ ./hammerpost --run --name test-bench-1 --pgdsn "postgres://postgres:[email protected]:5432/postgres" --users 4 --warehouses 10 --hammerpost-agent --param-file ~/hammerpost/params.json  --logfile test-bench1.log

╔ hammerpost - v0.1.0 ════════════════════════════╗
║                                                 ║
║                            OS linux             ║
║           Platform rocky-9.1                    ║
║             Kernel 5.14.0-70.22.1.el9_0.x86_64  ║
║             Uptime 1944810                      ║
║    Total Processes 118                          ║
║           Load Avg 0                            ║
║                CPU DO-Premium-Intel             ║
║          CPU Count 1                            ║
║          CPU Cores 1                            ║
║            CPU Mhz 2494.14                      ║
║   Total Memory(GB) 0                            ║
║    Free Memory(GB) 0                            ║
║    Used Memory(GB) 0                            ║
║                                                 ║
║                                                 ║

DB type  postgres
Benchmark id  1
Parameter test cases  12

┌ Parameters ──────────┐
│                      │
│ shared_buffers:126MB │
│ work_mem:2MB         │
│ wal_buffers:24MB     │
│                      │
│                      │

┌ Results ─────────────┐
│                      │
│ 11621 NOPM 26935 TPM │
│                      │

This HammerPost will take care of applying these parameters and sending a restart signal to the remote PostgreSQL instance. HammerPost will send apply parameter, restart requests to HammerPostAgent which is running on the database instance.

Get results

Once the test is complete, we can view the results and node metrics (Target PostgreSQL CPU and memory usage) by using the --summary and --result flags.

  1. Get all the benchmarks which we ran using the --summary argument.
$ ./hammerpost --summary
|            1 | test-bench-2 |          4 |
Benchmark Summary
  1. Print the benchmark results using --result <benchmark-id> arguments
| TEST ID |        START         |         END          | DURATION |      PARAMETERS      | STATUS  | AVG LOAD | AVG CPU | AVG MEMORY | NOPM  |  TPM  |
|       4 | 2023-03-20T09:21:45Z | 2023-03-20T09:23:13Z | 1m28s    | shared_buffers:256MB | Success |        2 | 94 %    | 92 %       | 15255 | 35070 |
|         |                      |                      |          | work_mem:16MB        |         |          |         |            |       |       |
|         |                      |                      |          | wal_buffers:8MB      |         |          |         |            |       |       |
|       1 | 2023-03-20T09:17:20Z | 2023-03-20T09:18:26Z | 1m6s     | shared_buffers:126MB | Success |        1 | 94 %    | 91 %       | 14952 | 33752 |
|         |                      |                      |          | work_mem:24MB        |         |          |         |            |       |       |
|         |                      |                      |          | wal_buffers:8MB      |         |          |         |            |       |       |
|       3 | 2023-03-20T09:19:50Z | 2023-03-20T09:21:44Z | 1m54s    | shared_buffers:126MB | Success |        2 | 94 %    | 91 %       | 13963 | 32042 |
|         |                      |                      |          | work_mem:16MB        |         |          |         |            |       |       |
|         |                      |                      |          | wal_buffers:8MB      |         |          |         |            |       |       |
|       2 | 2023-03-20T09:18:26Z | 2023-03-20T09:19:49Z | 1m23s    | shared_buffers:256MB | Success |        3 | 95 %    | 92 %       | 12612 | 29118 |
|         |                      |                      |          | work_mem:24MB        |         |          |         |            |       |       |
|         |                      |                      |          | wal_buffers:8MB      |         |          |         |            |       |       |
Benchmark Result - Row Count: 4
  1. Get benchmark metrics using --benchmark-metrics <benchmark-id> arguments
[hammer@rockylinux-s-1vcpu-1gb-blr1-01 HammerDB-4.7]$ ./hammerpost --bench-metrics 1
|       1 |     32.32 |        71.80 |
|       1 |    100.00 |        92.53 |
|       1 |    100.00 |        93.55 |
|       1 |    100.00 |        92.77 |
|       1 |    100.00 |        93.14 |
|       1 |    100.00 |        91.69 |
|       1 |     99.01 |        92.26 |
|       1 |    100.00 |        91.68 |
|       1 |    100.00 |        92.87 |
|       1 |    100.00 |        92.19 |
Benchmark Metrics
  1. A single benchmark will have a set of tests, where each test belong to a specific parameter profile. Get test details using --test-details <test-id> argument.
[root@rockylinux-s-1vcpu-1gb-blr1-01 HammerDB-4.7]# ./hammerpost --test-details 1
|        START         |         END          | DURATION |      PARAMETERS      | OUTPUT | ERROR |
| 2023-04-02T12:27:08Z | 2023-04-02T12:28:14Z | 1m6s     | shared_buffers:126MB |        |       |
|                      |                      |          | work_mem:2MB         |        |       |
|                      |                      |          | wal_buffers:24MB     |        |       |
Test Details
  1. Get specific test metrics using --test-metrics <test-id> arguments
[root@rockylinux-s-1vcpu-1gb-blr1-01 HammerDB-4.7]# ./hammerpost --test-metrics 1
| CPU USAGE | MEMORY USAGE |             TIME              |
|     55.00 |        84.34 | 2023-04-02 12:27:09 +0000 UTC |
|    100.00 |        92.80 | 2023-04-02 12:27:11 +0000 UTC |
|     54.08 |        92.76 | 2023-04-02 12:27:17 +0000 UTC |
|    100.00 |        92.83 | 2023-04-02 12:27:19 +0000 UTC |
|    100.00 |        92.06 | 2023-04-02 12:27:21 +0000 UTC |
|    100.00 |        92.55 | 2023-04-02 12:27:23 +0000 UTC |
|    100.00 |        92.46 | 2023-04-02 12:27:25 +0000 UTC |
|    100.00 |        93.17 | 2023-04-02 12:27:27 +0000 UTC |
|    100.00 |        92.50 | 2023-04-02 12:27:29 +0000 UTC |
|    100.00 |        92.66 | 2023-04-02 12:27:31 +0000 UTC |
Test Metrics
  1. Get avg summarized stats for each test using --test-stats <test-id> arguments
[root@rockylinux-s-1vcpu-1gb-blr1-01 HammerDB-4.7]# ./hammerpost --test-stats 1
|  93.94 |  92.57 |       0.00 |     0.00 |       0.00 |     0.00 |    0.00 |
  1. Get max/min summarized stats for each test using --test-stats <test-id> --stat-type max/min arguments
[root@rockylinux-s-1vcpu-1gb-blr1-01 HammerDB-4.7]# ./hammerpost --test-stats 1 --stat-type max
| 100.00 |  93.75 |       0.00 |     0.00 |       0.00 |     0.00 |    0.00 |

[root@rockylinux-s-1vcpu-1gb-blr1-01 HammerDB-4.7]# ./hammerpost --test-stats 1 --stat-type min
|   3.03 |  84.34 |       0.00 |     0.00 |       0.00 |     0.00 |    0.00 |


HammerPost is a tool designed to help you find the best parameter profile for your PostgreSQL instance. It does this by applying a set of parameters and running HammerDB workload against it.

For example, let's say you have an instance with 16 VCPU, 32GB RAM, and 1TB SSD storage. You need to find the initial parameters for PostgreSQL. You can use some generic calculations, such as allocating 25% of RAM to shared_buffers, 75% of RAM to effective_cache_size, and setting max_connections between C and C+N based on the number of CPU cores in the system.

Before applying the generic parameters, we take the following actions:

1. Run the benchmark with the default parameters.
2. Record the numbers obtained from the benchmark.
3. Apply the new parameters.
4. Run the benchmark again.
5. Record the numbers again.
6. Compare the benchmark results.

If the newly applied parameters are good, we expect to see some good benchmark numbers. If the applied parameters are not good, we see lower benchmark numbers. This is the process everyone follows to find the best parameter profile for their database instances.

There may come a time when you feel the applied parameters are not giving you the optimal results, which requires further tuning. At other times, you may feel you have found the best parameter profile for your workload after rigorous benchmark testing. The end goal of this exercise is to find the best parameters that will serve the application load for the next few years, not just for this year or next year.

While doing these benchmarks, it is important to monitor server metrics like CPU and memory usage. These data points provide a better understanding of server behavior during the test run.

By comparing the server metrics and benchmark results, the final decision on the parameter profile can be made.

HammerPost simplifies this process by taking user-defined parameters, applying them to the database, and collecting metrics while the benchmark is running.


Option Usage
--only-hammer Run only HammerDB without any hammerpost agent. This option helps to run HammerDB in cloud specific environments
--name Name of the benchmark
--pgdsn PostgreSQL superuser connection string
--mysql-dsn MySQL superuser connection string
--hammerpost-agent Hammerpost Agent service url
--users Number of virtual users for the HammerDB workload
--warehouses Number of warehouses to create for the HammerDB workload
--itr Number of iterations for a single virtual user
--duration Duration of hammerdb to run in minutes
--rampup Duration of hammerdb rampup in minutes
--init Initialize the database with HammerDB catalog tables
--run Run HammerDB workload
--allwarehouses Run HammerDB with all warehouses
--dbtype Database type - default postgres
--summary Show summary of benchmarks
--reset Reset the collected stats
--result Print the results of the given benchmark id
--limit Limit the rows from result
--test-details Print the details of the given test id, output and error
--bench-metrics Print the metrics of the given benchmark id
--test-metrics Print the metrics of the specific test id
--cooldown-cpu Don't start the HammerDB workload until the server's load avg comes to this value
--debug Enable debug mode
--logfile Logfile path for this run
--frequency Frequency of the metrics collection in seconds
--test-stats Print the stats of the database
--stat-type Type of the stats to print (ex: avg, max)


PostgreSQL parameter profiler with HammerDB







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