This is grpc-gateway project for working with products via database shop.
grpc-server runs on 8080
gateway runs on 8081
database runs on 5432
To work with products use this address:
To run this application locally you need to clone this project and also you need to have active docker server.
Path | Method | Description | Body example |
/api/v1/products | GET | get all products | {"product":[{"id":"1","name":"Kingston DDR4-1600 8 Gb","productCategoryId":"3","quantity":"15","unitPrice":"$67.00"},{"id":"2","name":"Samsung Galaxy Buds","productCategoryId":"1","quantity":"8","unitPrice":"$120.00"},{"id":"3","name":"Samsung Electronics EVO Select 256GB MicroSDXC","productCategoryId":"1","quantity":"26","unitPrice":"$30.00"},{"id":"4","name":"Windows 10 Pro Upgrade","productCategoryId":"5","quantity":"40","unitPrice":"$100.00"},{"id":"5","name":"Kraus KAG-2MB Dishwasher Air Gap","productCategoryId":"2","quantity":"31","unitPrice":"$25.00"}]} |
/api/v1/products | POST | create new product | |
/api/v1/products/{id} | GET | get product by the id | {"product":{"id":"1","name":"Kingston DDR4-1600 8 Gb","productCategoryId":"3","quantity":"15","unitPrice":"$67.00"}} |
/api/v1/products/{id}/{unit_price} | PUT | update product's unit price by the id | |
/api/v1/products/{id} | DELETE | delete product by the id |
- To generate go code from brotobuf type this command below in terminal while you're in project root:
protoc -I proto product.proto --grpc-gateway_out proto --go_out=plugins=grpc:.
- To up docker-compose type this command below in terminal while you're in project root:
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yaml up