Parse AWS S3/SNS events from your Lambda function.
- This only work for single file S3 events. (One event per file).
- Work only in nodeJS v8.10 (because of JOI requirement)
npm i @digitregroup/s3-event-parser
# Or
yarn add @digitregroup/s3-event-parser
In your handler:
const S3EventParser = require('@digitregroup/s3-event-parser') = (event, context, callback) => {
const parsedS3Event = new S3EventParser(event).parse();
parsedS3Event.filePath, // Cleaned full file path
parsedS3Event.key, // Raw file path
parsedS3Event.filePrefix, // Key prefix (file path dirname)
parsedS3Event.bucketName, // Bucket name
parsedS3Event.fileSize // File size in kb
// Raw S3 event with all parsed and unparsed data
In you serverless.yml
handler: src/handlers/
# 1/ If you already have a S3 event subscriber in a SNS topic
- sns:
arn: arn:aws:sns:eu-west-1:0000000000:my-topic
# 2/ If you want to create a S3 bucket and attach an event to this function
- s3:
bucket: photos
event: s3:ObjectCreated:*
# 3/ If already have a S3 bucket and just want to attach an event to this function
- existingS3:
bucket: photos
event: s3:ObjectCreated:*
# Case 3/ requirement
- serverless-external-s3-event
This project aim to keep 100% code coverage. Tests are performed via Mocha/ChaiJS (Expect version).
yarn lint
This project should respect the linting configured in @digitregroup/eslint-config.
yarn lint
CI pipelines are performed in CircleCI for every single push in any branch.
CI is composed of Linting and Unit Testing with coverage requirement (specified in package.json
CD pipeline is perfomed on git tag creation and release in NPM registry if the CI passed.
Note pipelines automaticaly check the package.json
's version to match with the git tag (or release/hotfix branch).
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