Drawer behavior is a library that provide an extra behavior on drawer, such as, move view or scaling view's height while drawer on slide.
Code Base & Credit : https://github.com/matthew-carroll/flutter_ui_challenge_zoom_menu
Version 1.0
- Elevation Config
- 3D effect
- Multi-Drawer
- Right Drawer
Version 0.0
- Floating action button with location and animator
- Bottom navigation bar
- Extended body
- AndroidX support
- Depend on it
Add this to your package's pubspec.yaml file:
drawerbehavior: latest_version
- Install it
You can install packages from the command line:
with Flutter:
$ flutter packages get
Alternatively, your editor might support flutter packages get. Check the docs for your editor to learn more.
- Import it
Now in your Dart code, you can use:
import 'package:drawerbehavior/drawerbehavior.dart';
For Android : Drawer-Behavior
class DrawerScale extends StatefulWidget {
_DrawerScaleState createState() => _DrawerScaleState();
class _DrawerScaleState extends State<DrawerScale> {
int selectedMenuItemId;
void initState() {
selectedMenuItemId = menu.items[0].id;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return DrawerScaffold(
appBar: AppBar(
title: Text("Drawer - Scale"),
actions: [IconButton(icon: Icon(Icons.add), onPressed: () {})]),
drawers: [
percentage: 0.6,
menu: menu,
direction: Direction.left,
animation: true,
color: Theme.of(context).primaryColor,
selectedItemId: selectedMenuItemId,
onMenuItemSelected: (itemId) {
setState(() {
selectedMenuItemId = itemId;
builder: (context, id) => IndexedStack(
index: id,
children: menu.items
.map((e) => Center(
child: Text("Page~${e.title}"),
contentView: Screen(
contentBuilder: (context) => Center(child: _widget),
color: Colors.white,
builder: (context, id) => Center(child: _widget),
menuView: new MenuView(
menu: menu,
headerView: headerView(context),
animation: false,
mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.start,
color: Theme.of(context).primaryColor,
selectedItemId: selectedMenuItemId,
onMenuItemSelected: (String itemId) {
selectedMenuItemId = itemId;
if (itemId == 'restaurant') {
setState(() => _widget = Text("1"));
} else {
setState(() => _widget = Text("default"));
drawers: [
menu: menu,
direction: Direction.left, // Drawer position, left or right
animation: true,
color: Theme.of(context).primaryColor,
selectedItemId: selectedMenuItemId,
onMenuItemSelected: (itemId) {
setState(() {
selectedMenuItemId = itemId;
percentage: 0.6,
drawers: [
percentage: 0.6,
new DrawerScaffold(
drawers: [
percentage: 0.6,
new DrawerScaffold(
drawers: [
new DrawerScaffold(
drawers: [
degree: 45,
new DrawerScaffold(
headerView: headerView(context),
new DrawerScaffold(
footerView: footerView(context),
new DrawerScaffold(
headerView: headerView(context),
(BuildContext context, MenuItem menuItem, bool isSelected) {
return Container(
color: isSelected
? Theme.of(context).accentColor.withOpacity(0.7)
: Colors.transparent,
padding: EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(24, 16, 24, 16),
child: Text(
style: Theme.of(context).textTheme.subhead.copyWith(
color: isSelected ? Colors.black87 : Colors.white70),
DrawerScaffoldController controller;
List<SideDrawer> drawers;
ScreenBuilder builder;
bool enableGestures; // default: true
AppBar appBar;
double cornerRadius; // default: 16
Widget floatingActionButton;
Widget bottomNavigationBar;
FloatingActionButtonLocation floatingActionButtonLocation;
FloatingActionButtonAnimator floatingActionButtonAnimator;
List<BoxShadow> contentShadow;
Widget bottomSheet;
bool extendBodyBehindAppBar;
List<Widget> persistentFooterButtons;
bool primary;
bool resizeToAvoidBottomInset;
bool resizeToAvoidBottomPadding;
/// Listen to offset value on slide event for which [SideDrawer]
Function(SideDrawer, double) onSlide;
/// Listen to which [SideDrawer] is opened (offset=1)
Function(SideDrawer) onOpened;
/// Listen to which [SideDrawer] is closed (offset=0)
Function(SideDrawer) onClosed;
double percentage; // default: 0.8
double elevation; // default: 4
double cornerRadius;
double degree; // 15-45 degree
Menu menu;
String selectedItemId;
Direction direction;
Duration duration;
Curve curve;
bool animation;
Function(String) onMenuItemSelected;
Widget headerView;
Widget footerView;
DecorationImage background;
Color color;
Color selectorColor;
TextStyle textStyle;
Alignment alignment;
EdgeInsets padding;
Function(BuildContext, MenuItem, bool) itemBuilder;
String id;
String title;
IconData icon;