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Adjust reflectance. Comments and coordination in others
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wandell committed Aug 7, 2020
1 parent fa169a0 commit a880319
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53 changes: 29 additions & 24 deletions scene/sceneAdjustIlluminant.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,31 +1,35 @@
function scene = sceneAdjustIlluminant(scene,illEnergy,preserveMean)
%Adjust the current scene illuminant to the value in data
% Brief synopsis
% Synopsis
% scene = sceneAdjustIlluminant(scene,illEnergy,preserveMean)
% Brief Description
% Change the scene illuminant. The calculation scales the scene
% radiance by dividing out the current illuminant and then multiplying by
% the new illuminant. This preserves the reflectance. By default, we also
% preserve the scene mean luminance, which effectively scales the
% illuminant level.
% Change the scene illuminant.
% If you do not want the illuminant level to change, then set the
% preserveMean flag to false. It is true by default.
% Inputs
% scene: A scene structure, or the current scene will be assumed
% illEnergy: Either a file name to spectral data or a vector (same length
% as scene wave) defining the illuminant in energy units or an
% ISETCam illuminant struct.
% preserveMean: Scale result to preserve mean illuminant (default true)
% If the current scene has no defined illuminant, we assume that the scene
% illuminant is D65.
% Description
% The calculation scales the scene radiance by dividing out the current
% illuminant and then multiplying by the new illuminant. This preserves
% the reflectance. By default, we also preserve the scene mean luminance,
% which effectively scales the illuminant level.
% This appears to work if the scene is a spatial-spectral illuminant too.
% If you do not want the illuminant level to change, then set the
% preserveMean flag to false. It is true by default.
% Parameters
% scene: A scene structure, or the current scene will be assumed
% illuminant: Either a file name to spectral data or a vector (same length
% as scene wave) defining the illuminant in energy units
% preserveMean: Scale result to preserve mean illuminant (default true)
% If the current scene has no defined illuminant, we assume that the scene
% illuminant is D65.
% This appears to work if the scene is a spatial-spectral illuminant
% too.
% Copyright ImagEval Consultants, LLC, 2010.
% ieExamplesPrint('sceneAdjustIlluminant');
% See also
% sceneAdjustLuminance
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if ieNotDefined('scene'), scene = vcGetObject('scene'); end
if ieNotDefined('scene'), scene = ieGetObject('scene'); end
if ieNotDefined('preserveMean'), preserveMean = true; end

% Make sure we have the illuminant data in the form of energy
Expand All @@ -64,6 +68,9 @@
if ~exist(fullName,'file'), error('No file %s\n',fullName);
else, illEnergy = ieReadSpectra(fullName,wave);
elseif isstruct(illEnergy) && isequal(illEnergy.type,'illuminant')
fullName = illuminantGet(illEnergy,'name');
illEnergy = illuminantGet(illEnergy,'energy');
% User sent numbers. We check for numerical validity next.
fullName = '';
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if max(illEnergy) > 10^5
% Energy is not this big.
warning('Illuminant energy values are high; may be photons, not energy.')
elseif isequal(max(isnan(illEnergy(:))),1) || isequal(min(illEnergy(:)),0)
warndlg('NaNs or zeros present in proposed illuminant over this wavelength range. No transformation applied.');
elseif isequal(min(illEnergy(:)),0)
warning('Illuminant transformation cannot be inverted applied (zeroes).');

%% Start the conversion
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% sceneFromFile (or vcReadImage). Assume the illuminant is D65. Lord
% knows why. Maybe we should do an illuminant estimation algorithm
% here.
disp('Old scene. Creating D65 illuminant')
disp('Old style scene. Creating D65 illuminant')
wave = sceneGet(scene,'wave');
curIll = ieReadSpectra('D65',wave); % D65 in energy units
scene = sceneSet(scene,'illuminant energy',curIll);
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scene = sceneSet(scene,'illuminant comment',fullName);


114 changes: 95 additions & 19 deletions scene/sceneAdjustReflectance.m
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@@ -1,35 +1,111 @@
function scene = sceneAdjustReflectance(scene,newR)
% Adjust the scene reflectances, keeping the illuminant unchanged
% Adjust the reflectance, keeping the illuminant unchanged, for a scene
% Example:
% Synopsis
% scene = sceneAdjustReflectance(scene,newR)
% See also: sceneAdjustIlluminant, sceneAdjustLuminance
% Inputs:
% scene: A scene (ISETCam scene struct)
% newR: The new reflectance (1D, or row x col x wave) of the scene
% reflectance
% Returns
% scene: The modified scene
% Description:
% Each scene radiance can be decomposed into the illumination data and
% the reflectance data. We do that decomposition first, we replace the
% reflectance data with the new reflectance data (newR) and recompute and
% return the new scene radiance.
% In the general case, we replace the scene reflectances, point by point,
% with the reflectances in the row x col x wave newR.
% As a special case, when the scene is uniform, newR can be a reflectance
% vector that is used at every point in the scene.
% See also:
% sceneAdjustIlluminant, sceneAdjustLuminance
% (c) Imageval, 2012

% Examples:
scene = sceneCreate('uniform ee');
wave = sceneGet(scene,'wave');
fName = fullfile(oreyeRootPath,'data','tongue','meanReflectance');
tongue = ieReadSpectra(fName,wave);
scene = sceneAdjustReflectance(scene,tongue);
% We should test sceneAdjustReflectance more

%% Parameters
if ieNotDefined('scene'), error('Scene required.'); end
if ieNotDefined('newR'), error('RGB format reflectance required'); end

% Check that the new reflectance size matches the current scene
sz = sceneGet(scene,'size');
[row,col,w] = size(newR);
if sz ~= [row,col], error('Reflectance size mis-match'); end

nWave = sceneGet(scene,'nWave');
if nWave ~=w, error('Wavelength dimension mis-match'); end
% Check that newR is a reflectance
assert(max(newR(:)) <= 1.0);
assert(min(newR(:)) >= 0.0);

%% Format the reflectance for fast multiply
wave = sceneGet(scene,'wave');

% We multiply the scene illuminant by the reflectance to get the new
% photons
illFormat = sceneGet(scene,'illuminant format');
illPhotons = sceneGet(scene,'illuminant photons');
if isvector(newR)
% This is the uniform scene case
if ~(length(wave) == length(newR))
error('newR does not match the scene wavelength');

switch illFormat
case 'spectral'
sz = sceneGet(scene,'size');
photons = newR .* illPhotons;
photons = repmat(photons(:),1,sz(1),sz(2));
photons = permute(photons,[2,3,1]);
case 'spatial spectral'
warning('Illuminant is spatial-spectral; reflectance is a vector.\n');
% Get spatial-spectral illuminant and reformat
[photons,row,col] = RGB2XWFormat(illPhotons);

% Multiply by the one reflectance. The result is a map of the
% illuminant, really.
photons = photons*diag(newR);

% Put the photons back in shape
photons = XW2RGBFormat(photons,row,col);

error('Unknown illuminant format %s\n',illFormat);

elseif ndims(newR) == 3
if ~(length(wave) == size(newR,3))
error('newR does not match the scene wavelength');

% Format anbd multiply and reformat
[newR,row,col] = RGB2XWFormat(newR);
photons = newR*diag(illPhotons);
photons = XW2RGBFormat(photons,row,col);
switch illFormat
case 'spectral'
% Format, multiply and reformat
[newR,row,col] = RGB2XWFormat(newR);

% Need to allow for the spatial-spectral case
photons = newR*diag(illPhotons);

photons = XW2RGBFormat(photons,row,col);

case 'spatial spectral'
photons = illPhotons .* newR;

error('Unknown illuminant format %s\n',illFormat);


% Set
% Replace the photons.
scene = sceneSet(scene,'photons',photons);

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3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion scripts/image/s_ipGamutReflectance.m
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% Store the result
s2 = sceneAdjustReflectance(s,r3);
s2 = sceneSet(s2,'name','Gaussian');
ieAddObject(s2); sceneWindow;

%% Show the the modified scene

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r3 = conv2(r3,g,'same');
r3 = XW2RGBFormat(r3,row,col);
r3 = ieClip(r3,0,1);
s3 = sceneAdjustReflectance(s,r3);
s3 = sceneSet(s3,'name','DoG');
ieAddObject(s3); sceneWindow;
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