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Debugging the LED analysis for human safety
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wandell committed Mar 28, 2020
1 parent d695369 commit 5631e41
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Showing 4 changed files with 94 additions and 90 deletions.
83 changes: 48 additions & 35 deletions color/ieLuminance2Radiance.m
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@@ -1,65 +1,78 @@
function [energy, photons] = ieLuminance2Radiance(lum,wave,varargin)
% Convert the luminance of a monochromatic light to radiance (energy or
% photons)
function [energy, wave] = ieLuminance2Radiance(lum,thisWave,varargin)
% From a monochromatic LED luminance, compute the spectral radiance (energy)
% Synopsis
% [energy, photons] = ieLuminance2Radiance(lum,wave)
% [energy, photons] = ieLuminance2Radiance(lum,thisWave,varargin)
% Inputs
% lum: Luminance of the light in cd/m2
% wave: Wavelength of the monochromatic light
% lum: Luminance of the monochromatic light in cd/m2
% thisWave: Wavelength of the monochromatic light (between 350 and 720)
% Optional key/val pairs
% bin width: How wide is the wavelength bin width (default is 10 nm)
% sd: Standard deviation of the Gaussian spread of the spectral radiance
% (default is 10nm)
% Returns
% energy: watts/sr/nm/m2
% photons: photons/sr/nm/m2
% energy: watts/sr/nm/m2 (a vector)
% wave: wavelength samples (nm) of the energy vector
% Description
% The radiance of a monochromatic light (watts/sr/nm/m2) is scaled by the
% V(\lambda) function and some numerical constants to return the
% luminance in cd/m2. This function inverts the scaling to return
% the radiance.
% Many LEDs have a spectral radiance close to a Gaussian centered at some
% wavelength. If we measure only the luminance of the LED, we can model
% the radiance energy (watts/sr/nm/m2) as a Gaussian centered at that
% wavelength. We then scale the spectral radiance energy so that it has
% the desired luminance (cd/m2).
% The energy can be converted into photons as well.
% See also
% s_humanSafety, ieLuminanceFromEnergy, ieLuminanceFromPhotons
% s_humanSafety, ieLuminanceFromEnergy, ieLuminanceFromPhotons,
% Energy2Quanta

% Examples:
energy = ieLuminance2Radiance(100,405);
lum = 100; wave = 405;
energy = ieLuminance2Radiance(100,wave,'bin width',10);
assert(lum == ieLuminanceFromEnergy(energy,wave))
% These are unit tests. Make a spectral radiance (energy)
% with the peak wavelengty and Gaussian spread, as one might find for an
% LED. Then check that the energy of the LED model has a luminance that
% equals the desired luminance.
lum = 10; thisWave = 360;
[energy,wave] = ieLuminance2Radiance(lum,thisWave);
assert(lum - ieLuminanceFromEnergy(energy,wave) < 1e-10)
lum = 100; thisWave = 425;
energy = ieLuminance2Radiance(lum,thisWave,'sd',20);
assert(lum - ieLuminanceFromEnergy(energy,wave) < 1e-10)

%% Check input parameters
p = inputParser;
varargin = ieParamFormat(varargin);
p.addRequired('thisWave',@(x)(x >= 350 && x <= 720));
p.addParameter('sd',10,@isnumeric); % Standard deviation of the Gaussian radiance model

binwidth = p.Results.binwidth;
sd =;

%% For this wave, calculate the scale factor from radiance to luminance
%% Model the radiance as a Gaussian centered at thisWave

sFactor = ieLuminanceFromEnergy(1,wave);
wave = 300:1:770; % I chose a big range because we used for UV LEDs
energy = zeros(numel(wave),1);
energy(wave == thisWave) = 1; % Set an impulse at the center wave

energy = lum/sFactor * (binwidth/10);
% Make the Gaussian and convolve the impulse
g = fspecial('gaussian',[8*sd,1],sd);
energy = conv(energy,g,'same');

if nargout == 2
sFactor = ieLuminanceFromPhotons(1,wave);
photons = lum/sFactor * (binwidth/10);
% plotRadiance(wave,energy);

% Figure out the luminance of the LED model radiance
sFactor = ieLuminanceFromEnergy(energy,wave);

% Scale the model radiance to the right luminance
energy = energy * (lum/sFactor);


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6 changes: 5 additions & 1 deletion color/ieLuminanceFromEnergy.m
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fName = fullfile(isetRootPath,'data','human','luminosity');
V = ieReadSpectra(fName,wave);
% ieNewGraphWin; plot(wave,V); % The luminance curve

% 683 is the standard factor for conversion when the energy are in Watts.
% The wavelength difference accounts for the wavelength sampling.
Expand All @@ -85,8 +86,11 @@

% The luminance formula. xwData and V are not always rows or columns, so
% we use the dot() formula here rather than multiplying.
% we use the dot() formula rather than multiplying.
lum = 683*dot(xwData,V) * binwidth;

% Compare the luminance and energy data
% ieNewGraphWin; semilogy(wave,V,'--',wave,xwData,'o');


19 changes: 16 additions & 3 deletions human/humanUVSafety.m
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% The data for the Actinic safety function curves were taken from this
% paper
% IEC 62471:2006 Photobiological Safety of Lamps and Lamp Systems. n.d.
% Accessed October 5, 2019.
% J.E. Farrell has a copy of this standard
% IEC 62471:2006 Photobiological Safety of Lamps and Lamp Systems. n.d.
% Accessed October 5, 2019.
% J.E. Farrell has a copy of this standard
% Notes: Near UV is also called UV-A and is 315-400nm.
% See also
% s_humanSafetyUVExposure

%% Near-UV hazard exposure limit
This calculation has no weighting function.
For times less than 1000 sec, add up the total irradiance
from 315-400 without any hazard function (Equation 4.3a). Call this E_UVA.
Multiply by time (seconds). The product should be less than 10,000.
For times exceeding 1000 sec, add up the total irradiance, divide by the
time, and the value must be less than 10 (Equation 4.3b).

%% Check inputs

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fname = which('Actinic.mat');
Actinic = ieReadSpectra(fname,wave);
% semilogy(wave,Actinic); xlabel('Wave'); grid on;

%% The UV hazard safety formula
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76 changes: 25 additions & 51 deletions scripts/human/s_humanSafetyUVExposure.m
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The person multiplies b6000 by pi, not 2pi

%% Create a radiance and convert it to irradiance

wave = 300:700;
radiance = 10*blackbody(wave,9000);
irradiance = radiance*pi;

% ieNewGraphWin; plot(wave,irradiance);

%% Run the UV hazard safety function

exposureMinutes = humanUVSafety(irradiance,wave);
fprintf('Safe exposure (hours) for 8 hour period is %.2f minutes\n',exposureMinutes);

%% An example of a light measured in the lab

wave = 300:770;
fname = which('LED405nm.mat');
radiance = ieReadSpectra(fname,wave);
radiance = mean(radiance,2);
lum405 = ieLuminanceFromEnergy(radiance,wave);
irradiance = pi*radiance;

Expand All @@ -116,63 +105,48 @@

%% An example of the 385nm light in the OralEye camera

%fname = which('LED385nm.mat');

fname = which('LED405nm.mat');
fname = which('LED385nm.mat');
wave = 300:700;
radiance = ieReadSpectra(fname,wave);
radiance = mean(radiance,2);

irradiance = pi*radiance;
exposureMinutes = humanUVSafety(irradiance,wave);

fprintf('Maximum exposure duration per eight hours: %f (min)\n',exposureMinutes)

% Each exposure is very brief. So you can safelty take this many exposures
fprintf('For a 30 ms exposure, you can take %d exposures\n',round((exposureMinutes*60)/0.030));
fprintf('For a 30 ms exposure, you can take %d exposures in an eight hour period.\n',round((exposureMinutes*60)/0.030));

lum405 = ieLuminanceFromEnergy(radiance,wave);
radiance2 = ieLuminance2Radiance(lum405,405,'bin width',dLambda/6); % watts/sr/nm/m2
lst = (wave == 405);
%% The mean daylight we measured in California

%% Start with a monochromatic light luminance
wave = 300:700;
[radiance,wave] = ieReadSpectra('DaylightPsychBldg.mat',wave);

% Convert radiance to irradiance
irradiance = radiance*pi;

% Suppose we know the luminance of a 380 nm light with a 10 nm bin width
% lum = 31; wave = 385; dLambda = 3;
exposureMinutes = humanUVSafety(irradiance,wave);
fprintf('Safe exposure (hours) for 8 hour period is %.2f minutes (%.2f hours)\n',exposureMinutes,exposureMinutes/60);

% We convert the luminance to energy
dLambda = 4;
radiance2 = ieLuminance2Radiance(lum405,405,'bin width',dLambda); % watts/sr/nm/m2
%% If you only know the luminance of an LED (monochromatic) and its bandwidth (s.d.)

irradiance = pi*radiance;
lum = lum405; % cd/m2, luminance of the 405 LED
thisWave = 405; % nm, center wavelength of the LED
bandwidth = 15; % nm, Gaussian standard deviation, FW at roughly 1/2 of the max
[estRadiance,wave] = ieLuminance2Radiance(lum,thisWave,'sd',bandwidth);
legend({'meas rad','est rad'})


irradiance = pi*estRadiance;
exposureMinutes = humanUVSafety(irradiance,wave);

% Conver the hazard energy into maximum daily allowable exposure in minutes
fprintf('Maximum exposure duration per eight hours: %f (min)\n',exposureMinutes)
fprintf('For a 30 ms exposure, you can take %d exposures in an eight hour period.\n',round((exposureMinutes*60)/0.030));

%% Plot the Actinic hazard function

mx = max(irradiance(:));
dummy = ieScale(Actinic,1)*mx;
xlabel('Wave (nm)');
ylabel('Irradiance (watts/m^2');
grid on
legend({'Irradiance','Normalized hazard'});

%% Near-UV hazard exposure limit
This calculation has no weighting function.
For times less than 1000 sec, add up the total irradiance
from 315-400 without any hazard function (Equation 4.3a). Call this E_UVA.
Multiply by time (seconds). The product should be less than 10,000.
For times exceeding 1000 sec, add up the total irradiance, divide by the
time, and the value must be less than 10 (Equation 4.3b).

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