The illuminate-serialization-api repository contains information and examples for using the Illuminate™ Serialization REST API to create serial data carriers on the Illuminate Platform for product or product variant digital twins.
Serials for promotional assets aren't supported.
Each data carrier (digital watermark or QR code) has a unique identifier that, when scanned with a Digimarc-enabled device, can return metadata that identifies the product to the device application. This REST API supports the ability to create data carriers that identify the product as part of a series.
This is most easily illustrated in the case of a collectible item, such as a trading card or NFT. The creator might produce a limited-edition set of 100 items, numbered sequentially. Watermarking the items would make them harder for counterfeiters to copy and easier for legitimate buyers to authenticate.
The Serialization API can create serialized data carriers depending on the default data carrier configuration and the account's subscription type:
Subscription | Digital Watermarks | QR Codes |
Automate | Yes | - |
Engage | - | Yes |
Engage Premium | Yes | Yes |
Illuminate | Yes | - |
Recycle | Yes | - |
Validate Packaging | Yes | - |
For each serial data carrier, the API assigns a unique value called a
, which is generated automatically based on the strategy
you choose,
the length
you set, the symbols
you select, and the number of serial data
carriers you create for the digital twin.
The strategy for the serial can use a sequential number or a random number or alphanumeric string.
The length can be 6-20 characters.
The symbols determine the character set for the alphanumeric string, but it
must be within the GS1 Application Identifier 21
character set. Numeric strings don't use the symbols
An account administrator can use the Illuminate UI to get the account ID and
create a digital twin API key for the account you want to work with. The
API key can have read-only (SERIAL_READ_ONLY
) or read/write (SERIAL_READ_WRITE
permissions. The POST endpoints require read/write permissions.
Include the API key in the authorization header for every request. See the Examples.
The base API URL is:
To begin, configure the account allocation settings or the digital twin allocation settings. For information about these settings, see Allocation Settings.
Some endpoints take a digitalTwinId
as input. The product's ID is visible in the
Illuminate UI's address bar for a digital twin, but the digital twin's ID isn't.
An easy way to get the digital twin's id
is to call GET /digitalTwins
a filter and include the productId
in the product.ids
"filter": {
"product": {
"ids": [
Similarly, to get the digital twin's id
for a product variant, the filter might
look like this:
"filter": {
"productVariant": {
"ids": [
For more information, see About the Digital Twin ID and List Digital Twins in the Digital Twins REST API reference.
Before you begin generating serials, you must set the allocation parameters. You can set them for the account or digital twin.
To set parameters for each digital twin, see Configure the Digital Twin Settings.
To set parameters to use as defaults for twins in the account, see Configure the Account Settings.
- If the digital twin allocation parameters differ from those on the account, the digital twin parameters are used.
- If the account has allocation parameters and the digital twin doesn't, the account parameters are copied to the digital twin when the serialization job begins.
- If neither the account nor the digital twin serial allocation parameters are set, an error is returned.
Once the allocation parameters are set, they can't be changed. Attempting to set them again results in a 200 HTTP response with the text
"Entity with ID serial_allocation_settings would cause the following conflict: Once the serial allocation settings have been set, they cannot be changed."
The API doesn't include an endpoint to GET the allocation settings. To see the
allocation settings later, get the job status for a
serialization job, which displays the length
, symbols
, and strategy
that were
To set the serial allocation parameters, your API key must have
Create, read, and update (API_EDITOR
) permissions, and the account must have
at least one of the following subscriptions:
- Automate
- Illuminate
- Recycle
- Engage
- Engage Premium
- Validate Packaging
This section contains request parameters for the available endpoints.
- Configure Account Settings
- Configure Digital Twin Settings
- Start Serialization Job
- Get Serialization Job Status
- List Serials
- Create a Single Data Carrier
Use this endpoint to set the serialization allocation settings for the account.
POST /accountSerialAllocationSettings
Authorization: ApiKey $API_KEY
Body Parameters
Name | Type | Required? | Description |
accountId |
String | Yes | ID of the account. |
length |
Integer | Yes | The length of the serial value in the range [6-20]. |
strategy |
String | Yes | The type of serialization for the account: [RANDOM_ALPHANUMERIC, RANDOM_NUMERIC, SEQUENTIAL_NUMERIC]. |
symbols |
String | * | The character set for the alphanumeric string within the GS1 Application Identifier 21 set. If used, must have 3 or more unique characters. |
* Required for the RANDOM_ALPHANUMERIC strategy.
See the Configure Account Settings Example.
Use this endpoint to set the serialization allocation settings for the digital twin.
These settings are specific to the digital twin for which you want to make serial watermarks or QR codes. You can use one set of parameters for digital twin A, and a different set for digital twin B, but once you set these parameters, they can't be changed.
If you don't set the allocation parameters for the digital twin, the API copies the values set for the account, and they can't be updated later.
POST /digitalTwinSerialAllocationSettings
Authorization: ApiKey $API_KEY
Body Parameters
Name | Type | Required? | Description |
accountId |
String | Yes | ID of the account. |
digitalTwinId |
String | Yes | ID of the digital twin (see Digital Twin Id). |
length |
Number | Yes | The length of the serial value in the range [6-20]. |
strategy |
String | Yes | The type of serialization for the account: [RANDOM_ALPHANUMERIC, RANDOM_NUMERIC, SEQUENTIAL_NUMERIC]. |
symbols |
String | * | The character set for the alphanumeric string within the GS1 Application Identifier 21 set. If used, must have 3 or more unique characters. |
* Required for the RANDOM_ALPHANUMERIC strategy.
See the Configure Digital Twin Settings Example.
Starts the process of creating serial digital twins. The serials job uses the
parameters in the account or digital twin allocation settings and returns a
job id
that you can use to query the Job Status endpoint. The type(s) of
data carriers that are created depend on the default carrier types set for the
POST /jobs/serialGeneration
Authorization: ApiKey $API_KEY
Body Parameters
Name | Type | Required? | Description |
accountId |
String | Yes | ID of the account. |
digitalTwinId |
String | Yes | ID of the digital twin. |
serialCount |
Number | Yes | The number of serials to create in this job. |
See the Start Serialization Job Example.
After starting a serialization job, you can query the progress by calling the job status endpoint. For this endpoint, pass the input parameters in the query.
The length of time needed to complete a serialization job depends on a number of factors. Note the top-level
property to determine whether the job isCOMPLETED
GET /jobs/status
Authorization: ApiKey $API_KEY
Query Parameters
Name | Type | Required? | Description |
accountId |
String | Yes | ID of the account. |
jobId |
String | Yes | The id returned from the jobs/serialGeneration endpoint. |
See the Get Serialization Job Status Example.
After you've created serials for a digital twin, you can list them to get information like the serial's ID, status, the serial value, and more. For this endpoint, pass the parameters as part of the query.
GET /serials
Authorization: ApiKey $API_KEY
Query Parameters
Name | Type | Required? | Description |
accountId |
String | Yes | ID of the account. |
first |
Number | Yes | Number of results to return per page. |
order |
String | Yes | Sort order for results: CREATED_ASC , CREATED_DESC , MODIFIED_ASC , or MODIFIED_DESC . |
digitalTwinId |
String | Yes | List of digital twin IDs to return serials for. |
after |
String | No | Set this to the last serialId to return in the previous page of serials. |
For example, say you have a digital twin with 1000 serials, which you want in
pages of 100 serials each. You would set first
to 100 and get serials 1-100.
For the next page, you set after
to the serialId
of the 100th serial. For
the third page, you set after
to the serialId
of the 200th serial, and so
If has-next-page
in the response header is true
, set after
to the value
of the next-page-token
See the List Serials Example.
This endpoint creates a data carrier for the specified serial. You can create only carrierTypes that are missing and supported by the account's subscriptions. For example, if an account has an Engage Premium subscription but the default data carrier is only QR code, you can use this endpoint to add a watermark to an existing serial.
When you begin a serialization job, the API creates all default data carrier types currently configured for the account.
POST /serialDataCarrier
Authorization: ApiKey $API_KEY
Body Parameters
Name | Type | Required? | Description |
accountId |
String | Yes | ID of the account. |
carrierType |
String | Yes | Data carrier type format: DIGITAL_WATERMARK or QR_CODE . |
serialId |
String | Yes | The id of the serial to receive the data carrier. |
useDefaultSettings |
Boolean | yes | Use default settings for generating the data carrier. |
urlFormat |
String | * | Data carrier link format: DigitalLink or ShortUrl . |
shortUrlDomain |
String | * | URL of the data carrier. |
* When creating a digital watermark,
can be true or false. When creating a QR code, ifuseDefaultSettings
is set to false,shortUrlDomain
must be set.
See the Create a Single Data Carrier Example.
The following examples will help you understand what you can do with the Illuminate Serialization REST API.
- Configure Account Settings Example
- Configure Digital Twin Settings Example
- Start Serialization Job Example
- Get Serialization Job Status Example
- List Serials Example
- Create a Single Data Carrier Example
This example sets the allocation parameters for the account. If a digital twin doesn't have its own allocation parameters, these are copied to the twin at the start of a serialization job.
curl -H "Authorization: ApiKey $API_KEY" \
-H 'Content-Type:application/json \
-X POST '$API_URL/accountSerialAllocationSettings' \
-d '{
"accountId": "aaaa1111-e5f6-1ab2-c34d-ab12cd34ef56",
"length": 8,
"strategy": "RANDOM_NUMERIC"
"accountId": "aaaa1111-e5f6-1ab2-c34d-ab12cd34ef56",
"serialAllocationSettings": {
"length": 8,
"strategy": "RANDOM_NUMERIC"
This example sets the allocation parameters for the digital twin.
curl -H "Authorization: ApiKey $API_KEY" \
-H 'Content-Type:application/json \
-X POST '$API_URL/digitalTwinSerialAllocationSettings' \
-d '{
"accountId": "aaaa1111-e5f6-1ab2-c34d-ab12cd34ef56",
"digitalTwinId": "bbbb2222-ef45-98fe-76dc-ba54fe32dcb1",
"length": 8,
"symbols": "avcds"
"accountId": "aaaa1111-e5f6-1ab2-c34d-ab12cd34ef56",
"digitalTwinId": "bbbb2222-ef45-98fe-76dc-ba54fe32dcb1",
"serialAllocationSettings": {
"length": 8,
"symbols": "avcds",
This example starts a serialization job for a digital twin, creating 10,000 serials:
curl -H "Authorization: ApiKey $API_KEY" \
-H 'Content-Type:application/json \
-X POST '$API_URL/jobs/serialGeneration' \
-d '{
"accountId": "aaaa1111-e5f6-1ab2-c34d-ab12cd34ef56",
"digitalTwinId": "bbbb2222-ef45-98fe-76dc-ba54fe32dcb1",
"serialCount": 10000
"accountId": "aaaa1111-e5f6-1ab2-c34d-ab12cd34ef56",
"data": {
"length": 8,
"id": "cccc3333-e5f6-1ab2-c34d-fe09dc87ba65",
"status": "PENDING",
This example gets the job status for the example job, above:
curl --location '' \
--header 'Authorization: ApiKey $API_KEY' \
--data ''
This example shows a completed job in which both digital watermarks and QR codes were created for the serials.
"breakdown": {
"jobItems": [
"count": 1,
"items": [
"data": {
"count": 10000,
"digitalTwinId": "bbbb2222-ef45-98fe-76dc-ba54fe32dcb1",
"nextJobItemId": "ab12cd34-5e6f-a12b-3cd4-12ab34cd56ef",
"allocatedRange": [
"status": "COMPLETED"
"count": 1,
"items": [
"data": {
"range": [
"allocationSpace": "ab12cd34-5e6f-a12b-3cd4-12ab34cd56ef"
"status": "COMPLETED"
"count": 1,
"items": [
"data": {
"seed": "90a1bc2d34567ef8901a2bc3d4e56fa7",
"range": [
"allocationSpace": "ab12cd34-5e6f-a12b-3cd4-12ab34cd56ef"
"status": "COMPLETED"
"progress": 1
"data": {
"range": [
"length": 8,
"symbols": "hapc",
"qrCodeStep": true,
"defaultDomain": "",
"watermarkStep": true,
"allocationLevel": "DIGITAL_TWIN",
"defaultDataCarrier": "DigitalLink"
"jobItemCounts": {
"total": 3
"status": "COMPLETED",
This example shows how to request multiple pages of data, each with 100 serials.
curl --location '' \
--header 'Authorization: ApiKey $API_KEY' \
--data ''
"accountId": "aaaa1111-e5f6-1ab2-c34d-ab12cd34ef56",
"created": "2024-09-25T19:58:24.186Z",
"createdById": "ab12cd34-1a23-ddee-ab12cd34ef56",
"digitalTwinId": "bbbb2222-ef45-98fe-76dc-ba54fe32dcb1",
"id": "dddd4444-5fe4-32dc-b10a-987654fedcba",
"modified": "2024-09-25T19:58:24.186Z",
"modifiedById": "ab12cd34-1a23-ddee-ab12cd34ef56",
"serial": "hhhhhhha",
"status": "COMPLETED"
Key | Value |
has-next-page | true |
next-page-token | eeee5555-5fe4-32dc-b10a-987654fedcba |
curl --location '' \
--header 'Authorization: ApiKey &API_KEY' \
--data ''
"accountId": "aaaa1111-e5f6-1ab2-c34d-ab12cd34ef56",
"created": "2024-09-25T19:58:24.186Z",
"createdById": "ab12cd34-1a23-ddee-ab12cd34ef56",
"digitalTwinId": "bbbb2222-ef45-98fe-76dc-ba54fe32dcb1",
"id": "dddd4444-5fe4-32dc-b10a-987654fedcba",
"modified": "2024-09-25T19:58:24.186Z",
"modifiedById": "ab12cd34-1a23-ddee-ab12cd34ef56",
"serial": "hhhhapaa",
"status": "COMPLETED"
If the account didn't include the desired data carrier as a default when the serials were created, you can add the missing carrier type.
curl -H "Authorization: ApiKey $API_KEY" \
-H 'Content-Type:application/json \
-X POST '$API_URL/serialDataCarrier' \
-d '{
"accountId": "aaaa1111-e5f6-1ab2-c34d-ab12cd34ef56",
"digitalTwinId": "bbbb2222-ef45-98fe-76dc-ba54fe32dcb1",
"carrierType": "DIGITAL_WATERMARK",
"serialId": "dddd4444-5fe4-32dc-b10a-987654fedcba",
"useDefaultSettings": true
curl -H "Authorization: ApiKey $API_KEY" \
-H 'Content-Type:application/json \
-X POST '$API_URL/serialDataCarrier' \
-d '{
"accountId": "aaaa1111-e5f6-1ab2-c34d-ab12cd34ef56",
"digitalTwinId": "bbbb2222-ef45-98fe-76dc-ba54fe32dcb1",
"carrierType": "QR_CODE",
"serialId": "dddd4444-5fe4-32dc-b10a-987654fedcba",
"useDefaultSettings": false,
"urlFormat": "ShortUrl",
"shortUrlDomain": ""
Example Responses
For a digital watermark request:
"accountId": "aaaa1111-e5f6-1ab2-c34d-ab12cd34ef56",
"carrierType": "DIGITAL_WATERMARK",
"carrierUrl": "",
"created": "2024-10-03T18:16:10.030Z",
"createdById": "ab12cd34-1a23-ddee-ab12cd34ef56",
"id": "ffff6666-5fe4-32dc-b10a-987654fedcba",
"modified": "2024-10-03T18:16:10.030Z",
"modifiedById": "ab12cd34-1a23-ddee-ab12cd34ef56",
"serialId": "dddd4444-5fe4-32dc-b10a-987654fedcba"
For a QR code request:
"accountId": "aaaa1111-e5f6-1ab2-c34d-ab12cd34ef56",
"carrierType": "QR_CODE",
"carrierUrl": "",
"created": "2024-10-03T18:04:06.560Z",
"createdById": "ab12cd34-1a23-ddee-ab12cd34ef56",
"id": "ffff6666-5fe4-32dc-b10a-987654fedcbb",
"modified": "2024-10-03T18:04:06.560Z",
"modifiedById": "ab12cd34-1a23-ddee-ab12cd34ef56",
"serialId": "dddd4444-5fe4-32dc-b10a-987654fedcba",
"shortId": "PswMSzkh"
You can request assistance by creating a support ticket in the Illuminate UI. Log into Illuminate and click the Help icon to get started.