This script instantly creates a daily email thread that helps you and your team keep track of what everyone is doing along with provoke useful discussion.
- This script sends a daily email to your team:
Subject: Tech Bullet Points Wed 19th Mar
Message: If you have any bullet points "reply all" as needed:
- Reply with goals, concerns, ideas or completed tasks for today
- Write bullet points not paragraphs ;)
- Format bullet points like this
- Team members "reply all" in bullet point form and continue to reply as stuff comes up during the day. Due to using the convention of bullet points, discussion is kept pithy and on point.
- Download and install:
apt-get install unzip
mv bullet-master /etc/bullet
- Edit the config script to add your company's teams and messaging:
nano /etc/bullet/config.php
- Test the script output by running it in debug mode:
php /etc/bullet/bullet.php debug
- Add the following line to cron (where 6 = the time of day you want to send the bullet points email):
0 6 * * * php /etc/bullet/bullet.php
Based on an idea by Jason Roberts as discussed in various episodes of TechZing.
Copyright digedu, MIT License