Code for the paper Attention Based Neural Networks for Wireless Channel Estimation
No seed provided. same for channelformer. Choose your seed to fix. You may get a different result.
Run Demonstration_of_H_Rayleigh_Propogation_Channel and Demonstration_of_Pruning_Propogation_Channel for test.
Run Training.ResNN_pilot_regression to train the ReEsNet and InterpolateNet.
Run Training.Training_hybrid_simplify to train HA02.
Run Training.Training_Transformer to train TR structure.
%% File +parameter has
parameters contains the system parameters for generating the training data and testing on the extended SNR
parameters_doppler contains the system parameters for testing on the extended Doppler shift
parameters_residual_neural_network contains the hyperparameters for the decoder
%% File +Channel contains
Propagation_Channel_Model is a LTEfading channel developed by MATLAB specificed in
We use generalized method of exact Doppler spread method for channel modelling.
%% File +CSI has
LS - It is the implementation of the LS method and the time interpolation method is bilinear method.
MMSE - It is the linear MMSE method and the time interpolation method is bilinear method.
%% File +Data_Generation contains
Data_Generation - used to generate the training data for HA02.
Data_Generation_Residual - used to generate the training data for InterpolateNet and ReEsNet
Data_Generation_Transformer - used to generate the training data for TR method.
%% File +OFDM contains
OFDM_Receiver - OFDM receiver
OFDM_Transmitter - OFDM transmitter
Pilot_extract - extract the pilot
Pilot_Insert - insert the pilot
QPSK_Modualtor - generate QPSK symbols
%% File +Pruning has
Encoder_Pruning - used to prune the TR method, but did not show in that paper
Hybrid_Pruning - used to prune the HA02
Residual_NN_Pruning - used to prune DAG network (trained InterpolateNet and ReEsNet)
We did not retrain the neural network after pruning in this paper.
%% File Residual_NN contains
Interpolation_ResNet - Untrained InterpoalteNet (WSA paper)
Residual_transposed - Untrained ReEsNet
%% File +transformer contains
model_transformer - system model for TR
model - system model for HA02
Encoder_block - the encoder of HA02
Decoder_block - the decoder of HA02
+layer contains the layer modules for attanetion mechanism and residual convolutional neural network
normalization - layer normalization
FC1 - fully-connected layer
gelu - Activation function of GeLu
multiheadAttention - multihead attention module, which calcualte the attention from Q, K and V
attention - main control unite of the multiohead attention module, designed by tranformer encoder
FeedforwardNN - feedforward neural network designed by tranformer encoder
I also attached the trained neural networks, which are Interpolation_ResNet for InterpolateNet, parameters_100 for HA02, parameters_Transformer_1D for TR and ReEsNet for ReEsNet.
I also attached the pruned neural networks, which are parameters_100_10, parameters_100_10, parameters_100_20, parameters_100_30, parameters_100_40, parameters_100_50,parameters_100_70
%%% Comments
Run with MATLAB, with fully-installed deep learning toolbox because it requires customized training.