#Grape Basic Project This project has the basic working structure for a grape application that connects to a MongoDB database.
- Vagrant (from version 1.6.3 to 1.7.2)
- VirtualBox
##Setting up dev environment
Run $ vagrant up
to create the vm.
We are using SaltStack as the provisioning tool. If you need to add new software to the app, you will have to add a Salt State file under salt/roots/
If you are not using Vagrant (but I recommend using it), you will need to install the following software in your machine:
- Ruby 2
- MongoDB
- Manually run
$ bundle install
to download all the dependencies.
##Running the app:
MongoDB should already be running, but if not run $ mongod
To run the server do rake app
The application will run on port 9292. To test if it's working, try visiting this address in your browser:
Run rake app_stop
to stop the app
Tests are built using Rspec
##Running tests:
While in the root of the project run $ rake test
. This will run every test in the project.
You can run different kinds of tests by doing:
$ rake test_unit
for unit tests
$ rake test_integration
for integration tests
$ rake test_functional
for functional tests