WIDOCO 1.4.15 (pre-release): Bug fixes and FAQ
(This is a pre-relase. For more information about the next release see https://github.com/dgarijo/Widoco/milestone/2)
This pre-release of WIDOCO fixes some bugs and adds a FAQ for common questions posted as issues. In particular, this solves:
- External links will now open in another window instead of appearing dotted.
- Fixed issue that made the index not be generated when including all the sections in a single html.
- Added a FAQ explaining why by default the documentation cannot be seen locally.
- Added a FAQ regarding how to use markdown on class definitions.
- Error with a missing path when the CLI was run, which resulted in the /sections folder not being generated.
- Fixed a typo in acknowledgments
- Fixed typo in schema.org snippet.
- Fixed a few URLs from http -> https