Willian Dougherty do Nascimento Barbosa, 28 years, Votorantim/SP - Brazil.
- Linkedin: Profile
- Email: [email protected]
- Mobile Number: +55 (15) 997510298
I have a degree in Computer Science from the University of Sorocaba (2014-2017) obtaining an integral scholarship in the PROUNI (Government program for best students in national exam). I started in the area of technology becoming a computer technician by CPS (Centro Paula Souza) in 2013 with a focus on Desktop Programming with C# Language.
Professional with 9 years of experience in software development working as a Java/C# back-end developer in national and international projects. Focused on improving my backend skills in Java Spring Framework, REST APIs, microservices, and design patterns applying my technical and soft skills in the projects to create value for the client. Experienced in international projects with global clients like Cisco, Deutsche Bank, Backcountry, AllState.
• 9 years of software development experience.
• Experience in Agile/SCRUM teams and practice as Scrum Master.
• Advanced English and Intermediary Spanish.
• Project experience in cloud, microservices, and APIs.
• Collaborative thinking and improvement-oriented.
• Knowledge disseminator and intrapreneurship.
• Technical & Business Presentations and customer contact.
- ERP Developer - 3 years
- Backend Developer - 6 years
- Web Development (Backend: Architecture Design, Programming, Testing and Deploy)
- ERP Development (Business Rules & Process with programming)
- Entrepreneurship & Startup Experience (leadership and operational)
- Brazilian and US Financial Market Investments
keywords: basic machine learning, prediction model
keywords: rest, web api, spa, spring boot
keywords: microservices, restemplate, webclient, eureka, service discovery, load balance, h2database
keywords: rest, web api, spa, entity framework, asp.net
keywords: restcharp, openstack api, packstack, centos
- Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, UNISO, Sorocaba/SP
- ETL with Cloud AWS Bootcamp