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Releases: devinbrady/openanc

Election Day 2022

10 Nov 23:47
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This release snapshots OpenANC as it was on Election Day, November 8, 2022.

Changes since the last release 2 years ago:

  1. Support for multiple versions of the ANC map due to redistricting, including a new URL structure
  2. Functions for generating different types of relative links within the site
  3. A testing process that checks each internal link and confirms that the link works, as well as a check for orphaned HTML pages within the site
  4. Links from old districts to new districts and vis-versa, showing overlaps between different versions of each district
  5. Improved address search behavior. Now, when a user searches for an address on a map, the pin and the display box updates with the district info at the address. Closes #3
  6. Person pages: surfacing the information on the person data object on a new standalone page for each person, linking to the districts they ran in or represented, as well as a new "person list" showing every person in the OpenANC database
  7. Refactored ingestion of the BOE candidate list, making a suggested match to the existing people in the database, then create lists that can be easily copied into the source Google Sheet
  8. New process for ingesting write-in candidate lists from DCBOE and processing them alongside the candidates who appeared on the ballot
  9. Improve site performance by no longer putting the SMD shapefile into each district page, only using a 4-point bounding box to zoom the SMD map, making each HTML file much smaller
  10. Code streamlining such that each full site refresh takes about 3 minutes on a laptop
  11. A _name column for each data object (SMD, ANC, Ward) that is separate from its _id
  12. The label points file that is sent to Mapbox is now a GeoJSON instead of a CSV, ending intermittent map display problems due to CSV parsing
  13. Script written for downloading the current list of commissioners from the Office of ANCs, in anticipation of future work revamping the commissioner object
  14. New page that lists the incumbent commissioners broken out by who is running and who has dropped out
  15. Gather functions relating to data into one script:
  16. Utilize Google Cloud Compute Engine to check DCBOE for changes to the PDF that lists candidates, sending alerts to a new Twitter bot, OpenANCbot

Election Day 2020

24 Nov 13:25
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The first public release of OpenANC.

  • Includes complete candidate information for the 2020 general election (495 candidates across all statuses!)
  • Displayed maps of SMDs, ANCs, and Wards. SMD maps have the names of candidates for that SMD
  • Ability to find a SMD by address, by device geolocation, and by clicking on the map
  • Maps color-coded by whether or not the election was contested per SMD
  • Listing of SMDs that are adjacent to each SMD.
  • Data sourced from both the official DCBOE candidate list and write-ins
  • Process for ingesting and matching DCBOE candidate lists from PDF
  • Counts of districts by contested / uncontested status by ANC and Ward
  • Links to candidate websites, Twitter pages, and Facebook pages. All candidates researched on Google at minimum
  • List of landmarks within SMDs (116 SMDs with landmarks!)
  • Script for identifying links to candidate pages that had become broken
  • System for reading and writing to Google Sheets as a publicly-viewable backend for this project
  • Google Form for receiving edits (106 edits received!)
  • Process for updating site via Github Pages

Most features were complete on August 1, 2020, and final pre-election candidate updates occurred on November 1, 2020.