Company | Type | Name | Version | Description |
asylum | communication | uart | 1.0.0 | UART TX and RX |
asylum | communication | uart | 1.1.0 | UART TX and RX |
Company | Type | Name | Version | Description |
asylum | component | GPIO | 1.0.0 | Clock Divider Cell |
asylum | component | GPIO | 1.1.0 | GPIO Module |
asylum | component | clock_divider | 1.0.0 | Clock Divider Cell |
asylum | component | clock_divider | 2.0.0 | Clock Divider Cell |
asylum | component | gated_clock | 1.0.0 | Gated Clock Cell |
asylum | component | pbi_GPIO | 1.0.0 | PBI Generic wrapper for target IP |
asylum | component | pbi_GPIO | 1.1.0 | PBI Generic wrapper for target IP |
asylum | component | pbi_timer | 1.0.0 | PBI Generic wrapper for target IP |
asylum | component | pbi_wrapper_target | 1.0.0 | PBI Generic wrapper for target IP |
asylum | component | ram_1r1w | 1.0.0 | RAM with 1 read port and 1 write port |
asylum | component | stack | 1.0.0 | Stack |
asylum | component | timer | 1.0.0 | Timer |
Company | Type | Name | Version | Description |
asylum | package | math_pkg | 1.0.0 | Mathematics Package |
asylum | package | pbi_pkg | 1.0.0 | Picoblaze bus interface |
asylum | package | pbi_pkg | 1.1.0 | Picoblaze bus interface |
Company | Type | Name | Version | Description |
asylum | processor | OpenBlaze8 | 1.0.0 | OpenBlaze8 |
asylum | processor | OpenBlaze8 | 1.0.1 | OpenBlaze8 |
asylum | processor | OpenBlaze8 | 1.1.0 | OpenBlaze8 |
asylum | processor | pbi_OpenBlaze8 | 1.0.0 | PBI Generic wrapper for target IP |
asylum | processor | pbi_OpenBlaze8 | 1.1.0 | PBI Generic wrapper for target IP |
asylum | processor | pbi_PicoBlaze8 | 1.0.0 | PBI Generic wrapper for target IP |
asylum | processor | pbi_PicoBlaze8 | 1.1.0 | PBI Generic wrapper for target IP |
Company | Type | Name | Version | Description |
asylum | soc | OB8_GPIO | 1.0.0 | SoC with OpenBlaze8, switch and led |
asylum | soc | OB8_GPIO | 1.0.1 | SoC with OpenBlaze8, switch and led |
asylum | soc | OB8_GPIO | 1.0.2 | SoC with OpenBlaze8, switch and led |
asylum | soc | OB8_GPIO | 1.0.3 | SoC with OpenBlaze8, switch and led |
asylum | soc | OB8_GPIO | 1.1.0 | SoC with OpenBlaze8, switch and led |
asylum | soc | OB8_GPIO | 1.1.1 | SoC with OpenBlaze8, switch and led |
asylum | soc | OB8_GPIO | 1.1.4 | SoC with OpenBlaze8, switch and led |
asylum | soc | OB8_TIMER | 1.0.0 | SoC with OpenBlaze8, switch, led and timer |
asylum | soc | OB8_TIMER | 1.0.1 | SoC with OpenBlaze8, switch, led and timer |
asylum | soc | OB8_TIMER | 1.1.0 | SoC with OpenBlaze8, switch, led and timer |
Company | Type | Name | Version | Description |
asylum | target | generic | 1.0.0 | Set of technology cells into RTL behviour |
Company | Type | Name | Version | Description |
asylum | utils | generators | 1.0.0 | A collection of useful generators |
asylum | utils | generators | 1.1.0 | A collection of useful generators |
asylum | utils | generators | 1.2.0 | A collection of useful generators |
asylum | utils | generators | 1.3.0 | A collection of useful generators |
asylum | utils | generators | 1.4.0 | A collection of useful generators |
Company | Type | Name | Version | Description |
xilinx | primitive | unisim | 11.1 | Xilinx Primitive |
Company | Type | Name | Version | Description |
xilinx | processor | kcpsm | 1.30 | PicoBlaze |