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cy48t3 with Makeup on ATOS

Martynas K edited this page Jan 27, 2023 · 52 revisions

Initial notes on how to compile and run cy48t3 DEODE branch using Makeup (for now) with Harmonie scripting system, currently based on scripts from harmonie-48T2.

Cloning the repo

git clone [email protected]:meteoltr/MIAL.git | Current branch from Rimvydas

Checkout the appropriate version:


git checkout v09 - The latest stable, not touching SP, recommended | works with Intel and GCC v.11.2.0

git checkout v10 - might be rather unstable, but including SP changes | works with Intel and GCC v.11.2.0

or, for hirald users, copy them on ATOS from:



Compilation with Makeup

  • Intel

    Nothing should be changed, use the default makeup file and proceed with the usual install

  • Gnu 8.5.0 (the default for ATOS)

    Apply the following patches (not committed yet) and proceed:



    Cy48t3 wouldn't compile on GCC < 9 by default otherwise

  • Gnu 11.2.0

    No source code patches are needed here comparing to the default ATOS Gnu setup.

    Load the appropriate environment modules (a small example here):


    Use the makeup file with a few differences that are specific to Gnu 11.2.0:


Namelist changes

Not committed yet, so copy them on ATOS from:


Contains the necessary changes in order to make the POSNAM namelist search working.


To handle major Surfex differences between the current (assuming cy46t1) Harmonie Surfex and cy48t3 Surfex implementation (because of the missing features)


Compiles with Intel

Compiles with Gnu 8.5.0

Compiles with Gnu 11.2.0


Gnu 8.5.0 - creates climate files, PGD, fails on Prep_ini_Surfex. | Several domains, including freshly created tested

Gnu 11.2.0 - creates climate files, PGD, fails on Prep_ini_Surfex. | Several domains, including freshly created tested

Intel - not tested yet, but same problem is expected (aborted by the model itself)

Current issues

Prep_ini_Surfex fails.

Most likely, but not limited to namelist issues (both direct and from the scripting system)

Cy46t1 works even with adjusted namelist settings.

Fypp handling

Some notes on how fypp was handled

Basically, if "make" (not cmake yet) does not find "fypp -v" available, it will work because the pre-generated stuff is already there, if fypp is available in the system, make (not cmake yet) will regenerate the necessary parts.

No actions needed here, this is just a note for information