A full stack web application that allows artists to post their work and share among public to recieve feedback and score possible future opportunities.
This is a full stack web application that allows artists to post their work and display it publicly. It is built using React library for javascript and material UI for the frontend and expressJs framework for backend along with postgresql database.
You can view the live preview of the project here
- Reactjs
- Material UI
- ExpressJs
- PostgreSQL
To get a local copy up and running follow these simple steps.
Following softwares need to be installed in order to setup and run the project locally.
- Nodejs (v16.x)
- Any web browser to preview the project
- Clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/gaur-abhi524/Spacestagram.git
- cd over to project directory .
- To run the server properly, cd over to server directory.
- You need to setup your environment variables inside the server directory in order to connect to the database and run the server properly. To setup your local copy of environment variables type the following command inside your terminal:
cp .env.example .env
After this fill in the corresponding field inside the .env file.
- Run the following command in the terminal
npm install
- To start the application run the following command in your terminal
npm start
- To run the client properly, cd over to client directory.
- Run the following command in the terminal
npm install
- To start the application run the following command in your terminal
npm start