Minify - a minifier of js, css, html and img files, used in Cloud Commander project.
You can install minify just like that:
npm i minify
git clone git://
For use in command line just write something like:
minify <input-file> <output-file>
or just
minify <input-file>>
to see output in screen.
Minify module contains some api for interacting from another js files.
To use Minify functions it sould be connected first. It's doing like always.
minify = require('minify');
All of minification functions save files in ./min directory with extension .min (*.min.js, *.min.css, *.min.html). If directory could be created minify.MinFolder would countain stirng 'min/', in any other case - '/'.
optimize(pFiles_a) - function which minificate js, html and css-files.
- pFiles_a - varible, wich contain array of file names or string, if name single.
- pOptions(optional) - object contain main options.
pOptions = {callback: func(pFinalCode){}};
minify.optimize('client.js', {
callback: func(pMinData){}
if a couple files:
if post processing needed
'client.js' : function(pFinalCode){}
if post image converting needed (works with css only)
minify.optimize([{'style.css': {img: true, merge: true} },
if only need the name of minified file (from min directory)
minify.optimize('client.js', {
returnName : true
callback : function(pParams){
var lName = pParams &&;
MinFolder - varible thet contains folder name, where minimized files stored. (could not be changed for now).
- [UglifyJS] (
- [clean-css] (
- [html-minifier] (
- [css-b64-images] (
Install addtitional modules:
npm i uglify-js clean-css html-minifier css-b64-images