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Merge pull request #29 from derekkraan/feature/curl-internal-represen…
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derekkraan authored Dec 30, 2024
2 parents 264acc6 + 4aaae6a commit 2fcfd99
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Showing 10 changed files with 1,412 additions and 551 deletions.
8 changes: 6 additions & 2 deletions
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@@ -1,13 +1,17 @@
# Changelog

## 0.99.1
## 0.100.0

- Switch some flag positions in the generated cURL command
- Some bugfixes regarding the constructed Req.Request struct when multiple request steps have to be set
- [BREAKING]: From cURL to Req the body gets encoded in the specified encoding and set in the correct Req option

## 0.99.0

- Add new supported flags: `--proxy` and `--proxy-user` ([#26](
- Add more supported auth steps: `netrc` and `netrc_file` ([#19](
- Add option to exclude `req` steps to run when generating the cURL command
- [BREAKING] Raise on unrecognized `curl` flags ([#27](
- Raise on unrecognized `curl` flags ([#27](

## 0.98.6
- Handle `--data-raw` and `--data-ascii` ([#16](
Expand Down
160 changes: 18 additions & 142 deletions lib/curl_req.ex
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -85,6 +85,7 @@ defmodule CurlReq do
* `-u`/`--user`
* `-n`/`--netrc`
* `--netrc-file`
* `--compressed`
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -121,153 +122,22 @@ defmodule CurlReq do
@spec to_curl(Req.Request.t(), to_curl_opts()) :: String.t()
def to_curl(req, options \\ []) do
opts = Keyword.validate!(options, flags: :short, run_steps: true, flavor: nil, flavour: :curl)
flavor = opts[:flavor] || opts[:flavour]
flag_style = opts[:flags]
run_steps = opts[:run_steps]

available_steps = step_names(req, run_steps)
req = run_steps(req, available_steps)

cookies =
case Map.get(req.headers, "cookie") do
nil -> []
[cookies] -> [cookie_flag(flag_style), cookies]

headers =
|> Enum.reject(fn {key, _val} -> key == "cookie" end)
|> Enum.flat_map(&map_header(&1, flag_style, flavor))

body =
case req.body do
nil -> []
body -> [data_flag(flag_style), body]

options =
case req.options do
%{redirect: true} ->

# avoids duplicate compression argument
%{compressed: true} ->
if :compressed in available_steps, do: [], else: [compressed_flag()]

%{connect_options: connect_options} ->
proxy =
case Keyword.get(connect_options, :proxy) do
nil ->

{scheme, host, port, _} ->
[proxy_flag(flag_style), "#{scheme}://#{host}:#{port}"]

case Keyword.get(connect_options, :proxy_headers) do
[{"proxy-authorization", "Basic " <> encoded_creds}] ->
proxy ++ [proxy_user_flag(flag_style), Base.decode64!(encoded_creds)]

_ ->

_ ->

auth =
with %{auth: scheme} <- req.options do
case scheme do
{:bearer, token} ->
[header_flag(flag_style), "authorization: Bearer #{token}"]

{:basic, userinfo} ->
[user_flag(flag_style), userinfo] ++ [basic_auth_flag()]

:netrc ->

{:netrc, filepath} ->
[netrc_file_flag(flag_style), filepath]
Keyword.validate!(options, flags: :short, run_steps: true, flavor: nil, flavour: :curl)

_ ->
_ ->
flavor = options[:flavor] || options[:flavour]
flags = options[:flags]
run_steps = options[:run_steps]

method =
case req.method do
nil -> [request_flag(flag_style), "GET"]
:head -> [head_flag(flag_style)]
m -> [request_flag(flag_style), String.upcase(to_string(m))]
available_steps = step_names(req, run_steps)
req = run_steps(req, available_steps)

url = [to_string(req.url)]
curl_options = [flavor: flavor, flags: flags]

auth ++ headers ++ cookies ++ body ++ options ++ method ++ url
|> CurlReq.Curl.encode(curl_options)

@typep header :: {String.t(), list(String.t())}
@spec map_header(header(), flags(), flavor()) :: list()
defp map_header({"accept-encoding", [compression]}, _flag_style, :curl)
when compression in ["gzip", "br", "zstd"] do

# filter out auth header because we expect it to be set as an auth step option
defp map_header({"authorization", _}, _flag_style, :curl),
do: []

# filter out user agent when mode is :curl
defp map_header({"user-agent", ["req/" <> _]}, _, :curl), do: []

defp map_header({key, value}, flag_style, _),
do: [header_flag(flag_style), "#{key}: #{value}"]

defp cookie_flag(:short), do: "-b"
defp cookie_flag(:long), do: "--cookie"

defp header_flag(:short), do: "-H"
defp header_flag(:long), do: "--header"

defp data_flag(:short), do: "-d"
defp data_flag(:long), do: "--data"

defp head_flag(:short), do: "-I"
defp head_flag(:long), do: "--head"

defp request_flag(:short), do: "-X"
defp request_flag(:long), do: "--request"

defp location_flag(:short), do: "-L"
defp location_flag(:long), do: "--location"

defp user_flag(:short), do: "-u"
defp user_flag(:long), do: "--user"

defp basic_auth_flag(), do: "--basic"

defp compressed_flag(), do: "--compressed"

defp proxy_flag(:short), do: "-x"
defp proxy_flag(:long), do: "--proxy"

defp proxy_user_flag(:short), do: "-U"
defp proxy_user_flag(:long), do: "--proxy-user"

defp netrc_flag(:short), do: "-n"
defp netrc_flag(:long), do: "--netrc"

defp netrc_file_flag(_), do: "--netrc-file"

@doc """
Transforms a curl command into a Req request.
Expand All @@ -283,6 +153,8 @@ defmodule CurlReq do
* `-u`/`--user`
* `-x`/`--proxy`
* `-U`/`--proxy-user`
* `-n`/`--netrc`
* `--netrc_file`
* `--compressed`
The `curl` command prefix is optional
Expand All @@ -308,7 +180,11 @@ defmodule CurlReq do
@doc since: "0.98.4"

@spec from_curl(String.t()) :: Req.Request.t()
def from_curl(curl_command), do: CurlReq.Macro.parse(curl_command)
def from_curl(curl_command) do
|> CurlReq.Curl.decode()
|> CurlReq.Req.encode()

@doc """
Same as `from_curl/1` but as a sigil. The benefit here is, that the Req.Request struct will be created at compile time and you don't need to escape the string
Expand All @@ -335,7 +211,7 @@ defmodule CurlReq do

defmacro sigil_CURL({:<<>>, _line_info, [command]}, _extra) do
|> CurlReq.Macro.parse()
|> from_curl()
|> Macro.escape()

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