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feat: 로그인한 유저의 gallery조회 기능을 추가한다
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devxb committed Feb 28, 2024
1 parent ee4accf commit 5b58c18
Showing 4 changed files with 257 additions and 0 deletions.
24 changes: 24 additions & 0 deletions gallery/src/main/kotlin/me/nalab/gallery/app/GalleryGetApp.kt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@

import me.nalab.survey.application.port.`in`.web.findfeedback.FeedbackFindUseCase
import me.nalab.survey.application.port.`in`.web.survey.find.SurveyFindUseCase
import me.nalab.survey.application.port.`in`

class GalleryGetApp(
private val targetFindUseCase: TargetFindUseCase,
private val surveyFindUseCase: SurveyFindUseCase,
private val feedbackFindUseCase: FeedbackFindUseCase,
private val galleryService: GalleryService,
) {

fun getGalleryByTargetId(targetId: Long): GalleryDto {
val gallery = galleryService.getGalleryByTargetId(targetId)
val target = targetFindUseCase.findTarget(targetId)
val survey = surveyFindUseCase.getSurveyByTargetId(targetId)
val feedbacks = feedbackFindUseCase.findAllFeedbackDtoBySurveyId(

return toGalleryDto(gallery, target, survey, feedbacks)
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@

@@ -11,6 +12,7 @@ import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.*
class GalleryController(
private val galleryGetApp: GalleryGetApp,
private val galleryPreviewApp: GalleryPreviewApp,
private val galleryRegisterApp: GalleryRegisterApp,
) {
@@ -29,4 +31,9 @@ class GalleryController(
return galleryRegisterApp.registerGalleryByTargetId(targetId, request.job)

fun getGallery(@RequestAttribute("logined") targetId: Long): GalleryDto =

Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -4,10 +4,16 @@ import org.springframework.stereotype.Service
import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional

@Transactional(readOnly = true)
class GalleryService(
private val galleryRepository: GalleryRepository,
) {

fun getGalleryByTargetId(targetId: Long): Gallery {
return galleryRepository.findByTargetIdOrNull(targetId)
?: throw IllegalArgumentException("targetId \"$targetId\" 에 해당하는 Gallery를 찾을 수 없습니다.")

fun registerGallery(gallery: Gallery): Gallery {
require(galleryRepository.findByTargetIdOrNull(gallery.getTargetId()) == null) {
220 changes: 220 additions & 0 deletions support/e2e/v1_10_get_logined_gallery.hurl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
POST http://nalab-server:8080/v1/oauth/default # Default provider를 통해서 로그인 진행
"nickname": "logined_gallery",
"email": "loginedgallery@123456"

HTTP 200
header "Content-type" == "application/json"

jsonpath "$.access_token" exists
jsonpath "$.token_type" exists

token_type: jsonpath "$.token_type"
auth_token: jsonpath "$.access_token"


POST http://nalab-server:8080/v1/surveys # 발급받은 토큰으로 survey를 생성한다.
Authorization: {{ token_type }} {{ auth_token }}
"question_count": 2,
"question": [
"type": "choice",
"form_type": "tendency",
"title": "저는 UI, UI, GUI 중에 어떤 분야를 가장 잘하는 것 같나요?",
"choices": [
"content": "UI",
"order": 1
"content": "UX",
"order": 2
"content": "GUI",
"order": 3
"max_selectable_count": 1,
"order": 1
"type": "short",
"form_type": "strength",
"title": "저는 UX, UI, GUI 중에 어떤 분야에 더 강점이 있나요?",
"order": 2

HTTP 201
header "Content-type" == "application/json"

jsonpath "$.survey_id" exists

survey_id: jsonpath "$.survey_id"


GET http://nalab-server:8080/v1/surveys/{{ survey_id }} # 생성된 survey를 조회한다.

HTTP 200
header "Content-type" == "application/json"

jsonpath "$.survey_id" exists

jsonpath "$" exists
jsonpath "$.target.nickname" == "logined_gallery"

jsonpath "$.question_count" == 2
jsonpath "$.question.[0].question_id" exists
jsonpath "$.question.[0].type" == "choice"
jsonpath "$.question.[0].form_type" == "tendency"
jsonpath "$.question.[0].title" == "저는 UI, UI, GUI 중에 어떤 분야를 가장 잘하는 것 같나요?"
jsonpath "$.question.[0].order" == 1
jsonpath "$.question.[0].max_selectable_count" == 1
jsonpath "$.question.[0].choices.[0].choice_id" exists
jsonpath "$.question.[0].choices.[0].content" == "UI"
jsonpath "$.question.[0].choices.[0].order" == 1
jsonpath "$.question.[0].choices.[1].choice_id" exists
jsonpath "$.question.[0].choices.[1].content" == "UX"
jsonpath "$.question.[0].choices.[1].order" == 2
jsonpath "$.question.[0].choices.[2].choice_id" exists
jsonpath "$.question.[0].choices.[2].content" == "GUI"
jsonpath "$.question.[0].choices.[2].order" == 3
jsonpath "$.question.[1].question_id" exists
jsonpath "$.question.[1].type" == "short"
jsonpath "$.question.[1].form_type" == "strength"
jsonpath "$.question.[1].title" == "저는 UX, UI, GUI 중에 어떤 분야에 더 강점이 있나요?"
jsonpath "$.question.[1].order" == 2

target_id: jsonpath "$"
tendency_question_id: jsonpath "$.question.[0].question_id"
tendency_question_choice_id: jsonpath "$.question.[0].choices.[0].choice_id"
strength_question_id: jsonpath "$.question.[1].question_id"


POST http://nalab-server:8080/v1/surveys/{{ survey_id }}/bookmarks # survey_id를 북마크한다.
Authorization: {{ token_type }} {{ auth_token }}

HTTP 200
header "Content-type" == "application/json"

jsonpath "$.target_id" == {{ target_id }}
jsonpath "$.survey_id" == {{ survey_id }}
jsonpath "$.nickname" == "logined_gallery"


POST http://nalab-server:8080/v1/feedbacks # 생성된 survey에 feedback을 남긴다.

survey-id: {{ survey_id }}

"reviewer": {
"collaboration_experience": true,
"position": "pm"
"question_feedback": [
"question_id": {{ tendency_question_id }},
"type": "choice",
"choices": [
{{ tendency_question_choice_id }}
"question_id": {{ strength_question_id }},
"type": "short",
"reply": [
"Hello world"

HTTP 201


GET http://nalab-server:8080/v1/feedbacks # 북마크를 위해 feedback id 저장
Authorization: {{ token_type }} {{ auth_token }}

survey-id: {{ survey_id }}

HTTP 200
header "Content-type" == "application/json"

form_question_feedback_id: jsonpath "$.question_feedback.[0].feedbacks.[0].form_question_feedback_id"


PATCH http://nalab-server:8080/v1/feedbacks/bookmarks # 북마크를 진행한다.
Authorization: {{ token_type }} {{ auth_token }}

form-question-feedback-id: {{form_question_feedback_id}}


POST http://nalab-server:8080/v1/gallerys # gallery를 등록한다
Authorization: {{ token_type }} {{ auth_token }}
"job": "designer"

HTTP 200
header "Content-type" == "application/json"

jsonpath "$.target.target_id" == {{ target_id }}
jsonpath "$.target.nickname" == "logined_gallery"
jsonpath "$.target.position" == null
jsonpath "$.target.job" == "DESIGNER"
jsonpath "$.target.image_url" == "empty_image"

jsonpath "$.survey.survey_id" == {{ survey_id }}
jsonpath "$.survey.feedback_count" == 1
jsonpath "$.survey.bookmarked_count" == 1
jsonpath "$.survey.feedbacks.[0]" == "Hello world"
jsonpath "$.survey.tendencies.[0].name" == "UI"
jsonpath "$.survey.tendencies.[0].count" == 1


GET http://nalab-server:8080/v1/gallerys/logins # 내 gallery 를 조회한다

HTTP 200
header "Content-type" == "application/json"

jsonpath "$.target.target_id" == {{ target_id }}
jsonpath "$.target.nickname" == "logined_gallery"
jsonpath "$.target.position" == null
jsonpath "$.target.job" == "DESIGNER"
jsonpath "$.target.image_url" == "empty_image"

jsonpath "$.survey.survey_id" == {{ survey_id }}
jsonpath "$.survey.feedback_count" == 1
jsonpath "$.survey.bookmarked_count" == 1
jsonpath "$.survey.feedbacks.[0]" == "Hello world"
jsonpath "$.survey.tendencies.[0].name" == "UI"
jsonpath "$.survey.tendencies.[0].count" == 1

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